Phantasy Star - Master System, blog


In this blog, I will relate my experience playing the Phantasy Star game, the original Master System Version.

I have played Phantasy Star 2, 3, and IV, and have never played the first game, so I am quite excited about playing the first title.

PS3, by the way, is not a true Phantasy Star game---it was not created by the Phantasy Star team--and did not resemble the other games in the series. Not a true sequal, it's fair to say that PS3 is a very poor game.

OK, my first impressions with Phantasy Star ONE is that it resembled II and IV very much in music, the city layout,  the world outside the city, the battle scheme, and the text menu. Basically, this is the real thing;  PS II and IV were clearly built around this original model. I am impressed and happy with how similar it is to the aforementioned games (save for the first-person cave view in the caves).

Phantasy Star ONE is also like part 2 in the way that you have to be very careful in the beginning when fighting battles or you will die quickly. Battles must picked carefully and only Swarms are the only viable opponents in the very beginning, and like in TWO, you MUST power up before daring to venture out.

Fought some Swarms,  gained level, bought the sword, explored the nearby terrain and cities. So far so good.

At this point, I decided to use an online walkthrough, knowing how these RPGs are.  I don't have hours to spare searching for a hint from a villager on what do to next (just enough time to play the game and a blog).

With the walkthrough's help, I get the Laconic Pot, then head, head for the south cave. Buy a Flash and some Colas, and save game before I go in.

By now, a week has passed; I resume playing and enter the cave on.

Inside the cave, the first-person perspective is not bad at all.  I have played 'Shining in the Darkness,' which consist entirely of first-person dungeons and I enjoyed that game, so I'm digging the first-person view.

Wander and wander the cave several times, found the treasures, ran into the frozen stone man. It seems there nothing else to do in this cave.

And the walkthrough, proves that I am right, indicating the next thing is to buy the Light Armor in the shop at the port city, which do, and next need another 200 or 300 Meseta to buy the ......

I fight fishman along the shore, they are tough oppenents, but beatable with healing spell and Colas--45 pesetas for each kill (but don't fight the ones with magic points yet).  I die a few times fighting Fishman, but soon enough I have the 300 Meseta, though the second-hand shop owner only wants 200. Have to be persistent because he keeps throwing me out of the shop, eventually he gives in and sells the Secret, which is obviously the Roadpass.

Now, I head back to the first city to access the road. Saved game: will try that road next week.

From the caves and gates scattered around, and the expensive items in the shops, it looks like Alis will remain in this area for sometime, or at least will be returning here in the future, (once Alis gets on the spaceship).

 So far, it is a great game, and I'm looking forward to seeing how the story develops.


Played somewhat since last post.

Got on the Space Ship and went to the other planet.

Meow joined my team in Motavia, must go back to the home planet
I can see through Meow's claw attack that Meow is this game's version of Nei.

The Stone Man joins my team; an incarnation of Rudo.

Went to another cave I think the southeast one. Bought some armor.

Some of the enemies are getting hard now, they take a long time to kill, but give lots of money and experience points. Old enemies are easy kills now.

Glad I'm using a walkthough, the small task needed to continue the story would be impossible to figure out without huge time investments, if ever at all.

I'm beginning to miss the overhead view of the dungeons that other installments had. First person view is getting tedious and the other view is more epic. Still, I will play on.

The dungeons are very short so far. One had three levels but still short.

Finally have to go to spend some time in Motavia. Space Ship to Motavia here we go!

On this planet, walked north through the desert and mountains--next mission: the desert cave dungeon.

Saved game outside of cave.

Maybe this dungeon will be longer than the previous ones, and bring us close to Phantasy Star 2.

We'll see.


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