
Showing posts from June, 2021

Review of: Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun - Sega Genesis

Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun 1992, Sega of America Genesis game review by Fausto Chavez Overview: Dungeons & Dragon was the original role playing game, starting back in 1974 as a board game. I never played the board game, so this review is unbiased as to how faithful it is to the original. Also, this game is not a replica of the board game, but a 1990s style RPG based on the board game. It was an honor playing D&D knowing it is the grandfather of all RPGs, the one that started the genre. Story: I didn’t go much into the story, something about a war lasting 13 moons. Your typical RPG plot, you are to save the world from evil and prevent the people from going mad and destroying their civilization. You take orders from the Duke as well as someone named Marmellion, both of whom you return to often in the castle and receive new directives as the game progresses. Graphics: The graphics have aged well and still look nice today. The city, its buildings and charac...