Dead Kennedy's - Bedtime for Democracy (review)
Bedtime for Democracy
by Fausto Chavez
While this album may not have as many memorable moments or as many five-stars songs as Plastic Surgery, this one of DKs strongest works. Even though there are 21 songs here, in my opinion there are no fillers. Lots of creativity here. I listen to this album all the way through without skipping any songs, they are all aggressive and well thought out. This is easily the best recorded album: drums loud and clear, vibrant guitars, colorful vocals, thick bass--polar opposite of the poorly produced 'Fresh Fruit.' These are the most conscious lyrics in any of their albums, challenging all paradigms, even critical of the punk movement. Songs like 'Jet Set,' 'Macho Insecurity,' 'I Spy,' 'Rambozo,' 'Cesspools' and 'Triumph of the Will' are absolutely brilliant. Much of the material here is so aggressive and competently played that it borders on thrash. Some fans say this album is too different from their other ones (and not as friendly)--to them I say Dead Kennedys should be applauded for were pushing boundaries and not staying stagnant. Bedtime for Democracy is an overwhelming artistic victory.
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