Shadow of the Beast II – Walkthrough

Shadow of the Beast II

Walkthrough for the Sega Genesis version

by Fausto Chavez

I decided to write a walkthrough for this game since it's full of puzzles, the

key is knowing what to do. I will focus on the actions that are required to

advance through the game. You only have one life, with some life-refills

scattered about, so I used the following game Genie Genie codes to develop skill

and get deep into the game (eventually, I was able to beat the game without 

codes): Master Code: RH9T-860T Hit Protection: AKYA-NA4G

From the start, go left until you come across a winged creature who electrifies

a person into a ball floating in the air. Attack the creature with your mace

weapon and the person will be released. He will talk to you, at the end pay

attention to whether he says “upper” or “lower” switch—whichever one he says is

the lever you must hit shortly.

Go left and climb down the vine (or fall down the root branches) and jump to the

first platform you see left of the vine. Go left, and a winged creature will fly

across to the right—follow and attack it as it’s cutting the vine. If you’re

too slow the vine will snap and fall down and you’ll need to fall into the acid

water to retrieve and restore it.

With the winged creature dead and the vine in place, go left again and you’ll

come to a spiked block that’s being pushed. You must wait until the bat & block

are near the ledge before attacking them so they disappear.

Then go left, you’ll come across two stone blocks that fall from the roof.

Attack the blocks to destroy them, but as they are destroyed a new block will

quickly fall again. To avoid new falling blocks, press left against the blocks

as you attack them. Once you clear the two blocks, go left to come to another

winged creature that’s carrying a spiked block. Attack this creature and he’ll

drop a key (sometimes you’ll get the key automatically, if not it’ll be thrown

to the right.)

Get the key, go left and drop down, and go left to the first vine, climb up the

vine and jump to the right where there is a barrier. Equip the key and clear the

barrier and go right to eventually reach a wall with two stitches. Hit the

stitch that the guy you saved told you to hit (upper or lower). Hitting the

switch once will lower the platform, hit again to raise yourself to the top.

At the top, go right, skip the first chain, go all the way right past the steps

and you’ll get a key that’s on a table. Then go back, and on the second chain at

the steps, jump from one of the steps to reach the platform at the bottom of the

second chain, go up, then jump right to an area with a chest.

Go back down and to the left where there is a chain that leads downward—the

point here will be to hit the lower lever so that it's set down. Slide down the

chain, jump left and unlock the beast's cage with the key, get back on the

chain, the bat will fly away, wait for the beast to clear, then jump down to hit

the lower lever (If you happen to fall down and touch the winged creature it

will unlock the beast's cage—raising the chain—and fly away). The top lever

raises-and-lowers the chain, the bottom lever controls a bridge elsewhere that

you need. (you can actually do this section without the key, the key only allows

you to do this without getting hit)

From here go left back to the platform, press down to lower it. Go left, down

the vine, and go all the way left to an area with three levers. The top lever

opens and closes the grip, the middle lever moves the grip left-to-right, and

the bottom lever closes and opens the grip. Position the grip to grasp the top

of the rock, then move the rock all the way right and drop it. A stone slab is

all that will be left.

Push the slab all the way right to place it on one end of the see-saw (read this

next sequence whole before you attempt—it must be done quickly). Now climb up

the vine, jump to the right to land on the see-saw to toss the rock in the air,

and immediately run left to stand on the platform attached to the chain. When

the rock falls back down, it’ll lift up the platform.

Jump left and fight the dragon. Once defeated, attack the sack for it to fall

and reveal a person who will talk. Then go right and back down, and again all

the way right and slide down the vine. From here you can go left or right. Go

left and you’ll find a couple of giants whom you can beat by knocking them into

the acid pools. Keep going left, jumping over acid pools ‘till you reach a

house. Press up to go into the house, go left to get the jar of alcohol, go back

outside, go left for a chest, then and go right back to the long vine.


From the vine again, go right, drop down the pit with root branches, go right

past the large block to find a chest with goodies. Go up the vine on your left,

jump right and talk to the dragon who will give you an item.

From here, return to the beginning of the game by going left and back down

again, continuing left and up the branches, then left and up the vine, up the

branches, and to the right. Keep going right ‘till you meet someone who says you

cannot pass. Kill him, go right, and kill his buddies who appear as you make

your way right past a platform, past two crosses.

There will be two platforms visible, go up the platforms making your way

up-left, jump onto a bridge and there's a chest to your right. Fight the giant

monster. The monster will drop an ax, get it but don’t use it! (need to be

careful with the inventory, if you have too many items you will drop the mace

for the ax and accidentally use the ax—we need the ax for the next section!).

Go up the small vine and onto the platform on the left, jump right and break

through the plant barrier. Go right for a chest, then go back left and drop down

to ground level to the first platform that you passed, jump up-and-down on its

left side where the ground is green so the ground will break (have to jump

almost all the way up but not quite) then go down the stairs.

Once down the stairs, go all the way left, attack as you jump over the pits to

clear the spikes that emerge (watch out for a health potion that may tamper with

your inventory). You’ll come across a sleeping guard who will run left past a

wall. Use the ax to kill the guards on the left past the door (any other method

leads to the ground giving way to certain death). Then jump and attack the two

guards on the top platform with the mace. Now break the wall with the mace and

go left, jump up the chandelier on the left. You will see another chandelier: to

the right of it is a lever that will count down after you hit it (if you go left

without hitting the switch you will be killed by spikes coming from the ground).

The next part must be done quickly: Hit the switch then immediately run left to

come to another lever, kneel down to hit the lever then run to the right all the


Go down to the previous platform, go to the left and down the chain. There will

be some guards at the bottom of this room. Drop off the chandelier then jump

back on again, having attracted the guards' attention who will gather beneath,

allowing you to jump to the right to attack them.

Get the key on the right, then go left until you get trapped in a cage. Two

guards will escort you to a locked room with another prisoner (careful not to

kill this prisoner). Select alcohol and offer it to the guard, he will fall


Next part should be done quickly: with the guard asleep, break through the door

using the mace, go up the chain all the way (with you facing left) and kill the

guard on your left. Go back down and kill the guard near the bottom of the

chain, he will toss a key. Get the key, go up the chain and jump to the middle

platform on the left, use the key to open the door and free another prisoner,

then go up the chain again and to the left. Defeat two guards and get the ring,

then go up the chain and jump right to the next platform and a door.

If you did this section correctly, you will have two prisoners with you at the

door. Open the door and go right, walking behind the two prisoners so they take

the hits from the spikes that pop-up (if not, try jumping away from the

spikes–good luck!). Go all the way right and up the stairs to ground level.

Go right, come to a vine and drop down to a set of stones on water. Jump right

to the next stone and defeat the giant fish head. Next are two stones, the first

is a false stone, so jump to the right stone, then up the vine. At the top of

the vine, jump right, then slide down the next vine and jump right. (This

section is easier if you just fall down into the water, go right, then up the

vine and to the right).

Go right past the bridge. You will encounter a giant monster, don't fight him,

just lure him to the left ‘till he falls down the weak spot on the bridge. Don’t

fall down yet. Go right and you’ll find an old man: give him the ring then the

scroll and he’ll drop a fight spell that’s infinite. Pick up the scroll, go left

and drop down the gap on the bridge.

On the water, go right and you’ll come to land. Go right, fall off the ledge, go

right and use the vine to jump to the other side for an item that you’ll need

later. Go down the vine, jump and go right, talk to the snail and accept his

offer to transport you.

Once transported, go right to fight two giants. You must use the mace to beat

them. Jump over their axs and attack them till they die. Go right, fall down the

ledge and go left for a key, attacking with the new spell as you go. Then go all

the way right past a strange thing in a shell and on to the seashore. At the

shore use the horn: a giant sea creature will appear, jump on its back for a


You’ll arrive at a new section. Go into the castle and up the stairs, use the

key to open the door for two potions. Go back, then down the stairs to fight


To beat Zelek, avoid getting under him because the downward flame that shoots

from his staff is very damaging (the fireball is much less damaging), jump to    

attack while avoiding the flame. Retreat back to the door as needed.


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