Phantasy Star - Master System, blog
Hello In this blog, I will relate my experience playing the Phantasy Star game, the original Master System Version. I have played Phantasy Star 2, 3, and IV, and have never played the first game, so I am quite excited about playing the first title. PS3, by the way, is not a true Phantasy Star game---it was not created by the Phantasy Star team--and did not resemble the other games in the series. Not a true sequal, it's fair to say that PS3 is a very poor game. OK, my first impressions with Phantasy Star ONE is that it resembled II and IV very much in music, the city layout, the world outside the city, the battle scheme, and the text menu. Basically, this is the real thing; PS II and IV were clearly built around this original model. I am impressed and happy with how similar it is to the aforementioned games (save for the first-person cave view in the caves). Phantasy Star ONE is also like part 2 in the way that you have to be very careful in the beginning ...