
Showing posts from April, 2023

Sub-Terrania Walkthrough

Sub-Terrania for the Sega Genesis Walkthrough by Fausto Chavez Sub-Terrania is a shooting puzzle maze game released in 1994 by Zyrinx on the Sega Genesis. I played it as a teenager back then, finding it mildly enjoyable but could not get past the third stage. Recently as an adult I played it again, and once again found it mildly enjoyable but could not get beyond the third stage. I searched for walkthroughs online, but found the existing ones lacking, so decided to create a new walkthrough. Sub-Terrania is a difficult game but has some engaging gameplay. As my skill level increased, I quickly became hooked on the gameplay. Some fans consider it a hidden gem.  In this guide, I will focus on steps needed to complete the levels. Each level requires you to complete certain tasks, often in a specific order, to proceed to the next level. The key to this game is mastering the gravitational based controls and knowing what to do. Moving slowly cautiously is the best way of advancing your sh...