
Showing posts from September, 2021

Saint Sword review - Sega Genesis

by Fausto Chavez Overview: Saint Sword is a medieval mythic platformer released in 1991 for the Genesis/Mega Drive developed by Taito. A hack and slasher, more notably you are able to morph into a centaur, flying winged creature, or a fish, to access new areas and increase fighting power. Story: The story is based on Greek mythology, about the Titans and such. At the beginning there is a cut scene that explains the story in depth, and also at the end, but I didn’t bother reading most of it. Graphics: The graphics in Saint Sword are pretty good. Your main character is large, and gets larger as it powers up. The enemies are similarly sized, though there’s not much variation nor are they memorable, except some of the bosses. There are nice graphic effects such as flickering colors in the background. There is a dark brooding medieval theme, sometimes reminded me of Castlevania. The graphics are good for their time and have held up fairly well. Music: Some of these tracks are amazin...