
Showing posts from 2024

Shadow of the Beast II – Walkthrough

Shadow of the Beast II Walkthrough for the Sega Genesis version by Fausto Chavez I decided to write a walkthrough for this game since it's full of puzzles, the key is knowing what to do. I will focus on the actions that are required to advance through the game. You only have one life, with some life-refills scattered about, so I used the following game Genie Genie codes to develop skill and get deep into the game (eventually, I was able to beat the game without  codes): Master Code: RH9T-860T Hit Protection: AKYA-NA4G From the start, go left until you come across a winged creature who electrifies a person into a ball floating in the air. Attack the creature with your mace weapon and the person will be released. He will talk to you, at the end pay attention to whether he says “upper” or “lower” switch—whichever one he says is the lever you must hit shortly. Go left and climb down the vine (or fall down the root branches) and jump to the first platform you see left of the vine. Go le...