Recovering from Parkinsonism
This is my story of drug induced Parkinsonism and how I was able to recover. Hopefully this story can help others. To be clear, I have never been diagnosed by a doctor. My understanding is that Parkinsonism is when the source of trouble is known, and when not known is called Parkinson's, labeled a disease. In both cases the symptoms are similar, a disorder (deficiency) of dopamine and serotonin and its effects, typically manifested in muscle movement disorder and other symptoms involving brain function and neurotransmitters.
The gist of this story is (for those of you short on time) : I sustained a brain injury using drugs, developed Parkinson’s–like symptoms, then healed myself using PEMF therapy.
Here is the long version: in my mid 20s I used a lot of drugs. One week in particular I binged on the stimulant drugs meth and ecstasy, going for little sleep for several days. Basically, I overdid it, and overnight I developed shaking and twitching mostly when resting. My head would violently thrust to the left, my hands would contort, my calves would tense up, limbs would shake or freeze, etc. – at times the shaking would be full body, happening all together, at other times in isolation. The shaking was not constant, but happened usually during rest periods, and could be very strong. Also I was extremely tired, low energy, and spent days just sleeping. A google search revealed that apparently I had blown out some dopamine production, overtaxing my brian without sufficient rest and too much drug stimulation.
I was able to hide my condition from other people, since the shaking mostly happened when I was at rest; when I was active the shaking tremors were not there, but maybe a slight twitch in my face or hand. Still, constant fatigue, altered moods, and impaired emotional function and lack of interests were constantly present, as is typical with this condition. As the days and weeks went on, the symptoms persisted, with a very slight decrease but still very strong effects. I became discouraged when I read that Parkinson’s had no cure, and dopamine production could not be restored. It seemed I was doomed to a slow decline.
Every day I studied online and in books about this condition/disease, trying to find a cure. This search went on for months and eventually years. I was able to live a somewhat normal life, but not the same as before, working around my symptoms, the most visible–the shaking–mostly happened in private when trying to nap or when waking up or falling asleep. Still, a lot of my daily life was affected especially with regard to mood / emotional functioning. I also lost interest in sex and many of my old hobbies.
The first thing to do in recovering / curing the condition / disease is to end the source of damage, in my case, stimulant drugs. I stopped using speed and ecstasy, though I continued to drink alcohol and smoke pot on a daily basis since those weren't the problem (my drinking was mild; my pot use was heavy but apparently not problematic).
Several months into my brain injury, I read about acetyl-l-carnitine (ALC) and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) improving brain function dramatically when taken in combination, so I ordered some pills and took them, and did feel an improvement, but it was not a cure. I went through several bottles of NAC and ALC with some improvement in my condition, but not enough, so I kept searching.
I learned about Levodopa but never saw a doctor to prescribe it. Macuna Puriens was a natural alternative over the counter, and I did try it in supplement pill form with some good effects on mood. Still, it seemed like a masking of symptoms and I was looking for a cure, a way to restore brain function without relying on drugs
I tried taking supplements that claimed to help the brain: vitamin b-complex, omega oils, niacin, CoQ10, l tryptophan.These were no cure, though I did like CoQ10 and have continued taking it through the years.
The breakthrough came when approx. three years into my journey I saw a video of an elderly man suffering from Parkinson's being treated with a PEMF device, in which magnetic pulsing coils were placed on his head for several minutes, and after a few rounds of treatments spread out over days there was a strong and noticeable improvement in his symptoms, in particular his movement, gait, and mood significantly improved. I still remember the old man's bright smile after the PEMF treatments, compared to his previous stoic mask.
I resolved to hunt down a PEMF machine and try it, whatever the costs. I don't know ho w long it took, but eventually I found someone with a PEMF machine that was in the healing business, who was renting out time with the machine, not too far from me (I lived in a major city). I reached out to the healer, and they were receptive in helping me. It was not too expensive. I bought a few rounds of treatments lasting about 15 minutes each that would be spread out over weeks intervals, costing a few hundred dollars in total.
If you are not familiar with PEMF machines, they are electric powered machines that have coil extensions that generate a magnetic pulse that acts on cellular magnetic fields, and are advertised to have healing effects. The machines can come in different sizes and strengths from very small to suitcase size, costing from a few hundred dollars to tens-of-thousands. They can typically be found in chiropractors offices.
The healer in my case used a Delta Pulse machine, quite powerful. The treatments lasted only about 15 minutes, the coils applied to the base of my head, though we talked a lot before and after.
After my first treatment, I felt a dramatic improvement in symptoms, not immediately but the next day. I did three or four more rounds of treatments in as many weeks, and each time my symptoms improved; especially, my energy levels increased, I had much less fatigue and more endurance. My moods and emotional functioning also improved greatly. It was like a light switch had been turned on in my head. I still trembled and contorted a bit when resting, but much less so.
Over the years, I did tune ups with PEMF providers, getting a few sessions every few years, and my symptoms continued to gradually diminish. I even used the PEMF machine on other bodily injuries, with good effects.
During these years, I also exercised a lot, took up playing Nintendo Wii, and played guitar, since doctors say people with brain injuries need to make new connections in the brain by learning stuff, especially with regard to movements (Nintendo Wii is a movement based video game system).
I am not 100% cured, but most of the effects of my injury are gone, or only slightly present, hardly noticeable, and I lead a normal life. To put this in context I am 44 years old, my injury occurred at age 25, I received my first PEMF treatments at age 28, with maintenance sessions every few years. By the time I was 32, my main symptoms were that I still experienced more fatigue (and slept more) than most people my age, but not debilitating like before; also, I believe I had sleeping tremors, acting out during sleep, but I was mostly OK and had an active and happy life. By the time I was 35 (continuing to today) I did not experience excess fatigue unless I did not sleep well. If I do not get a full night of sleep, symptoms will return, though mildly. A few years ago, I started having skin problems, which I learned is sometimes related to Parkinson’s disease, though I’ve been able to manage that.
I am quite vigilant of Parkinson's-like symptoms, which so far are in remission, and continue an active brain-health regimine.
I should note that the main danger of PEMF device coils applied to one's head/brain is the possibility of a stroke from the pulsation that is exerted if one has weak blood vessels. This is particularly true of patients who have already experienced strokes, since PEMF devices have been used to treat stroke patients. For this reason, any person undergoing PEMF treatments will typically sign liability waivers for any complaint or complication that may arise.
I will add that many people develop Parkinson’s disease through exposure to chemicals, especially pesticides, or mercury poisoning. Some people get Parkinson’s from exposure to mercury through dental amalgams fillings, or other means, i.e. food, environment. Or it can happen like in my case through drug use, either recreational or prescribed.
There are adult stem cell therapies that have become available in recent years that are very promising.
Nicotine seems to ease and prevent Parkinson's (one does not need to smoke cigarettes to get nicotine, it's available in patches, pills or lozenges)
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