Collected Facebook Writings of Ric Fazekas

The Collected Facebook Writings of Ric Fazekas

edited by Fausto Chavez

Years ago, I collaborated with Ric Fazekas to write his musical retrospective, originally published in 2013. Ric died in late May, 2021. The following is a collection of Ric’s Facebook posts that cover his on-goings during the years from the writing of his book to his death at the ripe age of 72. Only those posts that are relevant in light of the book’s subject–music and media–have been selected. I have edited the content for grammar and readability, and inserted links where appropriate.

I wanted the collection to begin from January of 2013 but I was not able to get past May of that year (the website would crash). I am grateful that I was able to retrieve these posts as far back as I did, it took many hours of work (and many website crashes). Hope you enjoy!


May 20 - Ray Manzarek, you WERE the key component to the Doors' songs, and your support of X made it possible for this important band to reach a wide audience. You will be missed.

May 23 - Isakoatl, Aztec metal from Guadalajara, and they may be coming to the US soon–check em out!! Primo stuff!

May 24 - It amazes me the number of bands who sing in English and contact me about doing something promotion-wise with them, and I just have to tell them, “Hey, I came from that world, but these days I deal entirely with bands who sing in Spanish primarily or totally.”

May 24 - Happy 72nd birthday Bob Dylan. "Like a Rolling Stone" came out in my senior year of high school and hit me like a ton of bricks—woah, this was heavy s*it! I was a poet myself and it made my writing better. This ONE SONG truly changed the course of music. It was over six minutes long and Top 40 radio originally didn't play it. But when the limited underground culture then existing started requesting the song, and DJs realized how good it was, they started giving it airplay as parts one and two. Fans were horrified. NO NO NO, you have to play the WHOLE SONG—"Like A Rolling Stone" cannot be split into part one and part two. And this one song, more than any other (including the Beatles), changed the way radio examined music they would play, how listeners would respond to poetry in music, and how they would react to radio. On your 72nd Bob, glad to salute what you did with "Like a Rolling Stone" because it changed the world forever.

May 25 - I am so happy that people are reacting positively to my musical retrospective book. Here is what Angel Aguilar wrote yesterday:


Yesterday I received your book and although I have only been able to read a few pages so far, I just wanted to tell you that I am enjoying it immensely. I love reading music biographies and I love the way your book flows. I feel as if I were sitting in front of you as you tell your stories.

I write for Al Borde and Musica Roots and once I am done reading the book, I would like to do an article about it. It would be great if I could have a short interview with you to go along with it. 

In the meantime, I hope you have a great weekend.


And this is what I wrote back to him:

Angel, Glad you are enjoying it. When I wrote it, my intention was exactly how you put it: as if I were sitting in front of you telling stories. That makes me feel I succeeded in my goal. Of course you can do an interview with me when you finish the book. As you get further into it, you will see that I use to work for Al Borde as a consultant for two-and-half years, and wrote a monthly news/gossip music column for them among many other things.

May 27 - In 1988, Rhino Records (before they were bought by Warner Bros.) put out a hilarious LP of movie stars singing (or acting out) their favorite songs. Probably one of the funniest was William Shatner's overly dramatic reading of "Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds." Its silliness has delighted many at music listening parties at my house. But, lo and behold there is a video for it! Watch and enjoy.

May 31 - Hey, this is one of those stories that ALMOST made it to the book—didn't quite. In 1980 I was working for Glotzer Management promoting Frank Zappa and Nina Hagen. Drum wizard Terry Bozio had left Frank to start his own band Missing Persons with his wife Dale, and were going to play their first show. Although we were not their management, the Glotzer crew went out in full to support (and no, Frank did not show up). Ironically, the performance was at a club in Marina del Rey called Boomers owned by Terry the drummer of Hammerhead who I had been working with for a number of years. I had just had sinus surgery that day at UCLA and showed up with bandages all over my face. But it was fun to be at the first show of Missing Persons ever. Enjoy this memory of their great song “Walking in LA” and it's true: nobody walks in LA. Thanks to Rodney and KROQ for making this a hit.

May 31 - How cool is it to see Huey Lewis & the News reunited on Kimmel? Hey, I was a big Huey fan even from his previous bands, and during the peak of his popularity back then (when I lived in Philly) we looked so much alike that many people asked me if we were related. Nope, just good genes and musical taste. And they are rockin' out!

June 1 - I have always been a huge fan of Cafe Tacvba since I first heard them in 1997. They truly set the standard for Mexican rock. The new video for “Aprovéchate,” where they time warp into a gender-bending 1950s, is a typically wonderfully crafted song from them, but also a very positive message that our society is finally accepting that gay lesbian transgender and questioning people deserve the same rights as their heterosexual counterparts. Chido Tacvba for doing it so entertainingly!

June 1 - Here is an earlier video from my friends Aurum. They have a new CD out, which as expected is awesome, and have booked a six week Mexican tour in September and October. Who is going to wake up and realize they can be stars here too if someone gives them the right US tour open act?

June 2 - Paul Revere and the Raiders. This is what I was listening to in high school 1965. Still sounds good today.

June 2 - It has just been announced that the under 18 population in the United States by late 2015 will be over 50% Latino. Hey, that beats the previous projection of 2018. But what the power moguls in Miami refuse to come to grips with is this demographic will be 80% Mexican and Central American, less than 20% Puerto Rican, Cuban or Dominican. Why do you continue to program to this 20% demographic rather than the 80% that dominate this demographic? Your foolishness continues to amaze.

June 6 - Hey, today, the long-time drummer of Jefferson Airplane died in an auto accident. His wife said he had a heart attack while driving. RIP to Joey, the sticks behind the Airplane for so long. Here’s a clip from their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction.

June 8 - How excited am I that Viva Malpache has confirmed to play my 65th birthday party July 6 at Mal's Bar. This will be a killer show and I hope to see you there.

June 12 - Yma Sumac, such a wonderful voice. I use to play her as a KUCR dj in the '60s. But what a wonderful treat to see her on TV for the first time on David Letterman shortly after I moved to NY in 1987. What a welcome greeting card to me living in NY. This woman's five-octave range has always thrilled me. What a talent! We miss you Yma! Trivia: her name was actually Amy Cumas, and she reversed it for good luck, no sh-t!

June 12 - Tom Petty's debut album on Shelter Records was one of the most stunning by any band ever—and I truly mean it; it's in my Top Ten of best albums ever. I was fortunate to see Tom & the Heartbreakers many times when they first moved to LA from Florida. But one of my favorite cuts was "Fooled Again" This is them playing it at a KCSN benefit show a few years ago at Cal State Northridge, and they also played it at the recent Echo residency they did before the pinche LA police shut it down (by an off duty officer!!!).

June 13 - Probably one of my favorite mid-80s bands was the Replacements out of Minneapolis led by Tim Westerberg. These guys were power-pop geniuses and put together a number of killer albums, starting on Twin-Tone and moving to Sire. How cool it is to hear today they will be re-uniting this summer for shows in Toronto and Chicago. I never got to see them live—hope they play LA as part of this reunion.

June 14 - What a treat it will be to finally see La Castañeda who will be playing Los Globos this Thurs. Hope to see you there!

June 15 - So enjoying listening to Mark and Mariluz on Travel Tips/KPFK talking about the recent Tijuana No show (which I missed), and the upcoming La Castañeda show June 20 at Los Globos, and how we will welcome them back to LA after a 10 year absence. Tune in, there is still one more hour left.

June 16 - How fun to do an interview about my book with Angel from Al Borde. The interview should be posted on their site soon, and remember my 65th birthday show will be at Mal's Bar July 6, featuring Maria Fatal, Pastilla, Viva Malpache, Dr. Jack, Rifle y Alarma, plus a special end-of-the-night-jam coordinated by Tommy Morrison featuring cool musicians from all over Califas. To have those of you that still care, this means a lot to me. See you soon, and we will party.

June 19 - Check out Aeronauta desde Honduras. Great song and cool video “Stephane Tv”

June 19 - Here is the Jefferson Airplane performing "Lather" on the Smother Brothers (yeah, it was lip-synced, but still cool) in '68 from my favorite album by the band 'Crown of Creation." In a way, I always knew I would be like “Lather,” but listen to the lyrics. Back then, we worried if we would get old at 30, not 40, 50 or (gulp) 65. What a different world we live in than those idealistic 60's.

June 19 - Just found out that seminal Rolling Stone rock critic Chet Flippo passed away today. I didn't have too much contact with Chet, but when we did it was always memorable as he loved COOL country and rock. You were one of a kind, and I always loved your reviews and articles

June 21 - During my senior year of high school in 1965, KFWB made Them's "Mystic Eyes" single a hit THEN, flipped it over and started playing "Gloria" which was the original "B" side. Now you all know what a classic "Gloria" has become, and how Van Morrison went on to be a solo star. But this is where it all started.

June 21 - Had fun hanging out and listening to Los Despiertos. Looking forward to starting their radio promo campaign as soon as the EP is finished next month.

June 24 - As I approach 65, (and hope to see many of you at my birthday party at Mal's July 6), I plan to keep working for a while. But it is comforting to know that those legal and illegal contributors to Social Security will help me have a decent retirement fund to pay for basics. Gracias mojados!

June 28 - So happy to announce that a re-formed Uztar will be part of my birthday celebration July 6. I loved these guys when I was booking the Westchester, and so glad they are back together and agreed to play my 65th on July 6 at Mal's. Here is the final line up:

9:20-9:45 Aurora

10:00-10:30 Dr. Jack 

10:45-11:15 Viva Malpache

11:30-12:00 Uztar

12:15-12:45 Pastilla

12:55-1:05 Alarma

1:15 -1:50 Jam Session

June 28 - Wow, the new Viernes Verde CD is awesome! Listened to a taste of it tonight. Check out this great band desde Guatemala.

July 4 - Allison and Aurum are teaming for some shows in Mexico.

July 5 - Looking forward to seeing many of you at my 65th birthday party tomorrow night at Mal's featuring Pastilla, Uztar, Viva Malpache, Aurora, Alarma, The Tommy Morrison Jam Orchestra, and a very special surprise guest band. Get there early—it will sell out. Doors at 8 PM

July 5 - My lady Chrissie of the Pretenders doing "I'll Stand By You" which is such an anthem for how I feel about all my friends (subtitulado en español

July 5 - Also, I want to point out that Metalachi will be doing a free show at Leavitt Pavilion/MacArthur Park on Sun. July 7 which is my ACTUAL birthday. So I hope you will join me and friends to come out and support them, plus carry on my 65th birthday celebration from Mal's the night before.

July 7 - Let me thank all the wonderful musicians and friends that made my birthday eve so special last night. I truly value the friendships I have made over the years. But even at 65, I’m always looking for the next challenge or milestone we may obtain together. Gracias, mis amigos!

July 7 - Jim Carroll band’s “People Who Died” so represents what NY is all about. I loved my years there, they party harder than anywhere else on earth, often TOO hardy. Jim created an anthem with this song.

July 9 - Oh Mr. Freddy Fender, I miss you so much and your wonderful songs. It continues to thrill all of us to listen to your remarkable musical contribution.

July 19 - Any truth to a rumored DLD US tour this fall????? Hope so.

July 19 - All of you out there know what a huge Rage fan I am. And if you have read my book, you know that I first got turned on to these guys getting a CMJ comp CD in the mail and then hearing them the very next day on WLIR in New York. I had the honor and pleasure of putting a tribute CD together to them in Español, and it remains one of my most proud life accomplishments. I am happy to have found this early BBC footage from this first tour of the UK that wasn't censored for lyrics. Enjoy

July 22 - It is with great sadness to note that next Wed. will be the last day of operation of the great club Maxwell’s in Hoboken, NJ. It's hard to count how many great shows I saw there. But one of my favorite memories of partying at this club was finally seeing the Feelies. These guys were a NJ band whose 1980 debut LP KROQ turned me on to before I moved back East. And as Jersey guys, the Feelies played the club often. Great memories of the band and the club.

July 26 - Happy 70th Mr. Mick Jagger. “Not Fade Away” was my introduction to the Stones, played on KFWB when I was about fifteen. I loved the song and seeing them on Mike Douglas, Ed Sullivan, and Dean Martin's show. Ironically, my brother Ken immediately became a huge fan. I liked their singles, but became a huge fan a few years later in college–at this time I was more into the Beatles, but who can deny the power of this Buddy Holly cover? Rock on Mick!

July 26 - Hey Dennis, thanks so much for this great clip of Nina Hagen covering Bowie. I had the wonderful pleasure of working with this great German punk rock artist when she first moved to the US in 1980, and detailed it in my book.

July 29 - What is with this growing monstrosity of acoustic shows by electric rock en español artists? It does not make sense. Releasing ‘unplugged’ CDs seriously hurt both Zoe and Panda's careers. If people KNOW you from your electric-propelled music, they want you to play that way, not in some watered-down acoustic format. A bad trend that needs to be stopped. If that is not your focus, it confuses all but a few hard core fans. Look, it might work somewhat for people like you and me who are into a wide range of music if it is done well. But it is the wrong path for both young bands and promoters.

Aug 6 - RIP George Duke, your music was awesome, and your keyboard technique delicious.

Aug 7 - As much as many of us have vilified the Estefans' (well Emilio in particular) for having controlled the Latino music business with an iron fist, I have to say I still respect Gloria’s talent. Since I first heard "Conga" at a nightclub in North Hollywood in 1985 and saw how it packed the dance floor (con Mexicanos, not Cubans!), I have been a fan of her voice, her musical arrangements and brilliant choice of material. Through a tragic bus accident that almost crippled her, she bounced back and remains as much of a creative force as when I first became aware of her, almost 30 years ago. See if you agree with me that "Hotel Nacional" is another musically addictive addition to her legacy.

Aug 9 - So nice to attend Tommy Morrison's CD release party in Paramount with Octavio doing an acoustic set, and a brilliant performance from Aurora. But at 65, there are few things I haven't done. Tonight was an exception. Steve from Aurora approached me in a panic–his door person couldn't make it. Would I work the door for him and collect the $5 entrance fee? Since the entrance booth had a clear view of the stage, I said "sure." A great show, and I spent my first ever time as a door person. Jajaja, life is always full of wonderful surprises.

Aug 10 - R.I.P. Eydie Gormé at 84. "Blame it on the Bossa Nova" was a hit when I was 15 in high school, and my introduction to Bossa Nova. What a treat to hear this Spanish version for the first time. This was one of my early introductions to the great rhythmic music starting to please our ears coming from South America during the 60s.

Aug 12 - Ahhh, even after careful editing, when you put out a book, you always later find things you wish you had caught and corrected in the edit process. For example, when I was chased by the "watch cow," it was in this tiny town Nipomo (in between San Luis Obispo and Santa Maria), not Novato. But as the Beatles said, "Tralala life goes on."

Aug 12 - Levitt MacArthur concert pavilion–this Sunday for David Lindley, who in LA is playing with Jackson Browne, but also was part of the seminal band Kaleidoscope. GRATIS 5:30 

Aug 14 - While shopping at Amoeba yesterday, I came across the Los Olvidados CD El Cine from 1996 and knew I had to buy it. When this came out, I was still in NY and had not located back to Califas yet, but did get to see the band many times, and even book them to play the Westchester. An important addition to my music collection.

Aug 16 - How f*cking perfect is this??: Ronnie Spector sitting in with ? Mark & the Mysterians. Wish I'd been at this NYC show three years ago. Both Rudy and Ronnie mean a lot to me, and I talk about both of them extensively in my book. Plus they are both OLDER than me, so each of them must have been close to 70 when they did this show a few years ago, but still total energy and presentation. Watch and enjoy.

Aug 18 - Thanks to Ray Ricky Rivera for putting on a great Latino showcase as part of Echo Park Rising, that included sets from Quitapenas, Zoom-B, and Cumbia Machin. Also a treat to meet staff from KUCR (my college radio station) at the event. And in addition, getting to shop in Echo Park before the bands started and finding CDs Willie Colon Presents Ruben Blades–Metiendo Mano and Victimas del Doctor Cerebro's Brujerias filling two important holes in my music collection. A pretty nice day in Lalaland.

Aug 20 - I was fortunate enough to see the Motels many times when they were first starting out in the 70s, and I just found out they will be beginning their 2013 tour at the Red Devil Lounge in San Francisco this Saturday. Wow, this was one of my favorite clubs to hear bands during the 3 1/2 years I lived in San Pancho. Catch them if you can in the Bay Area in this intimate environment.

Aug 20 - Excited that Victimas might be doing US shows again soon this fall. Glad that I was able to get them their first #1 national single on R&R charts with "Cadaver del Amor."

Aug 24 - How lucky I was to see the first incarnation of the Jeff Beck Group after he left the Yardbirds, with a young Rod Stewart (!) on lead vocals, Nicky Hopkins, and Ron Wood right before he joined the Stones. This is audio-only, but it was from that amazing tour. Beck smokes on guitar.

Aug 27 - Just wrote how UB40's "Here I am Babe" was my favorite song by the band, even though it was a cover. I come from an era where there was no shame in doing a good cover, combined with quality original songs. But I’ve never found any satisfaction in the genre where bands play TOTAL cover sets as tribute bands to make money. Having seen most of the originals, my feeling is thanks, but no thanks–don't need your pantomime memory making. Plus, it hurts the draw of original bands.

I would add ONE exception to this: my friends Metalachi, who are a cover band, but have taken metal songs and re-arranged them Mariachi. They are original in what they do, fun to watch live and have built a deserving following. But the rest of the cover bands, I have no time for.

Aug 27 - Hector Guerra and La Chamba this Thurs. at Los Globos. I will be there and you should too.

Aug 30 - What a treat to finally see La Chamba live tonight. I had heard their EP back in November, but tonight's show was totally riveting. They are a band to look out for!

Aug 30 - Yesterday, Linda Ronstadt announced that she has Parkinson's disease, and will unfortunately never be able to sing on stage again. It was indeed a sad day for all of us who admired the powerful voice and tasteful interpretations of this truly special Mexican-American Diva. My memories of Linda go back to square one when she was first starting with the Stone Poneys. In 1967, we at KUCR got behind this wonderful single "Different Drum" written by Mike Nesmith of the Monkees, and it began her road to stardom. I was fortunate enough to see and meet the Stone Poneys at the Troubadour before Linda went solo, but even then all the top local musicians would either sit in for a song with her or at least be up in the dressing room after a set in many Troubadour shows that followed. I met so many incredible people through knowing Linda: Jackson Browne, Ry Cooder, Glen Frey, Warren Zevon, Wendy Waldman, the list just goes on and on. Linda appreciated talented musicians, and always encouraged those she cared about to come forward, and she would help them earn their place. A Parkinson diagnosis is not a death sentence, but it does mean we will no longer have any newly recorded vocal material from this wonderful songbird, perhaps some unreleased gems will be found. But whether it was folk, rock, Mariachi or Broadway, Linda had that big voice that conquered all. And she cared about people on the way up and was always there to assist and push them. Damn, I don't want this to sound too much like a eulogy, but sometimes we have to express our appreciation for those still alive who have given so much.

Aug 31 - Hey, check out this new recording from my housemates Alarma which will be included in their new CD, and remember they LOVE to play live. How can you keep from dancing?

Aug 31 - I have been a Wall of Voodoo fan since KROQ turned me on to "Can't Make Love" from their first independent EP before they even signed with IRS. But when they put out "Mexican Radio" from their third release, and MTV played the video, this created something special. Although it is a tongue-in-cheek fun song, they were the first band to acknowledge being PLAYED on Mexican radio, saying "hey there is a whole big country down there that is giving us some attention!" Some bands like the Ramones and Queen (and even Wall of Voodoo from this song) became far bigger in Spanish-speaking countries than their following in the Anglo market. It put a smile on my face when I first heard "Mexican Radio."

Aug 31 - Appreciate all Mark Torres and Marliluz Gonzalez do every Saturday night to play us good music, and talk about issues relevant to our community. Tune in to KPFK 90.7 FM

Sep 2 - Probably one of the best singer-songwriters ever was Tim Buckley, and his son Jeff followed in his footsteps. We lost both of them in their 20s. As I go through my 5500 vinyl LPs to catalog them (yes, when you get old you need to have a printed record of what you have or you forget), almost through the ‘Bs,’ so much of Tim's music brings back great memories, like when we had him live at UCR.

Sep 4 - ¡Feliz cumple, Ciudad de Los Ángeles de Arcangel! Since my childhood, you have been the center of the musical universe. May you have many musical birthdays to come, and also reinstate your crown as undisputed worldwide musical tastemaker. I am proud to have grown up and live here.

Sep 4 - Hey, this might be our last chance to see Las 15 Letras live for this reunion show. Having gotten to know the band, booked them, partied with them, I want to see them tearing up the stage on a great bill with El Gran Silencio and La Sucursal de la Cumbia. At the Conga Room tomorrow night.

Sep 4 - At 65, I never dreamed there would be a Loretta Lynn/Jack White album. Love 'em both, and waiting for this odd mutation.

Sep 5 - My musical retrospective book Valley Blvd. Cruisin' Rock to Alternativo: The Padrino Tales is now for sale at Amoeba Records Hollywood. About ready to head over there for the Billy Bragg/Wayne Kramer set at 12 noon.

Sep 6 - 60s garage–it doesn't get any better than the Music Machine with "Talk, Talk." Memories of being 18.

Sep 7 - “Psychotic Reaction.” In 1966 we felt the Count Five from San Jose were the US answer to The Yardbirds.

Sep 7 - “Mungo Jerry in the Summertime.” Wow, how cool to run across this! Mungo Jerry were kind of the English answer to the Jim Kweskin Jug Band. We at KUCR got behind Mungo in the spring of 1967, but unfortunately this was their only big hit.

Sep 9 - Ronnie Spector’s “Say Goodbye to Hollywood.” I remember listening to this at my friend Kevin's house in 1987 when I first moved to NY with Joey Ramone. I had the album version of this great Spector song by Ronnie, but Joey, the collector that he was, had the 45 version (which was different) and the DEMO for this song–that's what a huge fan and music scholar Joey Ramone was.

Sep 13 - You know, I really wanted to be at the Devika show tonight. But I had to work today, pick up some household items, and meet my new housemate. At 65, I try to be as active as I can, but at this age it is not always possible for me to go out two nights in a row. And tomorrow I will be taking my multi-instrumentalist friend Marco to see Coatl open for El Clan at the House. So if I say I would LIKE to attend your show, and don't, it's just that when you reach my age, you try to do what you can, but have to be smart enough to listen when your body says "Stay home and rest tonight–you are going out tomorrow." It's a bitch getting old, but I deal with it the best I can and keep rockin'.

Sep 15 - How cool to hear Isa of Wonderfox on Travel Tips tonight with Mark & Mariluz. Hope you will join me for Wonderfox’s live show this Thurs. at King King with the NEW lineup of Kanvaz also on the bill.

Sep 20 - How awesome to hear the new lineup of Kanvaz, and Isa's Wonderfox after her European tour at King King tonight. Both bands were amazing and knocked my socks off. So much fun to be a senior citizen and still get out and rock. As Joe Walsh wisely said "Life's been good to me so far!"

Sep 20 - I am so proud of my friends Enjambre as they are about to embark on their first US tour since becoming stars in Mexico. It can be stated that Verdad Y Justicia enthusiastically put out their debut CD before they relocated back to Mexico to climb to fame. This video from their latest EMI CD has 2.6 million views!!! They have SOLD OUT Palacio en DF drawing over 20,000! I am looking forward to their Conga Room show Oct. 9 and hope to see you there as they kick off their US tour.

Sep 21 - How much fun to entertain Daniel Dominguezcurrent rock en español DJ on KUCRwith music from my collection. It’s hard to believe I started my radio show on KUCR 47 years ago, the first year the station was on the air in 1966, and so happy Daniel is continuing in that tradition.

Sep 24 - “Never Say Never” - Great memories of seeing Romeo Void at Mabuhay Gardens in San Francisco–use to go to shows there driving up from LA at least every few months in the late 70s.

Sep - 26 - Got the replacement cassette player hooked up (after the first two that didn't work) and it was so nice to pull out El Cohete Rising Stars from 2003 featuring Epidemia "Raza Indigena," Emaue "Santo y Blue Demon," Rascuache "Estado Final," Mambe "El Vino," Plomo "Plomo," East LA Sabor Factory "Party at Louie's," Los Superlitio "Escena Forward," Las Quince Letras "Aurelia," N.M.E. "Los Angeles," Cabrito Vudu "Parte En On," Cabula "El Poder de la Mujer, "M16 "Sentimientos Rotos," Pro-fe-cia "Fe Muerta." Good memories of a great period of music.

Sep 27 - New Porter featuring David Velasco on lead vocals. Good to see this great group continuing on with a singer that very much fits their style and hopefully a limited ego that will not grow to astronomical proportions like the former lead singer of this band. Enjoy "Palapa" like I did.

Oct 1 - Excited about seeing my bros Enjambre for the first time in many years now that they have become so big en Mexico. Try to catch them on one of their US dates

Oct 1 - Hey, you all know me as a rockero, but this Thursday, my good friend Hector Guerra will be playing with Rabanes, Ceci Bastida, Vispera, and Palenke Soul Tribe. Hector is a rapper, but he colors his music with so many brilliant shades that it’s impossible not to groove along with his creative messages. Hope to see you at the Mayan this Thurs. Oct. 3 to enjoy this great bill.

Oct 2 - OK, a little history about my love of Skunk D.F. from España. Around 2003, I found some of their tracks online, and immediately became a fan. Through Verdad Y Justicia/Pistolero we were able to release a CD from them in 2005. And rumor has it they may be playing Vive Latino 2014. I want to go for this year's show, and this is even more reason to do so. Help me lobby to get them on the bill.

Oct 2 - Having gotten up to the "Gs" in cataloging my LP collection, what a pleasant surprise to re-discover Gentle Giant, an English progressive band from the 70s that I loved, but history (and me too) had seemingly forgotten about them. Here is what they sounded like.

Oct 7 - Enjambre kick off their US tour at the Conga Room this Wed. Oct. 9. I will be there, and you should too. In the meantime enjoy this great video that my friend Sergio did with them.

Oct 9 - My favorite Gary Numan song "Are Friends Electric." Gary will be playing a FREE show at Amoeba Records a week from tonight–Wed. Oct. 16. I hope to see you there.

Oct 13 - What an incredible treat to see my old friends Enjambre excite an enthusiastic audience at the Echoplex tonight. It’s so rewarding to see a band you worked on when they first came out become stars. Hey guys, looking forward to hearing you again at Fulton 55 in Fresno at the beginning of my Califas rockero journey.

Oct 14 - Listening to Enjambre's latest CD Huespedes Del Orbe on EMI which they gave me at their excellent show last night. I've looked for it in stores before, but couldn't find it. Is this registering EMI? They are huge in Mexico, get with it.

Oct 14 - Go see Profesor Galactico at House of Blues tomorrow night–and then get crazy: get in your car and drive up to Fresno for Enjambre at Fulton 55. Party!

Oct 16 - On the eve of my trip around California, I get to see Gary Numan do a free show at Amoeba. Nice way to prepare for stops in Fresno (Enjambre show), Woodland, San Francisco, Berkeley, Salinas and Los Osos. Oh, I am so ready to hit the road tomorrow!

This is the first vacation I have been able to afford since Pro-fe-cia took me to Mexico for my 60th birthday. It will be special.

Oct 25 - Who is up for getting a group together to attend Porter's first (and only) US appearance at the Glass House in Pomona this Thurs. on Halloween. The new singer sounds GREAT with them. Let me know; sounds better than dunking for apples in a zombie costume.

Oct 27 - Enrique Bunbury signing a new CD at Amoeba–sounds like a must, Oct. 29

Oct 27 - Lou Reed passed away. Reed and the Velvet Underground never liked playing LA, and rarely did. They were true New Yorkers through and through. In late 1967 I was planning to see Taj Mahal at the Whisky with my KUCR music assistant Leslie Lewis. We get to the club to find out that Taj has canceled because of a sore throat, but the Velvet Underground replaced them on the bill since they were in town. F*CKIN A! Finally got to see the Velvets (although without Nico) but it was magical. Lou had a stare that would just penetrate right through you, and the music shrieked. We will miss you Mr. creative genius who never sold out and is still loved for his contribution to music.

Oct 28 - A busy week for an old man (jajaja) Thurs. Porter at the Glasshouse in Pomona on Halloween, which is now a free show (but don't get me started on the AWFUL experience of trying to get the free tickets on Ticketfly by paying the service charge with a credit card). Friday, my housemates Alarma at Mal's with Very Be Careful, and then Sat. for Al Borde's show reuniting Voz de Mano and special guests Velorio also on the show. Outstanding week of A+ entertainment.

Oct 29 - While I respect Juan Sons' talent a whole lot, the new Porter recordings prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Porter can survive beyond him. Yes, I know he was 99% of what Porter was about in their early days. But the fact that the rest of the band tried to do a reconciliation with him for a few dates, and the chemistry was not there, yet the other members still wanted to play together, I have to give them credit. They went out and found a new singer/writer who I think is in Juan's talent category–mighty big shoes to fill. I am very happy Porter has survived together in an alternate positive future direction and am so excited to see them Thursday.

Oct 30 - Excited about the next three days of music–Porter at the Glass House for Halloweeen (gratis); Very Be Careful and Alarma at Mal's Friday, then the Al Borde Dia De Los Muertos party Sat. Nov. 2 with Velorio and Matamoska opening for a reunited Voz de Mano.

Oct 30 - When driving to Food4Less tonight, I saw another billboard for Zoe's upcoming dates and new CD. This is the third one I have seen around LA. A lot of us have been calling for more recognition for worthy alternativo artists for years. But I have to ask; WHO IS BUYING BILLBOARDS FOR ZOE? Golden Voice? EMI? Their abuelito? El diablo? Too much of a pinche mystery, but a good development. Glad someone with money cares.

Oct 30 - OK, I am going to make this a separate post from Zoe billboards. Le Baron gets to open for them. Great, these guys are a quality band that deserve US recognition and have worked on it for a long time. But they have to raise their own money to be on the tour?? WTF??? When are people on the Spanish-speaking media side going to realize you have to build the next generation of headliners? Quit thinking dinero hoy and start building for the future.

Nov 3 - Who is old school enough to attend the Kenny y Los Electricos show with me this Tuesday at Los Globos? I have one additional pass if you want to enjoy this seminal rockero (rockera?) with me. Just let me know.

Nov 4 - Through the years, there are many teen idols that I have seen put before the public, but few as talented as the Keane Brothers. I remember being blown away by them back in 1976. This is the brothers appearing on the Tonight Show (with Joan Rivers hosting, added bonus). In a just world, they could have been stars, but now just a significant blip on the radar. Check it out.

Nov 6 - When Los Pericos does a national tour and skips LA the largest Hispanic market in the country, because no promoter will take on their show and make it a success, yet they can play Milwaukee, something is wrong here in the City of Angels.

Nov 6 - OK, it's time for a new thread. If you are in a band and live in a Spanish speaking country other than the US, please don't think you can come here for a bigger payday than other Spanish-speaking countries because the US is rich. We don't have the commercial media to support you. You can probably make more money elsewhere. But if you want to establish yourself, do what Mana did (although their current music is so mediocre, I almost hate to give them credit). Get paid shows, and then do free ones in between. Tour 6 months in the US (even though you may be giving up paying jobs in other Spanish speaking countries), but constantly play every little show you can, for the next 3 years. Spend the other 6 months in those Spanish-speaking countries making bigger bucks, but at least 6 in the US continuing to build, and build and build your audience, so eventually you can sell out Staples 4 nights. That's how they did it, and sadly no one has followed in their business model.

Nov 6 - Los Angeles. Although I grew up here and have lived in New York, SF, Philly and Chicago, LA is a unique entertainment city, and some, including myself, would call it the entertainment capital of the world. In the years I have been involved in entertainment, getting recognized in LA has always been key, whether we are talking English or Spanish. And the first thing you learn if you are at all connected is ask to be on the guest list.

Having come from that environment, I have no hesitancy in asking to be placed on a guest list. When I booked the Westchester, I had a policy that if you were in a band and could show a band business card, you could get in free to support other bands. I felt we would make the money at the bar from what you guys ordered. It worked.

But I only did it because with LA being an "industry town" so many people expect guest list privileges, and this could push our attendance. New York is not like this, nor Chicago nor any other market I am aware of. People in most markets are willing to pay for entertainment, even band members. I warn bands from other cities touring that it will not be easy to get a paid gig in LA, as opposed to other cities.

Yet a couple promoters took this even further–allowing EVERYONE free entrance with them taking their cut from the bar (but not paying any of the bands with the exception of maybe the headliner out of that remuneration). This worked for a while, but kind of spoiled LA alternativo audiences to not pay to see anyone.

And so now we have few promoters willing to back alternativo shows in LA. I can honestly tell you right now there is little if any money to be made. But if you have the passion to do so for the love of music, you will establish yourself as someone who has created the next wave. We need you if you are even considering it. Go do it. The scene can be rebuilt over time.

Christian Mejia: Ric Fazekas I've been reading your postings and I like what you're saying. You are speaking from the heart and I do feel this way, you know I'm not very vocal but I think I will mention a few things. I can tell you what really disappoints me is the fact that there are a handful of bands out there that are good but they suck in branding and promoting themselves and are afraid to tour. It makes them seem like they only do it as a hobby. All bands need to step up and tour! Sure the internet is a tool bands can use, but interacting with people and making sure you can deliver a great show is priceless. See you soon Ric

Ric : Well said, Christian. If you are in a band and believe in what you are doing, play live, promote. Or just play backyard parties if it's just a hobby.

Nov 9 - Willy DeVille. With the recent passing of Lou Reed, it is important to remember another NY musician who was very influenced by Lou, but twisted that influence into his own style, particularly the songs from his '77 debut LP Cabretta, produced by long-time Phil Spector associate Jack Nitzche. Jack made Willy sound like the illegitimate child of Lou and Ronny Spector. Although somewhat overshadowed by a torrent of other 70's CBGB regulars like the Ramones, Talking Heads, Blondie, Richard Hell, and Television, Willie (who is also no longer with us), delivered a true classic debut LP with songs like "Spanish Stroll" "Venus of Avenue D" "Cadillac Walk" "Mixed Up Shook Up Girl" and "She's So Tough." It reminds of what a GREAT album could deliver in its time.

Nov 12 - Berlin “Sex” - Having an 80s flashback, this song was one of the first videos I saw on MTV when we were first able to get it hooked up to our house in Fullerton, and to later find out that Berlin lived two blocks away (no, we didn't know them). Ahh, good memories from the 80s.

 Nov 14 - Although I have been a proud agnostic since my teens, that doesn't preclude me from appreciating religious-oriented songs when they are exceptionally well done. To this day, I love Aretha Franklin's gospel LP equally if not more than her secular stuff. But it was 1970 when still a KUCR dj that I was first introduced to Turley Richards. If you sing or if you at least appreciate great voices, you must listen to this track, “I Heard the Voice.” It has probably been 30 years since I last heard it, and it still sends shivers up my spine while being honey to my ears. See if you agree.

Nov 17 - “Ain't Gonna Eat my Heart Out” A highlight of my senior year at San Gabriel High in 1966–the first hit from the Young Rascals, and I was a fan for life.

Nov 18 - Overjoyed at hearing mis amigos Friguey play once again tonight at Little Salvador. Another awesome set as usual. And thanks are in order for them adding my housemates Alarma to their show this Saturday Nov. 23 at Mexican Village on Beverly. Don't miss this show as it is Friguey's last in LA until they come back from El Salvador next time, so I hope to see you there!

Nov 19 - My housemates Alarma are opening for Friguey tomorrow night at La Cita. Looks like a MUST!!!! 

Nov 21 - My friends from Friguey have been playing a number of shows in LA, and will be at Mexican Village this Saturday with my housemates Alarma playing with them as they did last night for a spectacular show. A lot of musicians become my friends, but I have to say, Friguey's live show ranks up there in the top twenty of all I have ever seen, and if you have read my book, you know that is a rarified list to join. See why I am such a supporter of this band by going to the show this Saturday night.

Nov 23 - As you may have read, I’ve written that I am chronicling all my vinyl albums, so finally up through the ‘Ts’. Tonight I re-discovered this wonderful gem that I first heard on legendary Long Island radio WLIR in 1992. It was too radical for MTV, but it was my introduction to techno. Europe's (I think they were from Denmark) 2 Unlimited.

Nov 24 - It is always special to see my Salvadorian friends Friguey play live because they are so amazingly good. Even better when my housemates Alarma open for them like they did tonight again. But as someone who is both a huge music fan and a business person in this industry, it has to be pointed out that this was Friguey's 4th LA show in nine days, yet it still drew over 350 people at $10 a ticket. Now THAT's a following many of you should strive for. When you can do that, you will realize you are on the verge of breaking big like Friguey is.

Nov 26 - I Was just thinking about Bruce Springsteen doing "Rosalita" and how it was one of my favorite songs by him, probably his most Latino oriented song. Hope you like it too. Version en español????? Maybe by one of you!

Nov 28 - I am thankful for one more chance to see Friguey at Mexican Village this Sat. Nov. 30. They SOLD OUT the club last Saturday, and the club INSISTED they come back this week. Hey, when you are loved and appreciated and sell tickets, you go for it. If you missed them last Saturday, or had a great time, I hope to see you there. We will party.

Nov 29 - Wow, gracias Francisco for this rare footage of Mr. Bob Dylan at Newport 1964 when I was about 15. It's hard to explain the importance of Dylan in my high school and college years, he was SUCH a pillar. There was no FM music radio back then when his first recordings came out, so we had to depend on Top 40 or underground newspapers like LA Free Press to turn us on to something special in music. Dylan was something special. My friend Joe Fraizer who not only was in my Latin and English class, but also in our Creative Writing and Political Science clubs first raved to me about Dylan shortly before "Like a Rolling Stone" became a hit on KFWB (although they chopped it into Parts 1 & 2 initially because it was longer than 3:20–gasp!) and around the same time they played the Byrds covering Dylan's "Mr. Tambourine Man." I can't tell you the hours we spent analyzing Dylan lyrics during my early UCR years. Such a giant.

Nov 30 - In Jan. of 1987, I made the transition from living in LA to relocating to NY Metro. Having listened to KROQ for the previous decade it was a treat to have WLIR play the same type of music on my radio and one of the first artists they introduced me to was Shona Laing. Her Song "Soviet Snow” dealt with global radiation pollution from the Chernobyl nuclear plant disaster and ranks as one of the most important protest songs of the 80s.

Nov 30 - Will have the great pleasure of attending Maricela Ibarra’s CD release party tomorrow and walking the red carpet! Not bad for a gabacho from San Gabriel. Life never ceases to amaze me. 

Dec 2 - “Frankie Goes to Hollywood” I loved this record when it first came out. It was one in a series of songs about blow jobs that hit radio in the late 70s. Last night, I finally got to see Marisela Ibarra sing live at Circus and it brought back memories of taking my gay cousin there for his 21st birthday when he could finally get in (hehe, we'd done plently of partying at the Odessey club). But this song was a favorite of both of us, and I post it to salute my cousin's memory. He got kicked out of his house at 16 for being gay; at 17 I met him at a restauarant in Hollywood, and we realized we were related, so I raised him through the rest of his teen years. I got him involved with the music business and he eventually did promotion for Butterfly Records. In 2002 we lost him to AIDS. This is dedicated to my cousin Ray Henthorn, I miss you.

Dec 3 - Probably one of my favorite bands to emerge from 1983 (right before I first moved back East) was NY-NJ's Comateens. Obviously this video never had a chance on MTV, but they were just so classic in their NY attitude. Plus the great line: "I'm all choked up, I have to leave." Cool to have found the video as I only have the LP and 12." A+ for attitude.

Dec 6 - A rare evening of staying home and getting caught up on new music listening: Vim Furor's “The Six Arm Beast,” Cinco Santos debut EP, and Bunbury's new Palosanto.

Dec 7 - New Ill Niño CD out in early 2014 and a US tour!! I'm pretty excited to see them again. Last time was at the El Rey in 2004.

Dec 7 - I joined BMG/Ariola as National Merchandising Director in late 1977 and one of my first assignments was to get in-store play for the Ravers 45 "Punk Rock Christmas." Fun memories of an unusual contribution to the canon of Christmas songs. (trivia note: this actually came from the Rhino Records people)

Dec 7 - Finally, in these Christmas postings–a guilty pleasure. I am a HUGE Wham! / George Michael fan, so here's "Last Christmas." So glad a great songwriter like George wrote a song so good it's been re-recorded but his version is still played in the holiday season in–heard it at Target tonight.

Dec 9 - Here's Chencha Berrinches skankin' out El Chopo en D.F. last month. What a pleasure to finally see them again last night at HOB Anaheim. But the true joy is to have Oscar Lorea as a good amigo and amazing guitarist. Each time I see him play live, it astonishes me how brilliantly he plays rock guitar in a ska structure and makes it work so well, shifting back to ska chording and then out to rock again. He does all this and leads this band while being a loving and caring father. Great talent and proud to have you as a friend. Looking forward to the new CD.

Dec 9 - In April of 1972, I ended a 5 1/2 year residency in the Inland Empire where I went to college at UC Riverside and recording school at Sound Sync. This was back in the dark ages when few cars had FM radio. I was heading back to San Gabriel, and KMEN blasts out "Tell Me Something Good" by Rufus, and I go "whoaa–this is off-beat slow funk, AND written by Stevie Wonder! Nice!” A few months later, I was working for their label. Lay it smooth Chaka.

Dec 10 - Hey, the new Vim Furor CD is really good! Holding a copy with Roman that he gave me at the Siddhartha show.

Dec 12 - Joe and Joshua from Miami band Dyslexic Postcards are here in LA looking to rent a band house for their planned move here in January from Florida. Take a listen to this cool group, and see if you can provide a suggestion for a band house. Email me at

Dec 12 - Looking forward to the opening party that Wonderfox will be playing with La Santa Cecilia tomorrow night for Loteria Grill's downtown opening. I sure get to go to cool shit.

Dec 13 - Hey, Draco Rosa’s cancer is back. Please vibe him the best you can for a total recovery. My friend Miguel from KPFA took me to see him in San Francisco on my-cross Califas trip in October, and he was amazing!

Dec 13 - Ahh, La Santa Cecilia and Wonderfox were both hot tonight, and the event sponsors provided us with both wonderful food and drink. Wow, that doesn't happen anymore and reminded me of press parties from the 70s. Could this be a new retro trend? Anyway, here is La Santa Cecilia when they played at Amoeba about a year and a half ago–great show also.

Dec 14 - Hoe, hoe hoe, boys and girls. Nick Lowe has finally done a Christmas album, and here is the first single from it "Christmas At The Airport" Make sure you take note of the very cheeky airport shops in the background.

Dec 14 - Courtesy Marty Thau. The absolutely fabulous Lovin Spoonful doing BOTH "Do You Believe In Magic" and one of my favorites "Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind" Wonderful memories from my senior year of high school, 1966. Complete with gogo dancers!

Dec 21 - Three nights of great live music in a row, crowned tonight by Victor of the TV Liers playing backed by some of the Friguey guys, then Friguey doing their own set. You have previously heard me extoll the true glorious wonders of Friguey's original material which is just so stellar, but I have never given them credit for the brilliant and tasty covers they sprinkle into their set. The mark of pros: great material of their own and carefully selected covers that combined will constantly keep a dancing audience shaking their collective ass. Flawless as usual guys. Here's the classic "Sweat" by Inner Circle which they covered so well tonight.

Dec 26 - Almost finished reading He's A Rebel Mark Ribowsky's book on Phil Spector. He does touch on Phil recording the Ramones, but it's relatively brief. Having taken a producing class from Phil at UCLA and meeting Joey Ramon when I lived in NY, I was hoping for a more robust chapter on this phase, but it is still a good book.

Dec 29 - In January, 1987 CSI moved me to New York. I drove across the country and was about to check into my motel on Long Island (until I could find a residence). When I pulled into the parking lot of the motel, I was grooving to radio station WLIR (which was as good as KROQ) and Australia's Pseudo Echo’s great rock/dance cover of Lipps Inc. Funky Town came on and I hHAD to listen to the whole song before checking into the motel. See if you agree this is an outstanding version.

Dec 30 - Probably one of my favorite tracks from the 70s is Sparks "This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us." I was a big fan of the band in their early LA days, but they had to move to London and put together an English backing band to get some traction. Today, I finished reading the book Sparks-Tastic, which my brother Jeff gave me for Christmas. Of course I had to share this song with you after finishing it.

Dec 31 - Waiting for the Devika guys to come over for our little New Year party, and watching Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffith trade barbs on CNN. They’ve both had Melissa Ethridge and Debbie Harry as guests from Times Square NY. Debbie has a new CD coming soon.


Jan 1 - As someone who has been a supporter of Latino Alternativo music community for almost 20 years, I have to say 2013 was a disappointment to most of us. That being true, I can honestly say I have great hopes for 2014. Finally, people are starting to get what it will take to make it h

appen on a bigger scale. Stay tuned, mi gente, good things are right around the corner.

Jan 3 - Hey, today I finally got to visit the Record Jungle in Montebello. Filled in some very important holes in my LP record collection from their $1.00 bins. Check them out! Let's take a trip down Whittier Blvd!

Jan 3 - Thanks Abel for sharing about Phil Every’s passing. The Everly Brothers were the bomb.

Jan 3 - Reachin' WAY back! Got a Xavier Cugat LP today, man I use to listen to him in high school in the '60s!

Marco montes wrote: Xavier was married to Charo and his band did a great rendition of Las Golondrinas...hehe

Ric : I know, Marco. I got turned on to both Xavier and Charo when I was a high school kid in the 60s

Jan 5 - I got home from work today and there is a message on my voicemail. It was Gerald the Giraffe from Toys R Us wishing me a happy birthday. Sorry Gerald, my birthday is in July. Dial more carefully with those hoofs, my friend.

Jan 5 - With Jose Ariel Cuevas celebrating 50s do-wap: I got my first radio even before transistors, about age 7 or 8, when you had to clip it to something metal to get reception. The only station it could pick up was KDAY since they had broadcast towers in San Gabriel where I lived. The first song to come on Huggie Boy's show when I first turned on the radio was "Since I Don't Have You."

Jan 5 - Jose got me going on classic do-wop from my young days as a rocker. Here's a great performance from Dion & The Belmonts from that period.

Jan 5 - Flashback to the spring of 1967 when I was a college freshman and DJ at KUCR. The Beatles had put out Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields, Jefferson Airplane was amazing us, Janis in Big Brother, Vanilla Fudge. And then this single arrived from the Casinos doo-wop group based out of Cincinnati. It was great, and I certainly played it along with all the other great stuff from that era, but it signified the true end of the doo-wop era.

Jan 8 - I get the weekly email newsletter Latino Loop which of course is put together by LAMC = Latin Alternative Music Conference. And I enjoy reading it to keep up on industry news, as I have for many years. But have you noticed more and more the newsletter is like a C+ version of People En Español with virtually NOTHING to do with Latin Alternative Music? Why not include more music news from Latin Alternative? Yes, sadly it's all about marketing, and no longer a music emphasis.

Jan 9 - R.I.P. Amiri Baraka who many of my generation would know by his given name Leroi Jones. I have many of your books, and you inspired me as a poet when I was in high school in the 60s and then in my college years. You will be missed.

Jan 11 - Dana Ross wrote: Hey bro, do you remember when you took me and the boys to see Ike and Tina in that studio in LA?

Ric: Oh yeah, I put on that seminar at Ike &Tina's studio when I was College Promotion Director of United Artists Records and they were signed to the label.

Jan 12 - Great new video from Love Star! “Respirar”

Jan 12 - My good friend guitar player Dana Doss yesterday asked me about a college seminar at Ike & Tina's studio that I invited him and his band to attend. We had just made Ike & Tina’s cover of “Proud Mary” a big hit, and it was fun to party with all my college radio and musician friends at Ike & Tina's studio in Inglewood.

Jan 15 - Hey, I just got the new Los Rabanes CD “Urban Rock” in the mail today and I can honestly say good songs from beginning to end. I was very impressed.

Jan 19 - While it is always a treat to see La Santa Cecilia (and good luck to them winning a Grammy), it has been a while since I have had the opportunity to see Quetzal, who LSC asked to open for them as an influence on their now successful career. I remember in the late 90's when I was still living en San Pancho, Quetzal use to visit SF once or twice a year, and I would always go to see them. They are still special (and also received a Grammy nomination last year).

Jan 19 - Congrats Rita Moreno on SAG Lifetime Achievement Award—you are a true talent, and I will always remember meeting you in a Manhattan supermarket checkout line. Muuaah, wonderful lady!

Jan 20 - I hope you will join me in Hollywood tomorrow night to celebrate the new Octavio Red EP release at Loaded. Octavio is a special talent and a great friend who deserves your support.

Jan 27 - Had a great time last night hanging out with Cachi and Ramon of Elis Paprika, discussing strategies for breaking the band in the US in 2014, and just letting them run wild digging into my music collection. So cool that they will be playing Vive Latino AGAIN.

Jan 28 - We lost a great one today. Pete Seeger not only wrote so many of the anthems that I grew up with, but inspired the African American and Anti-War movements of the 60s that carried on into the 70s. His wonderful talent will be missed, but he was with us for 94 years. Tonight, President Obama once again professed his mission of immigration reform. Who will put the Spanish lyrics to "We Shall Overcome," record it and give it to La Raza to help immigration reform really happen and stop the deportations? It could be YOU.

Jan 30 - In 1966, Charles River Valley Boys were huge on KUCR, particularly their version of "Yellow Submarine." Last year they reunited at a bluegrass festival. And in honor of the Beatles' 50th year arrival in the US, enjoy CRVB playing "I've Just Seen A Face' and "Help" 47 years after it was recorded.

Jan 30 - Great documentary on CNN saluting the 50 year anniversary of the British Invasion of pop music which changed the world. Tune in.

Feb 1 - Michael Bloomfield has a very special place in my memories. How thrilled I was to see him on the cover of Record Collector magazine, with the announcement that a Bloomfield box set was coming. NICE! I first met him as part of the Butterfield Blues Band when I was an 18 year old college DJ on KUCR and because I was a psych major at that time, he "adopted" me as his personal psychiatrist (!) and use to call me from the road at all hours of the night for advice when he was suffering from insomnia. And it was Michael who insisted to security that I was their roadie to get me backstage at the Monterey Pop Festival, even though I was on a media guest list that had passed capacity. What a special person Michael was. When he and Elvin shared guitar licks, it put me on cloud nine the way they complimented each other. Finally, he is starting to get the recognition he deserved. I miss you crazy guitar wailer!

Feb 2 - “How Much is that Doggie in the Window” The very first 45 rpm record we had in our Chicago household when I was four. My Aunt Mary brought it over with a 45 player for my Grandma Lillian's birthday circa 1953.

Fen 2 - “Get Up and Jump” The first Chili Peppers track from their debut LP (still have the vinyl 12") when they had their initial release on EMI and I got to see them as part of Street Fest in downtown LA—but it didn't come out until I had moved to Philly.

Feb 3 - It was 55 years ago that Ritchie's plane went down claiming his life, along with Buddy Holly, and the Big Bopper. Please, a moment of silence in their memory.

Feb 4 - Los Lonely Boys at Amoeba tomorrow 6 PM. While these guys have written some great original songs on their own and continue to do so, how spectacular is it to hear them play “Cisco Kid” with Willie Nelson! Come on, it doesn't get much better than this! Party at my house after the show.

Feb 5 - How much fun to sit down with Carlos Camacho again and have a three hour conversation about what is right and wrong with our alternativo music scene here in LA, nationally and otherwise. What a pleasure to have him pick my brain about what might be the next steps, and how we can make it better. I am always willing to contribute my experience and suggestions. Just ask like he did.

Feb 6 - Carlos Camacho wrote: Tonight I had a great talk with the best padrino of Latin Rock, and man did we get into it. We spoke about upcoming projects and other promising ventures. Then we got into the nitty gritty of why the L.A. rock scene overall has eroded severely. There has been an extreme shortage of real promoters with the know-how, cash, elbow grease to really launch what could be a very successful business endeavor that prides itself in quality. We established that it isn't too late to turn things around and we shouldn't banish anyone for their lack of skills but rather forcefully yet gently bypass them. Ric you are the man! A huevo!

Feb 6 - Bob Markey, Happy Birthday Mr. Marley! We do miss you. My brother Ken was kind enough to buy tickets for both of us to see the Wailers on this tour as a 30th birthday present to me. This was right after the Exodus LP came out, and to this day, "Exodus" is my favorite Marley cut. What a treat to see most of this album played live, plus the classics from earlier years. But Bob, you continue to influence.

Feb 9 - "It was 50 years ago today, the Beatles taught the world to play." I was 15 and watching them on Ed Sullivan.

Feb 9 - OK, thumbs up or down on the special for the Beatles 50th anniversary presentation (which was taped after the Grammys, but broadcast tonight). I would have to give it at least a B+, as those selected did the memories of the Beatles as a band proud, and what can be said about hearing Paul and Ringo play together. Your thoughts?

Feb 10 - Hey tonight at 7 PM make sure you listen to my housemates Alarma being featured on Todo a Pulmon on Radio Bilingue 7 PM 

Feb 14 - R.I.P. Jim Fregosi who passed on at age 71. Jim, you provided many great moments as a player and manager of the Angels, and your contribution to SoCal baseball will never be forgotten.

Feb 16 - Sad news out of Virginia tonight. Punk rock impresario Marty Thau has passed away at the age of 75 of cancer, and will dearly be missed by so many of us. As recently as two days ago, Marty had commented on a musical post I had put up. Mr. Thau, you made the musical worlds of so many of us much more rich and fulfilling. R.I.P.

Feb 17 - What a great lineup—Sistema Siete, Vinyl Soul and Kanvaz! Three of the best bands on the LA scene. Be at King King for this one.

Feb 17 - Looking forward to seeing Pastilla live this Wed at HOB. Who else is going?

Feb 22 - After just having seen Pastilla's great HOB show this past Thursday, it was one of the most electric and vibrant shows I have ever heard the band play. And this series of video clips from when Victor and Adrian were kids is just very special and heartwarming. However, as someone now in his mid-60s who has been a Pastilla fan since the 90s, how wonderful would it be to have Adrian up on stage with Pastilla for at least one more show? Your thoughts????

Feb 23 - Remembering the heyday of King Chango and hoping for the safety of their Venezuelian compatriots. May music help people to be free everywhere.

Feb 24 - Only a few more days, Sistema Siete, Kanvaz, and Vinyl Soul! Now this is a show with three great bands—hope to see you there at King King thurs.

Feb 25 - As we get older, it is always nice to reconnect with those from previous phases of our lives. Tonight, I did that with guitar great Dana Doss. Dana and I had not spoken for at least 35 years, and he is now based in Ohio. We talked until his cell phone died. As much as I have been a critic of Facebook for killing Myspace for musicians, it is still an incredible resource for reconnecting, or keeping in touch with people important to your life. Thanks for reaching out, Dana.

March 6 - Tomorrow it will be five years since I lost my Mom. Because tomorrow is Vim Furor's CD release party (be there!) and I have company coming into town for it, I am doing the memorial to my Mom one night early with the candles burning. I first heard the Chordettes in Chicago with their hit "Mr. Sandman" in '54 on Your Hit Parade when my Mom was ironing, and they continued to be one of my Mom's favorite acts after we relocated to California in1955. For you, Ruth Mueller Fazekas 1924-2009; Dad, Ken, Jef and I miss you.

March 6 - OK, this has turned into a really weird night. I have been grieving the loss of my Mom five years ago, and found out from Dickie Saar just minutes ago (my second family the Saar's) that his youngest sister Pookie has passed away at 52 for unknown reasons. When I would go to the Saar household as an engineer at Sound Sync 70–72, she would always quiz me respectfully on my musical knowledge and the artists I had met. I had thought about visiting her in Ojai some time in the near future since I hadn't been there in years. RIP Ms. Pook.

March 6 - Hope to see many of you at The Airliner tomorrow night for Vim Furor’s CD release party.

March 8 - Once again, Vim Furor prove they are the top alternativo band in LA with an outstanding show at The Airliner. The great turnout included so many band members and industry people I know, it felt like a family reunion, with a beat. Keep rocking us and setting the standard.

March 12 - Hey, my buds Division Minuscula are playing a series of shows at SXSW. Still have great memories of them opening for Panda a few years back. If you are in Austin for the conference, catch them Friday at Buffalo Billiards. And they plan to be touring in 2014.

March 13 - ALERT! My friends Los Seis Pistos will be playing a special unannounced showcase at SXSW this Sat. night at 11:30 at 7th & Neches. This year they are celebrating 15 years together as a band, and I have been a fan since I bought their first self-titled CD at Amoeba San Francisco in 1999. Hey, they will be touring the US this summer and have a new CD ready to spring on you very soon. If you are in Austin for SXSW, go see them.

March 13 - Tonight I just happened to come across one of those alternativo CDs I used to burn and hand out to people in our music scene. Wow, ten years ago! The music sounds as good today as it did then. Research it, if you don't have these songs:

1. Irresponsables - Babasonicos

2. Cuando Queremos Creer - Guillotina

3. How Can I Live - Ill Nino

4. Unreal - Ill nino

5. En Repetición - Jumbo

6. Fumar - Kapanga

7. Que Grosero - Las Ultrasonicas

8. Continental - La Verbena Popular

10. Onda - Los Lonely boys 

11. Fiesta Pagana - Mago de Oz

12. Get Them Immigrated - Manic Hispanic

13. Que Digan Lo Que Quieran - Natalie Natalia Oreiro

14. Si Supieras - Panda 

15. Hotel California - Panteon Rococo

16. Desvanecer - QBO

17. La Estampida - Ska P

March 14 - One of the great things about having a large collection of music (both in English and Spanish) is partying with people who share your same passion for music. Tonight, after so many years, I finally got to do that with Beetho Fobos who's musical tastes I have always respected, but we had never got together to do it. Hey bro, it was just so much fun! Let's do it again.

March 17 - Wow, it is hard to believe that one year ago today, Fausto and I celebrated the initial release of our collaboration on my recollections of many great memories from my years in both the Anglo and Spanish music industry. Copies may still be purchased from Amazon. And no, I have not retired even though approaching age 66, just slowed down a tiny bit, but about to begin promo campaigns for two great acts from Mexico, Seis Pistos, and Elis Paprika.

March 23 - Absolutely loved finally seeing the Kumbia Queers live last night at MBar, and am excited about meeting up with these talented ladies as they plan their next US tour.

March 23 - Seis Pistos US Tour 2014, and how f*cking excited am. I've been a fan of them since their first CD came out in 1999, and band leader Kenio and I have developed a fast friendship through us partying at various SXSW showcases. This is their amazing tribute to Caifanes from a full CD of tributes they put out because they love their roots, and within a month their new CD of original material will be out in time for their summer US tour. Hit me up if you want an advance copy of their new single.

March 26 - I got to see Los Daniels when I was in Mexico. They were awesome! But why won't SOMEONE book them in the US??? Hey, when Juan, Leo and I booked the Westchester, we always brought in the hottest wave of significant Mexican bands, but no one is doing that today on a regular basis. There is a market, someone has to step up. 

April 8 - Wow, my very good friends Manantial de Fuego have once again blown me away. I became an early supporter of this Hesperia-based band long ago when I was booking the Westchester, and featured them there many times. Since then, they have grown into one of the most important bands in the SoCal and national scene. They truly make me proud for believing in them with this outstanding song and video (la Marcha de los Inocentes). Watching and listening gave me goose-bumps, and it is rare that music in aural or video form can do that any more. A true triumph, hermanos!!! World: be aware!

April 12 - Chilling with my great friends tonight. Ley de Hielo is killing it. Awesome show!

April 16 - Los de Abajo are probably one of my favorite bands, and this video (Polka Melazon, live) illustrates why. Not only do they play great roots Mexican dance music, but they are one of the few (only?) bands from D.F. that also incorporate merengue and salsa into their fiery bailando sets. They tour Europe every year, but sadly only play LA about once a decade (Grand Plaza 2005). Please play LA again!!!!!

April 23 - Seis Pistos announce first confirmed dates of their US summer tour: July 16 Viper Room West Hollywood, CA; July 17 Caravan San Jose; July 18 Stork Oakland; July 20 Blue Moon Seattle, WA; 21 Liquid Lounge Boise, ID; 24 Burt's Tike Lounge Salt Lake City, UT; 25 Double Down Saloon, Las Vegas, NV. More tba!!!

April 24 - Who is going this Sunday? Want to hear Christian Castro play his rock set, and also see Raskahuele (on a different stage)? I will be there around 3 PM.

May 3 - Hey, with birthday 66 coming up in July, I am pretty fortunate to not have lost too many friends. So it's kind of unusual for me to attend a memorial service (a good thing!) But today I headed down to La Jolla for a service to honor Elisabeth Saar, the youngest of the Saar clan, an inquisitive high school kid. When I worked for her Dad's recording studio, he was a regular at their San Bernardino house, also due to my friendship with her three older brothers, Dick Keith and Greg.

My parents did not understand me in my high school or college years, but fortunately during this important period of me evolving as an individual, I had a safety net of the Rodriquenz and Furnari families when I was in high school, and the Saar family when I was in college and beyond. I have to say, I have since developed a good connection with my blood-relative family. But I can't emphasize the importance: if your own family does not understand you, bond with a family of your friends if they do. They will listen to you and get you through difficult times. And maybe in later years you can have that same bond with your own family.

May 14 - So cool to see Blondie on the Daily Show celebrating their 40th anniversary and playing "One Way Or Another." Glad I got to see them at the Whisky on their first US tour in the 70s when KROQ broke them. What a great band.

May 20 - We are all waiting for Viento Callejero's CD–help them get to the finish line with a small financial contribution.

May 21 - Seis Pistols, prior to their tour, Jose Moran will be interviewing the band on Todo a Pulmon KSJV-FM Fresno, July 7 (my 66th birthday) but you can listen on the internet at 

May 23 - “Turn Off” Always nice to hear something new from Los de Abajo, one of my favorite bands of all time (yes, you read that right).

May 29 - For some time now, I have been looking forward to the beginning of the CNN series put together by Tom Hanks The 60s. It was well worth the wait for the first episode tonight. As someone who went to high school and college in this decade, it was a phenomenal thing to experience first hand. Most of my musical friends are far younger than me, and although many of you have read my explanation of this golden decade in my book, do watch this series to get a true flavor of the impact of the 60s.

May 30 - A Seis Pistos double header!!!!! Today, tune into Chui Ramirez show "Rockin Da House" at 5 PM (PDT) on to hear him interview Kenio from the Seis Pistos calling in from Chihuahua. Then tomorrow night, brother Ivan will appear on Travel Tips For Aztlan 10 PM (PDT) during his visit to LA to coordinate Seis Pistos summer US tour.

June 3 - How fun to have Ivan Chavero, lead singer of Chihuahua's outstanding punk band Seis Pistos at my house for industry interviews to promote their July-August US tour, but also just to hang out and listen to music since I have been a fan since the 90s. And a big shout out to Angel Aguilar for his great interview, which you will see soon. Life is sweet when it revolves around music you care about.

June 5 - How totally awesome to see Chrissie Hynde on Colbert tonight. It's 1980 and I am getting ready to head to my job at Glotzer Management when this amazing song comes on KROQ as I am shaving and combing my hair: “Brass In Pocket” by The Pretenders. Wooah, this was amazing, and then there was “Precious” “Stop Your Sobbing” and “Tattooed Love Boys,” all from this album. Made me a fan for life, and glad she is still out there kickin'.

June 12 - Who is going to be at Make Music Downey this Saturday? I will be there and hope to see many of you for Las Cafeteras, Chicano Batman, Ceci Bestida, Alma de Jade, y mas.

June 15 - Today, I had the pleasure of hearing from my college friend Kevin Doyle for the first time in 42 years. We spent an hour on the phone getting caught up on all that is happening in our lives and it turns out he is enjoying reading my musical retrospective book. Truly amazing the wonderful people from my past that I have been able to reconnect with because of this.

June 16 - So excited to be going to the video release party tomorrow of Galvanized Souls, a teen band that has made the subject of bullying a focus of their music. Tomorrow there will be a party for their new video "Carry On" (I've seen an advance version, and it is awesome). While this video message is extremely important, in their cover of Cher's "Believe" they SHRED musically for a band so young. Listen and appreciate their talent AND message. Teen bullying is an epidemic that needs to be addressed.

June 18 - At the Galvanized Souls CD/video release party with my good friend Jose Roque. What a great fun event (300+) for a band that deserves props not only for quality music and lyrics, but their admirable stand in their songs against teen bullying. It's still rock 'n roll to me.

June 19 - In 1980, Boston's the Fools covered (with their own revised lyrics) "I Won't Grow Up" from the Disney film "Peter Pan" which fascinated me as a child. I loved their punk take on it, because it expressed the way I felt about growing up, but still keeping a child-like wonderment to be fascinated by great music regardless of your age.

 June 25 - Seis Pistols US tour starts in three weeks!!!! To all my LA homies: Seis Pistos first LA show in many years Wed. July 16 at the Good Hurt.

June 26 - Soooo looking forward to the CD release party for Viento Callejero tomorrow night at MBar (and it is a free show). Hope to see you there!

June 28 - Tonight listen to Cuevo Perez promoting his excellent new CD on "Travel Tips for Aztlan" at 10 PM PDT or listen online if you are not in LA at 

June 29 - “Ya es Hora” More wonderful music from my dear friend, the incredible Ms. Eljuri. Keep thrilling us lady!

July 3 - Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! I am sick and tired of hearing about all these tribute bands getting work in LA, no less headlining. Our City of the Angels has always had a tradition of producing great ORIGINAL bands, whether English or Spanish going back to the 50s. Not a great trend and we all need to band together to fight it.

July 3 - OK, a lot of you like the point I made about the importance of original music. But I think we need to make a statement about the proliferation of cover band shows. Who is willing to protest in front of House of Blues W. Hollywood the next time they do one of these shows? Would you be willing to carry a sign that says,"I am an original band, book me” (en inglés o español) or "I do a radio show that features original artists" or "I am a fan that goes to see bands who write their own material." Is there support out there?

July 6 - Since I am already starting to get birthday wishes from friends in time zones where it is now my birthday, I wanted to post this outstanding video of the Stones doing the classic "Route 66." As a kid, my family traveled from Chicago to LA on Route 66 so we could settle in San Gabriel in the 50s. And now, I am about to begin my 66th year. Thanks to all my friends and family who have been part of the musical journey of my life and continue to be there. I love you all, and let's keep rockin'.

July 7 - I don't know how many of you got to listen to Jose Moran's great interview with Seis Pistos' Kenio on Radio Bilingue, but it was awesome! Hey, this is the way I spend my birthday: WORKING music I believe in. Tomorrow the birthday dinner, and Thursday my official birthday celebration at King King with Go Betty Go, El Sonido Callejero, Profesor Galactico, and the Sirens courtesy of Melinda and A&M.

July 9 - I hope you will help me celebrate my 66th birthday featuring Profesor Galactico, Go Betty Go, and El Sonido Callejero (with Santos de Los Angeles).

July 11 - What a wonderful night at King King for Melinda's fabulous lineup of bands which I proclaimed as mi cumpleanos oficial. Saw so many old friends, and made some new ones too. Great music keeps you young, and it is even better when surrounded by people you care about.

July 11 - Seventeen Things Local Bands Just Don’t Get. My good friend Angel Aguilar posted this, and it is just so true. Sadly, too many of the bands I hear nowadays commit one or more of these musical sins (unlike the great quartet of bands I heard tonight), let me give them props one more time: Go Betty Go, El Sonido Callejero, Profesor Galactico, and the Sirens.

July 13 - Aerosmith has made more money from video games than from albums. Just an interesting tidbit I felt I should share about making money as a musician. Get a publisher who can place your music in video games.

July 13 - The Byrds, “So You Want To Be A Rock 'n' Roll Star.” Happy birthday Roger. The original bible for those who wanted to "make it" in the music business.

July 14 - After SOOOO many years, I finally get to hear my friends Seis Pistos play live again this Wed. July 16 at Good Hurt. Hope to see many of you there as this show will be awesome.

July 18 - Happiness is having a pass for Reventon Super Estrella and finally getting to see Caifanes (even if without Markovich) and all the rest on this great bill. Pachanga mañana.

July 20 - Romeo Void were a particular favorite of mine in the 70s-80s, and a band I was producing and managing (Needles and Pins) got to play with them. I played Romeo Void frequently as a club DJ. If you know Romeo Void you will smile, if you don't, you will be astounded. 

July 22 - So excited to be working with my good friends Disidente desde Guadalajara. I had the privilege of putting out their first two CDs through Verdad Y Justicia. Not only will I be promoting Disidente new 5th CD "Escandinavia," but helping them put together their fall US tour, which will include some dates con Los Seis Pistos. Enjoy and like.

July 26 - Recently I received a copy of Tommy Mora's new CD Let It Shine and I have to tell you it is excellent. There are little places throughout the CD where I see him reaching back to the great music of the Sir Douglas Quintet from Texas (his home state) for inspiration. This song was a hit when I was still in high school in the 60s and it made me a fan for life. They sounded and looked English, but they were Tejas through and through. Sadly, Doug is no longer with us, but you can hear the influence he provided to Tommy Mora on Let It Shine

July 26 - Happy birthday Mick Jagger! Here are the Rolling Stones on the Dean Martin Show that was broadcast when I was still in high school. Notice how Dean rolls his eyes at the end of the clip (he obviously was NOT entertained). But what you don't see at the end of this clip is something that I will never forget: He said to the audience "We'll be right back after this commercial break, but please come back—don't leave me here alone with the Rolling Stones."

Aug 1 - Busy day tomorrow. Calls for Alex Johnson for school board for two hours, then off to an AARP (!) screening of Get On Up, then on to LA Skacore at Lincoln Park en mi barrio—woohoo!–a full day! Who says you have to slow down at 66 and go on pinche cruises with boring people?

Aug 8 - Tonight was a wonderful show (gracias Al Borde) re-uniting one of LA's great bands Curanderos, minus Mario frontman who we lost two years ago. Rick, Lahrry and Diego were amazing with a stellar support cast of some of the most wonderful singers and players in LA's movimiento alternativo. I said I wasn't going to cry, but I did. Not only from the wonderful memories, but so MANY, MANY people who love music or play it themselves that came to this show that I had not seen in years. It was truly like having a Westchester 8-Ball reunion!!!! A special night with special people.

Aug 9- After the fun tribute to Mario of Curanderos last night, it was so emotionally charged that I am just spending a quiet night at home. And I am watching a rerun on CNN of an episode of The 60s that I had not previously seen that includes the grape boycott. I was among many who carried a picket sign in front of the Alpha Beta market just north of the UCR campus demanding they stop selling grapes (and customers stop buying them) until they allowed the grapepickers to organize. I have some friends who I know through the music scene, and are much younger than me, who have thanked me for my activism to help their parents get ahead. And you know what I have told them: "We did it because it was the right thing to do."

Aug 10 - Happy Birthday Ronnie! (of The Ronettes) You are such a treasure. I was 16 and a junior at San Gabriel High when this came out—I remember running out and buying the 45 as soon as getting my allowance from mowing the lawn and cleaning the pool.

 Aug 10 - Documentary film Scene UnSeen, courtesy of Edwin Monico. Details the indie scene en D.F. And as I’ve said for many years, it’s no longer about getting recognized in Madrid or Buenos Aires, but getting known in Mexico City. With its huge population base, what is hot there immediately feeds back to the US and the rest of the Spanish-speaking world.

Aug 11 - Tonight was a fun evening for me, as I got to be an extra in an upcoming Ed Asner movie Citizens United, which will be out this fall, the first extra role I have had in 40 years since 1974. This was a true treat because I have worked with many others to get Prop 49 on the November ballot putting California on record (if approved by voters) as favoring a constitutional amendment overturning the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court. However, I have to say it was fun, but done with a heavy heart because of the passing of Robin Williams, my favorite comedian. Robin was at his best when totally off-script and improvising, and NOBODY has ever had that snap-fast whit to come up with things off the top of his head in a rambling but meaningful spew of words—sometimes brilliant, often hilarious, but never boring or uninteresting. When listening to Robin perform whether on TV talk shows or live, you always got the impression he might have started with a few ideas about where he might take things. But then electrodes flashed in his lightning-fast brain—taking absurd directions none of us could ever imagine—at speeds faster than an out-of-control locomotive. While Robin made many truly great films, his humor and improvisational abilities in comedy set a standard that will be difficult to match, like Babe Ruth's 740 home runs. Those of us who have grown up in the entertainment business know that sometimes the most entertaining are also the most tortured by their personal demons. Thanks Robin for giving until you could give no more. You will be missed.

Aug 14 - Nice surprise in my mailbox today: Started reading The Rhino Records Story, Revenge of the Music Nerds by Harold Bronson. I had the pleasure to not only record Harold with Mogan David & His Winos at Sound Sync 1971 , but to promote the Ravers Punk Rock Christmas in 1977 when I was at Ariola Records.

Aug 15 - Just found out that Ska-P of Spain is playing the Foro Sol in Mexico City on Fri. Nov. 7. I SO loved finally seeing them in Pico Rivera a few years back. Any word on US dates to compliment this show???? puleezzzz!!!!!!!! Someone book them here again.

Aug 17 - Tomorrow, Monday on Todo a Pulmon listen to Jose playing the new Disidente CD Escandinavia.

Aug 19 - A stunning 25 percent of listeners are now Latino on Pandora. Anyone who thinks U.S. Hispanics are still confined to traditional Latin media only need to check out the latest Pandora stats.

According to ComScore's June numbers, 25 percent of Pandora's total 76.4 million active monthly unique visitors (MUV's) are Hispanic. That translates to an astounding nearly 19 million Hispanic MUV's, a number that not only places Pandora as the No. 1 music streaming property among Hispanics, but also as the top destination for Hispanics even when compared to endemic Hispanic sites like Univision Digital (which in June had 10.5 million MUVs).

ComScore is not alone in validating Pandora's Latin popularity. According to Nielsen's "Hispanics and Music" report released this week, Pandora is the No. 1 streaming service in the country among Latinos, with 39 percent of Hispanics listening in a typical week.

Pandora is not a Spanish site, nor does it advertise to Hispanics. So why the Latin traction?

For one, Pandora has made a concerted effort to broaden its Latin listener base and build up its Latin library. It boasts three separate genre subdivisions for the music --"Latin," "Mexico" and "Puerto Rico" -- with 27 stations under the "Latin" umbrella alone, and 15 stations under the "Mexican" umbrella. That's more than the number of stations found under dance, metal or even country. The diversity of stations, in turn, reflects Pandora's ability to target its users.

"The biggest part is we survey our user," says Mike Reid, Pandora's executive director for multicultural. "Once we identify this user base as someone who is potentially Hispanic we survey them."

Sep 1 - Tus Ojos, Great new video from Ozomatli—damn, it has been way too long since I have seen them live. Have to correct that.

Sep 1 - Wow, I thought I knew virtually everything about the Beatles. But before tonight with Herman sharing this, I never knew "Besame Mucho" was part of their audition set when they got signed. Learn something every day!

Sep 2 - Tomorrow night I will be going to a networking party in Hollywood for anyone in the entertainment industry who attended one of the 10 University of California campuses (me UCR 66-70). Anyone else I know planning to be there???? Should be fun. Don't know what to expect.

Sep 4 - R.I.P. Gustavo Cerati.

Sep 5 - When I was in high school in the 60s, it was all about whether you were aligning with the surfers and surf music or the English invasion of the Beatles, Stones, etc. (or you fit right in the middle like me). James Brown was on the radar, but only a blip for us suburban kids. But then I went away to college at UCR, and so much music exploded in my freshman year including Sly & the Family Stone. We all owe a debt of gratitude to Sly for his great songs, but more than that getting the Anglo world into the funk explosion James Brown had started. bump she bump.

Sep 6 - The one and only time I got to see 'el maestro' live—Cerati at Club Nokia in 2010. And shortly after that, sadly, the debilitating stroke. You know something, he belongs in the US Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Let's get behind him being nominated and hopefully this talented writer, player and performer will be elected. His memory deserves this honor!

Sep 6 - Listening to Travel Tips for Aztlan's tribute to Gustavo Cerati on NOW. Tune in if you can

Sep 8 - I am SO ready for Descartes a Kant playing LA at Grand Park for free this Sunday at 2 PM. Hope to see many of you there.

Sept 10 - Vida oficial video Enemigos del Suelo. Working in the business of alternativo promotion, I get to see a lot of videos and hear many, many new songs. In full disclosure, I did handle a promo campaign for the previous CD of Enimigos del Suelo. But this video is so stunning, so well done, that I had to share it as soon as I watched it after they sent it to me.

Sep 15 - Disidente coming to EE.UU. en Octubre—contact me if you would like to book them for a live show to support their wonderful 5th CD.

Sep 16 - Puya go to NY and DC, then go home to Puerto Rico. What's wrong West Coast y Chicago?

Set 14 - Look, I am not booking shows anymore, but I know what the market will return, whether in LA, SF, NY, Miami, DC, Chicago etc. We in alternativo don't have commercial radio to promote, only the broadcasts and web broadcasts and word of mouth. I am willing to bet that Puya could not get LA, SF, Phoenix, SF, Chicago bookings because they were asking way too much money to be realistic for a show in those markets. How many times do I have to shake my head and say "wake up to business realities–price it the way it needs to be done.”

 When are these fools doing business going to learn what the market will Really bear???? I am so sick of bands and managers being short-sighted as to how much bigger it could be if they priced tours realistically.

Too many in the Spanish alternative market over estimate what a show would pay them and overcharge, so the tour doesn't grow. Take less guaranteed, and put in a clause that you’ll make more if lot's of people show up. I just don't know why this is so hard for the music business on the Spanish side to understand, because it is really very simple. It's why the English side is far more successful than you are.

Bands should price themselves according to each market. But my experience on the Spanish side is that they do not. They are too afraid of people in top money markets saying to them, “why did you offer them for less than what I paid?” look, this is the business, tell them they cannot make as much money in that market. Simple, but don't be afraid to respond. Be elastic in your booking and back it up with solid reasons. This is not pinche rocket science.

Hey, I was on the guest list for Cuca's LA debut at the Knitting Factory, and they were charging $35. Twenty five people showed up, and I rocked out with the few that were there, as I love Cuca. But it was a very strong lesson going way back, on what you can charge for alternativo rock shows. They killed being huge in LA by overcharging for their first show. Please, be sensible and we will grow el movimiento.

Jorge leal: Well, They had already played some big shows in LÁ in 1994 (Palladium) and the Latin Village in 1996. Also, they played at the Grand Olympic in 1998 (but that was a bomb) so perhaps they somehow felt they were going to relive those days?

Ric: That was before I moved to LA Jorge, but I brought my San Francisco love of the band Cuca to LA and would have played them on El Cohete had we gotten our syndication on track. But still, I strongly feel this over pricing in 2003 hurt them being as big as they could have been. And in reality shortly after that they broke up, to later reform.

Sep 16 - Ok, I've laid a lot on your cabezas as to why we don't get to see Puya en LA. And I could say the same thing about Ska-P playing DF en Nov and not here. The list goes on and on. Believe me, I know trying to set up dates for Disidente. But the bottom line is: be active. If there is a band you want to see, like them, friend them, instagram them and do that to their management and label if you really care. Otherwise, you will be offered sh*t Heroes Tributos. Isn't the choice obvious?

Sep 16 - Just can't believe this is BB King's 89th birthday and still going. Was fortunate to see him (for the first time) at the Shrine Auditorium and get a station ID from him for KUCR (which I don't think they have any more—they do have the Janis one).  This man has taught so many about guitar. What can I say: a guitar god.

Sep 21 - Today, Elena Rodrigo emailed me about providing her with info on a few projects I have been involved in for some articles she will be writing about Latino rock. So it got me to look back at our first Top 10 chart from El Cohete that was 15 years ago Oct. 1, 2000. Some great music:


1 Zurdok - Abre Los Ojos

2 Arbol - Siento

3 Fulano - En Nombre De

4 Resorte - Caliente

5 Bunbury - El Extrenerjo

6 Sergent Garcia - Camino de la Vida

7 La Ley - Aqui

8 Nava Mujer - Boricua

9 Babasonicos - Combustible

10 Dracma - No Es Un Juego

Sep 25 - Earlier tonight, I changed my profile picture to me holding tickets from one of the last shows at the Westchester, and many of you responded. But few know that the club did not close because it was not doing well, rather it was inherited by kids of one of the owners who wanted to double the rent. Because that was not financially viable, the Hernandez family gave up their lease. The property lied fallow for almost five years, until the new owners found some investor to develop a "high end bar"---almost 5 years that they could have collected rent and let the Westchester continue to be the cultural icon club it was, but instead it was empty, the stage unoccupied due to greed.

Oct 1 - How awesome that Stevie Wonder has been selected to be Grand Marshall for the 2014 Hollywood Christmas parade! Probably one of the most important albums from the 70s for me was Songs In The Key of Life. I can't tell you the number of times I brought someone home and we made love to side one, or side four, his sexyist LP. This song is from side four in Swahili y español, and one that always got the passion flowing.

Oct 3 - Today I got the new Ongo CD in the mail from that band based in Puerto Rico. Now I have to say, these guys have been friends of mine since I announced trying to get El Cohete on the air in 2000. F*ckin A, what can I say, it is totally awesome. With Puya getting back together can we anticipate serious hard rock from Puerto Rico?

Oct 9 - Rumors are that very cool Mexican bands Disidente and Elis Paprika might be touring the West Coast together in December. Rumor or hope, stay tuned for more info. Hint: I think all the pieces are being put together to make it happen

Oct 14 - I have respected Fearless Records as a very cool punk label for many years. And the fact they are still active shows they truly get what music is about. I had to share this compilation they are about to release of their punk progeny covering some of the current Top 40 drivel that has polluted our musical landscape, but can at least be tackled with a wink and a nod to amuse us. Eager to hear some of these unbelievable covers when soon available.

Oct 16 - David Bowie - “Rock n roll Suicide”, Hammersmith ‘73. Thanks Cody for playing me this cut (the last on the LP) and then going back and playing all the other songs from the advance LP copy you got (knowing we were both Bowie fans). Today, Oct. 15 it will be 20 years since you were taken from us. I miss you and your incredible taste in music.

Oct 22 - Hey, I thought you all might have some fun with this. It's a mix cassette tape I made when living/djing in San Francisco in the late 90s playing dance music. Side One: "Rezo"- Carlos Ponce, "Guojira"- Chayanne, "La Mujer Que Tonto Ame"- Tony y Area Alta, "La Chica del Swing"- Ashley, "Suavamente"- Elvis Crespo, "Tic Tic Toc"- Marta Raulin, "Solo Se Vive Una Vez" - Azucar Moreno, "Dame Un a Noche de Amor" - Sheena, "Agua Pasada" - Frankie Negron, "Mi Estan Hablano del Cielo" - Celia Cruz"

Side Two: "Has Amado Una Mujer de Veras" - DJ Don Juan, "Estoy Aqui"/"Donde Estas Corazon - Shakira, "Se Me va a Oxidal" - Beverly, "Volveras a Mi" - MDO, No Es Obsesión" - Onda Vaselina, "Tu Amor" - Olga Tanon, "El Hombre Llego Parado" - Poche y su Coco Band, "Volvere" - Jose Luis, "Noche de Fiesta" - Los Gozadera, "Oye Mi Gente" - Ralph Anthony, "Baila" - Ilegales.

Truly I am a rocker, but I love to dance and it's always fun to provide music to also make other people dance.

Oct 27 - WOOOOOOOOOO Billy Idol is going to be on Jimmy Kimmel tonight. Here is Billy from the Generation X days (when I first got into him and his band) doing "Ready Steady Go" 1978—the good old days of KROQ.

Oct 28 - I had the pleasure to put out Spain's Skunk D.F. CDs through Verdad Y Justicia. What a f*cking great band that I was a fan of back to the 90's. Glad you are still doing it!

Nov 1 - Such fun to attend Benny Pacheco's Halloween party in my Dracula cape! And, so awesome to hear his new band and my good friends Ocupado play live too. Lot's of cool friends there as well. Enjoyable night. I feel so fortunate in knowing so many people who can inspire me musically and greet with hugs and shared memories.

Nov 3 - To this day, The Kinks remain one of my all-time favorite bands. Very interesting article about their first hit single "You Really Got Me" from when I was still in high school.

Nov - 6 It is rare these days to hear a CD with so many well-written tracks as Guadalajara's Aurum new release today. I've been waiting for this from them for a long time, and it is all I had hoped for, particularly my favorite track "El juego en Tus Manos" Listen and see if you agree.

Nov 14 - How cool—Pope Francis has invited Patti Smith to play the Vatican. Who knew? Life is always filled with fun little things that you never expect

Nov 21 - I am in the process of re-filing many of my CDs, and when you have as much music as I do, you are always running into some special surprise you forgot you had. Tonight, I came across "Jukebox Hits 1961." I was in 7th grade when those hits came out, and I actually owned 45 singles by the vast majority of the artists. Hey, for those in my age category, this brings back what a great year for music 1961 was; for those like most of my younger friends, you may have heard these songs from your parent’s music collection or at family parties. Be amazed!—all from one single year of music—great songs: 1. "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" - The Tokens 2. "Tossin' And Turnin" - Bobby Lewis 3. "Big Bad John" - Jimmy Dean 4. "Runaway" - Del Shannon 5. "Take Good Care of My Baby" - Bobby Vee 6. "Blue Moon" - The Miracles 7. "Will You Love Me Tomorrow" - The Shirelles 8. "Travelin' Man" - Rick Nelson 9. "Quarter To Three" - Gary US Bonds 10. "Runaround Sue" - Dion 11. "Please Mr. Postman" - The Marvelettes 12. "Running Scared" - Roy Orbison 13. "Wooden Heart" - Joe Dowell 14. "Moody River" - Pat Boone 15. "Mother In-Law" - Ernie K. Doe 16. "I Like It Like That" - Chris Kenner 17. "The Boll Weevil Song" - Brook Benton 18. "The Mountain's High" - Dick & Dee Dee 19. "Raindrops" - Dee Clark 20. "Goodbye Cruel World" - James Darren 21. "A Hundred Pounds of Clay" - Gene McDaniels 22. "Fool #1" - Brenda Lee 23. "Don't Worry" - Marty Robbins 24. "Every Little Star" - Linda Scott 25. "But I Do" - Clarence "Frogman" Henry 26. "Where The Boys Are" - Connie Francis 27. "Calendar Girl" - Neil Sedaka 28. "Hurt" - Timi Yuro 29. "Walk On By" - Leroy VanDyke 30. "Without You" - Johnny Tillotson

Dec 4th - Probably the most exciting song and performance video I have been turned on to for a while by Colombia's Pirañas. They are signed to Sony. What chance is there that those non-rockers at Sony Miami will release it here? Not much, but we can lobby them and encourage this great Colombian band to tour the US.

Dec 13 - Finde, Delux, Tolidos, Thermo, and Aurum ALL ON THE SAME BILL?????? Sounds like Monterrey January 31 is an absolute must!! Who wants to do a road trip with me???

Dec 15 - Listening to a mix tape I made for my son (and then made copies for my friends) 20 years ago this month. Take a trip back with me when people who performed in English could still write real songs:

Side One:

Seether - Veruca Salt, Downtown Venus - PM Dawn, Molly - Sponge, C'mon Betty - PJ Harvey, Send Me On My Way - Rusted Root, In The Blood - Better Than Ezra, She Don't Use Jelly - Flaming Lips, In The Mean Time - Space Hog, Far Behind - Candlebox, All Over You - Live, Tomorrow - Silver Chair, This Is a Call - Foo Fighters.

Side Two:

Everything Zen - Bush, Heart Shaped Box - Nirvana, All Wrong - God's Lives Underwater, Gotta Get Away - Offspring, Superunknown - Soundgarden, Israel's Son - Silver Chair, Reload - Ministry, Hey Man Nice Shot - Filter, Grind - Alice In Chains, Super Charger Heaven - White Zombie


Dec 16 - Probably one of the most important weekly radio programs dedicated to alternativo is Travel Tips For Aztlan Saturdays at 10 PM on KPFK-Los Angeles. A number of years ago, my good friend Mariluz Gonzalez joined Mark Torres as co-host. Today, she released her Top Ten list of the best CDs of 2014 and it includes two bands who are very close friends of mine: Disidente and Sucursal de la Cumbia. Congrats guys and waiting for your US shows in 2015!

Dec 16 - Disaster Rockfest en Monterrey!!! 31 enero!! Finde!! Delux!!! Tolidos!! Aurum!! and now Elli Noise added?????? I will SOOOOOO be there.

Dec 22 - Another One Bites The Dust. We lost the great Joe Cocker. Saw him many times: at the Swing Auditorium a few times, the Shrine Auditorium, Santa Monica Civic. He broke Traffic with his cover of this Dave Mason song. He provided a road to stardom for Leon Russell. And who can forget John Belushi's hilarious parody of Joe with the flapping hands??? Joe, you brought a lot to the table. Gracias.

Dec 27 - Five bands that are all friends of mine: Finde, Delux, Tolidos, Aurum, & Elli Noise all performing on the same show Jan. 31! Who wants to make a road trip with me to Monterrey, as I can get us in and backstage.

Dec 30 - Happy 68th Ms. Patti Smith and you still Smell Like Teen Spirit. Your music has affected my life in many profound ways and you continue to be a musical treasure.


Jan 1 - About halfway through reading Amanda Palmer's The Art of Asking. This is a book everyone in music should read because it can teach you so much (PARTICULARLY my Latino musician friends)

Jan 12 - Pretty excited about seeing my good friends Making Movies at La Cita this Thursday. I wish more of my Latino band friends were road warriors like these guys and get in a van and tour the US (and Mexico) twice a year like they do. Word up, learn from them, be at the show to talk to them about how they do it, and enjoy some great music.

Jan 17 - So enjoying hearing El Sonido Callejero live on KPFK's Travel Tips For Aztlan with Mark and Mariluz. They are still playing live so tune in to 90.7.

Feb 10 - Still remember hearing "Loser" for the first time on Philadelphia radio and thinking "damn, I have to get that cassette" (which I still have). Shame on Kayne West for once again presenting both his arrogance and ignorance. Beck is far more a complete artist than Beyonce will ever be.

Feb 13 - Seeing Karina Nistal live for the first time and having a wonderful Pink's hot dog the same night—fookin L, it doesn't get much better than that.

Feb 14 - Mariluz Gonzalez is doing a cool punk show on Travel Tips. Tune in to 90.7 or Fun for us spending Valentine's Day home alone (me too tired after work to go out)

Feb 15 - Certainly enjoying watching the 40 year retrospective of Saturday Night Live. I remember watching the debut show at Dana Doss' house in Colton in 1975. I have to admit, there are times when I have tuned in and the whole show (to say it kindly) was mediocre. But when they hit with something like "And I can see Russia from my house" it is truly something special. Congrats on 40 great years.

Feb 16 - RIP Ms. Lesley Gore. I had all of your 45s when I was in high school.

Feb 20 - Finally--La Barranca tour dates!

Feb 14 - It's been over 20 years since we lost Kurt Cobain. He left us with so many great songs, who knows what that great catalog might have expanded to if he lived. He was also a crusader for women's rights and human rights. We miss you Kurdt.

Feb 28 - Hey tune in to KJLA Channel 57 LATV as Vim Furor go on in a few minutes.

March 2 - Ah the Residents—one of the strangest groups ever—such mystery.

March 5 - Tomorrow night is the show I have been looking forward to: Vispera's CD release also featuring Vim Furor and Manantial de Fuego. What a great bill!!!!! (reminds me of the type I would put together when booking the Westchester—sadly this doesn't happen much anymore). Anyway, I hope to see as many of my friends there as possible for a night of great music.

May 7 - After a wonderful evening of music at Vispera's CD release party yesterday (also featuring Vim Furor and Manantial de Fuego), tonight was an evening of quiet reflection, as it is the six year anniversary of losing my Mom. The candles are burning. Tomorrow is the California Clean Money session in Culver City, so before heading off to bed and getting ready for this important gathering, just had to say: miss you Mom.

March 13 - Wednesday I had the pleasure of doing a music listening session with my friend Sergio, and was surprised to hear he had NEVER previously heard music on vinyl. Well, we did some old blues, 60s rock etc. before switching over to some Spanish rock on CD—but it was fun to watch him respond to the crispness of vinyl recordings. Regardless how we age, life is always full of wonderful things to make you smile.

May 17 - You will notice that a few weeks ago I changed my profile picture to a wonderful shot of me and Juan Manuel Aguilera taken when I first brought La Barranca to LA to play the Westchester. I was also involved in the 2009 Knitting Factory show that featured them as headliners. Hope to see many of you who consistently ask me "when are they coming back?”—rock out with us at Los Globos, Thurs. Mar. 26. Please share this email if you love the music of La Barranca as much as I do.

May 19 - I have been reading the variety of today's destinations for youth for Spring Break. Since it is throwback Thursday, I thought I’d reminisce on my youth. When in high school in the 60s, it was definitely Balboa Island of Newport Beach (way before it gentrified). Then later in the 60s it was either Laguna Beach (taking the OC mantle), Palm Springs or Ensenada. We always went to a destination we could drive to because only the super-rich could afford to fly.

May 21 - Only a few more days until the return of La Barranca. Hope to see a lot of you this coming Thursday at Los Globos, March 26.

May 26 - On my way to Los Globos for La Barranca. Nice.

May 27 - Rise and Fall of Tower Records - Looking forward to this documentary on Tower Records which we sorely miss.

May 28 - I'm not often home on a Saturday night, but when I am (and not throwing a party) I listen to Travel Tips for Aztlan on KPFK. Drink of the nectar my friends. Eagerly awaiting the Alex and Chela interview, as I helped get El Tri their first #1 alternativo single in the US almost 10 years ago

March 30 - Is it true?????? Possible bill of Seis Pistos, Disidente and Elis Paprika all on tour together in May. The rumors have me excited.

April 3 - The Shangri-La's audio assault in my sophomore year of high school. No wonder I became a music freak.

April 7 - I not only had the privilege to see Frank Zappa and the Mothers play live many times, but the honor of working for his management company in 1980 and helping break "Valley Girl" with him and his daughter. Frank was always a true intellectual, and what he said here about the US turning into a fascist theocracy pretty much rings true today. Watch and absorb from one of the most brilliant minds of our musical generation.

April 13 - San Pascualito Rey at Los Globos on May 16! Wow, this is so amazing. I have been trying to get Pascual a show here for SPR since we put out their first CD Sufra, Sufra, Sufra in 2005 on Verdad Y Justicia (through DiVa). Can I say this MADE MY DAY! After 10 pinche years, it's finally going to happen. Hope to see many of you there.

April 16 - Hey, I am hoping I will see many of you this Saturday night at MBar for Marujah's CD release party. Let's rock!

April 20 - Most of you who know me are aware I am a huge Rage fan (and was honored to put together Tributo a Rage Against the Machine en Español. That's why I was blown away by this scratch version of "Killing in the Name" Thanks for sharing from Chicago's own Jean Marc!

April 22 - It's hard to believe today is the 45th anniversary of Earth Day. We celebrated the first one with a concert at UC Riverside bell tower stage during my senior year in 1970, but I can't remember who played. Alums and Riverside locals: do you remember this Bell Tower show and who played live???? Hint: this was also right before the beginning of national college strikes against the Vietnam War.

Lisa: Was that the year the Allman Brothers played?

Ric: Yes, but they played in the fall about October.

April 20 - Having been a Skunk D.F. fan since the early 2000's how excited was I to be the first to distribute them in the US through Verdad Y Justicia. This classic prog rock band from Spain is still smoking’ with great new tracks. Maybe if we are lucky they will tour the US.

April 23 - Was very impressed to see De'Anza's set tonight, she's pretty amazing. Thanks Ray for the invite, you have a wonderful artist to promote.

April 23 - I have been preaching that we need a festival like this en EE.UU. for years following the model so successful in Mexico. Finally, we get Ruido Fest as a three-day extravaganza this summer in Chicago, and it looks like I will be heading to the Windy City where I was born. Whatever you call it (the Latino Coachella or Lollapalooza), the smart promoters in Chicago came through, and now it's time for us to be there and prove there is support. See you in Chicago July 10-12

April 27 - Today, I had the incredible pleasure of talking with my friend Dana Doss, guitar player supreme from Jango whom I recorded in the 70s. Dana had been in the hospital and although we had chatted on Facebook and "liked" each other's posts, we had not actually talked in over 25 years as he is now based in Ohio. OK, I admit that I finally gave in phone-wise and now have texting capabilities. But still, NOTHING beats hearing the human voice of someone you care about. Word up.

May 8 - Courtesy of my friend Herman. Wow it's Jerry Moss' 80th. He and Herb Alpert created A&M—this label signed so many wonderful artists in the 60s and 70s. When I worked for United Artists Records on Sunset and Orange in the 70s, it was always fun to go around the corner to A&M to visit Rob Wunderlich or Bob Garcia or just hang in one of their recording studios if someone cool was recording a new album.

May 12 - Finalmente: San Pascualito Rey plays LA. Ya know, I can't think of one single band I have put more effort into over the years to bring their show to LA, and it's finally happening this Saturday. Please join us at Los Globos for the LA debut of San Pascualito Rey.

May 14 - R.I.P. B.B. King who we lost today. I was blown away by you live many times, and had the pleasure to be working with the same label as you back in the early 70s. You made a mark.

May 16 - Back home from the California Democratic Convention JUST IN TIME to see San Pascualito Rey at Los Globos (con Marujah, y Cuevo!) See you there very soon.

May 17 - Sometimes the powers that be do not receive your pleas for an event—sometimes they do. What a treat it was to see San Pascualito Rey's music ooze (and what better way could you say it?) all over the many enthusiastic fans at Los Globos yesterday. Fortunately, there are many moments in my life where I have listened to an LP or CD and said "this is monumental." That's how I felt listening to Sufro, Sufro, Sufro and knew we had to SLP part of the Verdad Y Justicia label group. To see and hear Pascaul and the band on stage last night fulfilled a longtime dream. You never get too old to get blown away by genius and talent, and it makes you glow when it happens. Thanks Pascual for being the creative force you are.

May 23 - Back from China, Elis Paprika & the Black Pilgrims prepare their West Coast tour: June 19 San Diego, June 20 Ensenada, June 24 Mexicali, June 25 Los Angeles, June 26 Las Vegas, July 2 Juarez, July 3 Phoenix, July 4 Tucson

Most of these dates are with Los Hollywood with more to be announced soon.

May 31 - Disneyland is celebrating its 60th birthday, and for those of you who have read my book, you know how I salute my hip Grandma Lillian who turned me on to both Elvis Presley and the Beatles. Right after we moved to San Gabriel from Chicago in 1955, she took my brother (who was 3) and me (who was just turning 6) to Disneyland right after it opened. A fond remembrance to probably the most important person in my life and the magical place Disneyland has always been. You were special Grandma, my greatest influence. As your eldest grandson, you were someone who would listen to me and love a rebellious kid.

June 3 - I have been waiting for La Sucursal de la Cumbia to return to LA since their killer performance at the Conga Room. And with Profesor Galactico, and Manantial de Fuego opening—three great acts on the same bill. DO NOT MISS THIS show; it could be one of the best of 2015

June 3 - Today we lost Bo Diddley. We need to thank the Rolling Stones, and Mick Jagger in particular for making a wider public aware of this brilliant guitar player, song writer and yes performance dancer (man, check out those foot moves in this video). Bo, you were one of a kind, and I was glad to be delighted by your live performances many times.

June 5 - La Sucursal De LaCumbia prove why they are one of the best live bands on planet earth, with strong opening support from Profesor Galactico, and Manantial de Fuego. Super shows like this don't come along often any more but when they do, it is a true pleasure to soak in the sounds!

Jun 12 - I'm listening to Que De Aquellas USA! by People of the Barrio and it is absolutely blowing me away as a documentation of Chicano culture from the 50s and 60s. Thanks Joe Brambila for getting this wonderful CD to me. Plus, it is a fundraiser for Chicano Korean War vets. So nice on many levels. Available on itunes.

June 18 - Looking forward to Jose Montes de Oca's CD release party at La Boom in Huntington Park Friday night. Hope to see you there.

June 23 - Only two more days until the Elis Paprika/Los Hollywood show at Los Globos. Hope to see you there this Thursday.

June 25 - It's finally tonight—at Los Globos Elis Paprika and Los Hollywood. See you there for a night of great music.

July 6 - This coming weekend will mark a very important milestone. Ruido Fest will take place in Chicago. I hope many of you will be there to support, as I had hoped to attend but will not be able to. My Father passed away last Tuesday at 92, and I am helping my brother make all the necessary final arrangements. But go, rock out, then tell me how wonderful it was.

July 13 - I used to work with Jackie Fox (of the Runaways) at Ariola Records and at that time she never mentioned the rape.

Ironically I was chatting Saturday night with Danny Benair, the drummer for the Quick—who Kim Fowley tried to turn into the boy-band version of the Runaways. Kim stole them away from the management company who hired me to produce a demo for them. Now that Kim is dead, he’s being accused of rape.

July 13 - Adriana from Love Star just finished reading my book and asked me to do a book signing at the band's upcoming show at Los Globos July 30. Of course I said yes, as I used to book them regularly at the Westchester before they made the transition from Grito Mutual to Love Star. But I upped the ante: I offered to do a DJ set to add to the party. At 67, this might be the last one I do live in a club. So what a night: Love Star formerly Grito Mutual playing live, me dj-ing, and you can buy a signed copy of my musical retrospective book. Hope to see you there.

July 19 - I'm BAAAACK! Hey, I hope to see you at Love Star's CD release party Thurs. July 30 at Los Globos. They asked me to do a signing of my book (you will be able to get a signed copy for $10 instead of the $13.99 you would pay on Amazon). Plus, I agreed to do a one-hour DJ set. Thinking back, I used to regularly DJ live when I lived in NY and S

loved it, banging on the windows). It's hard to believe that it has been almost 20 years since I first heard Quetzal live while living in San Francisco—and they are still musically stellar and lyrically stimulating. Si se puede!

Aug 2nd - I can still remember the day when the single of the Move’s "Brontosaurus'' arrived in the mail at KUCR from A&M and it made me a Move fan for life. I was later fortunate enough to work with both Roy Wood & Wizzard and Jeff Lynne & Bev Bevan continuing with Electric Light Orchestra (and Rick Price who played for both of them) during my tenure at United Artists Records including touring with both bands. It all started with "Brontosaurus."

Oct 3rd - Getting ready to head over to Mal's Bar for Aurora, Love Star, Alma de Jade, and Octavio Red—four outstanding musical acts on the same bill. What a rarity these days for such a strong bill. I hope you will join us there.

Oct 23 - War - “World is a Ghetto” - Proud to have been part of the promotion team to break this album, and the first to raise my hand and say "Cisco Kid" should be a single while working for United Artists records in 1972. See you mañana for War, y Buyepongo.

Nov 3 - Seeing an advance preview tonight of the documentary "Where Have You Gone Nina Simone?" was a wonderful treat. I know much of Nina's music, but was never aware until tonight she covered my favorite Janis Ian song "Stars."

Nov 7 - Ronnie Self - “Bop a Lena” - This song popped into my head tonight as one of the first 45 singles I ever bought back in the fifties (record nerds: note the YELLOW Columbia label before they switched permanently to red). One of my favorite rockabilly records of all time and I use to play it when I dj'ed at my grammar school sock hops. Go Ronnie!

Nov 17 - Thoroughly enjoying reading Bob Stanley's Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!, The story of Pop Music from Bill Haley to Beyonce. Learned something I did not know: Miles Davis was the force behind the Byrds getting signed to Columbia in 1964. Who knew?

Nov 19 - If I weren't just getting over some back and stomach issues, I would rather be at the Palladium groovin' to Cafe Tacvba and Zoe rather than watchin' the Latin Grammys. Just sayin'.

Nov 21 - How musically satisfying to hear two of my favorite SoCal bands, Manantial de Fuego, y Ni Modo play live in the pleasant Placita Olvera. I don't go out as often my friends, but when I do, make it worth my while. And this was.

Nov 27 - Mott the Hoople - “All the Way From Memphis” - Shortly after I joined United Artists Records, this single arrived to my boss Marty Cerf. Hey, I had been a Hoople fan for years at KUCR, but this nailed it.

Nov 29 - How fun to do an interview for an upcoming documentary for a soon-to-be broadcast television special on the music industry to be broadcast in Mexico. Thanks to long-time friend Freddy Contreras of Pro-fe-cia for setting it up. They just started recording interviews for it, so I’ll let you know when in 2016 it will be broadcast. Also I will be helping the producers connect with people I know here in the US for additional interviews.

Dec 6 - A special thank you to Edgar Bautista Zuñiga for the amazing lineup of talent he assembled at M Bar for his annual toy drive last night. I have had the pleasure of knowing Edgar since we teamed as Bay Area residents to try to get El Cohete on the air in the 90s. But most of all, mil gracias to all who turned out to support. It was a true joy to see and hug so many in our musical community whose music and friendship have meant a lot to me over the years. Keep making great music and coming out to support others who also do.

Dec 12 - What a treat to hear Mark Torres interview legendary keyboard player Don Randi on KPFK, who played on many Phil Spector sessions. I was so fortunate to take a producing class with my best friend Josh Schiffer from Phil Spector when he was producing three of the four Beatles. Learned a lot.

Dec 12 - So excited to hear Mark Torres’ (loong!) interview with Don Randi on KPFK, and all the great sessions he played on including Phil Spector, Brian Wilson, and Linda Ronstadt's early band, Stone Poneys. Happy to say that we at KUCR got behind the Stone Poneys as soon as the single "Different Drum" arrived, and Don played keys on it. Linda is such a wonderful person, and there must be at least 20 key musical people that she introduced me to over the years backstage at her early Troubadour shows. She is going through health issues now; to all of us who love her, give your support

Dec 4 - LA Weekly headline calling Super Estrella 'rock en español?' No, not quite.

Dec 15 - Jan. 2 is approaching, with the benefit show for Ronny Campos at OC Steelhouse in Anaheim featuring 6(!!!!) outstanding bands: Aurora, Love Star, Octavio Red, Sonsoles, Alma de Jade and La Theoria. Damn, lineups like that just don't exist any more! Plus, to raise money for Ronny's cancer treatments, we will have a silent auction of my musical retrospective book Valley Blvd. Cruisin' Rock To Alternativo: The Padrino Tales signed by me, my co-author Fausto Chavez and Ronny herself; a true collectors item. I hope to see you there


Jan 7 - Reading Land of a Thousand Dances: Chicano Rock 'n' Roll from Southern California made me realize I was treated by KFWB as a pre-teen in LA to Ritchie Valens' "Come On Let's Go" even before "La Bamba" and "Donna." Always nice to have a book you are reading put your history in proper order. We miss you Ritchie.

Mychael Smith: - Ric, Did Richie Valens ever do an album with Delfi records or just the three singles?

Ric: When Ritchie's singles were popular, I was only in the 4th grade. I had the 45 of "Donna"/"La Bamba" (a two sided hit single), but I could only afford to buy 45s back then. I don't think I have ever actually seen a vinyl Ritchie Valens album (although the liner notes of my Delfi CD indicates there was one at one time. The Best of Ritchie Valens on Delfi includes: 1. La Bamba 2. Bluebirds Over The Mountain 3. In A Turkish Town 4. Ooh! My Head 5. Paddi-Wack Song 6. Stay Beside Me 7. Malaguena 8. Framed 9. Come On, Let's Go 10. Donna 11. Fast Freight 12. We Belong Together 13. That's My Little Suzie 14. Hurry Up 15. Little Girl 16. Hi-Tone

Jan 28 - With the passing of Paul Kantner today, I cannot remember a month in my entire life where we have lost so many wonderful musical icons all at once. Those of you who know me are aware I'm rarely at a loss for words, but this time, I am. Perhaps silence and memories cherished are best. Tears are running.

Jan 29 - I was eager to hear David Bowie's final musical statement since it came out just before his death, so I picked up a copy at Amoeba. Knowing it would be intense listening, I wanted to wait until Friday night to slip it in the sound system. It is disturbing, inspiring and saddening. So many emotions all at once. 

Jan 30 - Damn, just found out Signe Toly Anderson passed away the same day as Paul Kantner, two Jefferson Airplane losses. Was this month astrologically programmed that we would lose so many of our musical illuminata?

Feb 6 - Wow, freaking out that we lost another one. Dan Hicks passed on today and he will be warmly remembered first from the Charlatans, and later from Dan Hicks & His Hot Licks, who I was fortunate to see many times, but most memorably when we brought them to UCR.

 Feb 9 - My friends Los Estramboticos are coming back to LA from Mexico for the first time in a decade with a great show including Nana Pancha (again who I haven't seen in years) and LA's premiere ska-core band Raskahuele. How can you go wrong with this lineup??? I'll be there, and you must, I repeat, must do all to get your ass there too.

Feb 11 - I always wondered why there was no "e" in the spelling of Whisky a Go Go. I've been there to see bands a bazillion times dating back to the 60s. Yesterday, on PBS I got a reason. The US and Ireland spell Whiskey with the "e" included. But evidently the United Kingdom and Canada do not use the "e" and spell it as 'whisky.' Thus, the Whisky a Go Go was using the English model at the height of the British Invasion when the name and spelling were selected.

Feb 12 - “I’m Bored” my favorite song by Iggy Pop, who will be playing LA in April. Rock on bro, we had some fun times together over the years in the East Village during when we both called NYC home.

Feb 13 - Dug into the CD collection to pull out and spin discs from Los Estramboticos, Nana Pancha (and of course the great Raskahuele on the bill too). All skanked up and ready to party. Hope that many of you will choose to spend this evening with all of us at La Bahia on Sunset (between Echo Park and Chinatown—haven't been there in years!) PACHANGA. Doors open at 7 PM.

Feb 18 - In honor of throwback Thursday, today Feb.18 is the 9th anniversary of "Suprema Ska" at the legendary Westchester, which featured Chencha Berrinches, La Banda Skalavera, Starpool, Cellphish, Matamoska, Montecristo, LosP2, y Cerebro Negro. Proud to have put together this event and yes I am wearing the T-shirt from it in my current profile picture with Pino and Edgar. I am sure many of you miss going to shows at the Westchester as much as I miss booking them. R.I.P. Westchester Sports Grill, you are missed by SO many.

Feb 26 - Alone on a Friday night. It's time to dig out a mixtape that brings back some music to rock the soul, and some good memories of the time. Listening to "Let Freedom Ring" tape which I made in Philly when I lived there circa 1995:

Side One

Justified & Ancient - KLF (w/Tammy Wynette)

Black Hole Sun - Soundgarden

Fuck & Run - Liz Phair

Reciprocate - Pansy Division

Closer - Nine Inch Nails

Man on the Moon - R.E.M.

Man Who Sold the World - Nirvana

I Stay Away - Alice in Chains

Lilac Wine - Jeff Buckley

Working For The Man - PJ Harvey

Only Love can Break a Heart - Saint Etienne

Prison Sex - Tool

She Don't Use Jelly - Flaming Lips

Cut Your Hair - Pavement

I Alone - Live

Side Two

Disarm - Smashing Pumpkins

When I Come Around - Green Day

Daughter - Pearl Jam

Erica Kane - Urge Overkill

Are You Going My Way - Lenny Kravitz

Sick of Myself - Matthew Sweet

Hold Me Up - Velvet Crush

Self Esteem - Offspring

Girls & Boys - Blur

Love You More - Sunscreem

Boss Drum - The Shamen

Kraut - KFDM

Loser - Beck

Close To You - Ethyl Meatplow

Liar - Henry Rollins

I Left My Flannel In Seattle - Butt Trumpet

Sometimes the early 90s are not given credit for the amount of great music that came out then. Smiling while listening.

Feb 27 - A musical double header today. First, Elton John at the Tower Records parking lot. Then, off to Los Globos for Marujah, La Banda Skalavera, La Chamba, and ECNO. My ears are very, very happy.

Feb 27 - What a treat to hear Sir Elton John play a live free show in the former Tower Records parking lot just now. He used to shop there regularly for albums even though he could have had them for free by asking any record company—but he wanted the artists to get the royalty payments. I have many fond memories of Elton (putting on one his first US shows at RCC in Riverside and being on tour with Family when they were Elton's opening act). And yes, those tales are documented in my book. Thanks Reg for meaning so much to so many for so long—and still rockin.

March 4 - Just lovin' the Loretta Lynn special. What an amazing singer writer and performer. I have a special love for QUALITY Country & Western music. When I was a sound engineer at Sound Sync in Riverside, even though I was mainly a rocker, I went to a lot of country shows to get these artists to book recording time at the studio because country performers got paid for their shows (and could afford to record) while rockers often didn't. Damn, that was 1971, and it's funny how some things just stay the same. Speaking of which, I’ll be going to see Rosie Flores at El Cid this Thursday. Who wants to join me for some great country?

March 21 - Bruce Springsteen just concluded a series of dates at the Sports Arena. Yes, I love Bruce and have seen many of his shows. This is the last concert at the Sports Arena, it will be demolished to build a soccer stadium. I have to point out how significant this venue was to metalaros, as my friends Pro-fe-cia (whom I was proud to release their debut CD through Verdad Y Justicia) always had me on the backstage list with them for headliners such as Rata Blanca, and Mago de Oz. Ahh, sweet memories indeed of the soon to be demolished Sports Arena.

April 6 - It was 1970, my senior year at UCR and I was living in Blaine House (North of the UCR campus). We had some amazing parties there including one for the Dillards. But ours was a modern country household, and Merle Haggard was a minor deity to us. Hey, this is the only time in my life that I dressed in a cowboy shirt, black cowboy hat and tight cowboy jeans, after which the Comer Street Ladies designated me "cutest ass on campus". Fun to remember. Merle's music meant a lot to us then and still does. He was a special song writer and performer, and I am glad idolizing him was an important part of my Riverside days and my embrace of QUALITY country music.

April 6 - Tomorrow night, I will be heading over to Silver Lake Lounge to hear for the first time live Carlos Elliot, Colombian blues stalwart guitarist. Hope to see many of you there.

Carlos has become a friend, and Saturday night he is coming over to my house to dig into my record collection. You are welcome to join us.

April 10 - Carlos Elliot Jr: “Wonderful experience in Hollywood & Los Angeles with Ric Fazekas one the most influential Radio DJs in the late 60s for the WKUCR who get to know almost everybody in the rock & blues scene, from Janis & Jim Morrison, to get to shake Howlin' Wolf's hands. Thanx Ric for sharing your 4.600 vinyls and lovely stories, see ya next time!”

April 19 - Tomorrow night is the Music Industry Reunion get together in Agoura Hills, and I am looking forward to seeing old friends from the times I worked for United Artists Records, City One Stop, Ariola Records, and Glotzer Management in the early days of my music industry involvement, before later getting involved in the Spanish-language side. It should be a special night.

April 21 - Totally freaked about the passing of Prince. As much as I loved his own recordings, I can't think of anyone else who wrote so many classic songs that other artists made the center of their career: Sinead, The Bangles, Cyndi—and Age of Chance. When I first moved to NY, WLIR had this cover of "Kiss" by local boys Age of Chance in heavy rotation. Their outer-borough accents and quasi-metal struck a chord with me and welcomed me to my new home, New York.

May 8 - Had the opportunity to hang with my two brothers today in Claremont, equal distance for all three of us to celebrate Mother's Day as our Mom is no longer with us, eat and shop at Rhino Records. In addition to some cool vinyl, I picked up Santana IV on CD which I have been waiting for. But with 16 songs (!) the first 8 were so good, I have to split this up over 2 nights. So far, my favorite is track #3 "Anywhere You Want To Go." More on 9-16 manana. It is as good as I was expecting with all the original guys that are still with us.

May 8 - Music has always been my first love. I did make money promoting music, but there were certain things musically I invested in heavily, that did not happen the way I thought it would. . . and I would not change my involvement as I am doing to this day. So many of my younger musical friends say "Hey we don't see you our at shows as much" and I write: at almost 68, I have to limit my "out late" nights

May 12 - Kind of glad Ozzie and Sharon patched up their differences and got back together. I have fond memories of working with the Arden family during my UA years to break ELO, and then in 1980 having Sharon and Ozzie come out to the dance floor of the Rainbow where I was dj'ing. (I think I was playing Aerosmith’s "Walk This Way.)

May 28 - Will be in Riverside tomorrow around 11:30 AM for the Inland Empire Record Collective. As always, still thirsting for cool vinyl to fill little holes in my LP collection. Would love to see old Rivacity friends out there.

May 28 - While it is always wonderful to visit my college alma mater town of Riverside, today at the Inland Empire Record Collective I was blown away to find a VINYL copy of Heroes del Silencio's Senderos de Traicion in perfect condition!!!!!! Ah, the silky sound of hearing it come out of the speakers from vinyl. dulce!!!!!

June 10 - There are a lot of negatives in growing older if you let them get to you, which I don't, so I maintain status as "un kid." Having another great music listening party with Lujuria was just so uplifting once again. These kids play and write great music, but also know how to appreciate music from the masters. Tomorrow live at 6 PM Silver Lake Lounge, then 10 PM KPFK-FM Travel Tips Aztlan and Monday at 7 PM Todo a Pulmon on from Fresno. Puro rock, jump on board.

June 11 - Tune in to Travel Tips For Aztlan 10 PM on KPFK-FM 90.7 to hear Mariluz and Mark interview Lujuria here from Argentina to play and record their 4th CD. GET READY!

June 14 - Logged over 500 miles today with talented Argentinian musical millennials Lujuria, constantly faced-fused to a phone, much fun with Jose interviewing them. 5 Star tomorrow, then heading to Joshua Tree with them Friday for Taylor Junction. When you love puro rock, you just keep doin' it.

June 14 - 9 PM tonight Lujuria live at the 5 Star downtown LA. We had a great time in Fresno yesterday appearing on Jose Moran's excellent show Todo a Pulmon KSJV/Radio Bilingue.

June 16 - Having gone to high school in the early 60s and college in the late 60s, I was part of that bridge between the beatnick and hippie movements. What a treat today to find a vinyl LP of my favorite poet in my high school years E.E. Cummings reading his own works!!! Yes, I was part of the Poetry Club at San Gabriel High with Joe, Karen, Terryl, et. al and we listened to Dylan even before he broke through. It was Mr. B's work that inspired my own writing so much. People often say to me "with all the records and CDs you own, why do you continue to shop for more? The answer is there is always some wonderful jewel out there to treat your ears and mind, and finding one is an unparalleled joy.

June 18 - I can't believe it was 49 years ago tonight that I was backstage at the Monterey Pop Festival with the Paul Butterfield Blues Band. We've lost all but Elvin. Paul, Mark, Michael, Jerome and Sam, somehow our spirits will all intertwine tonight.

June 20 - Sometimes you just fall into something because of your mutual friends. Like tonight when Mario Bustamonte messaged me about the Elis Paprika tour in Mexico. Sure, I tried to get Elis a US tour but it didn't happen. I’m so proud they have such a robust tour in Mexico right now and Mario is helping promote it. Then, I got him to tell me about his own band, Sierra León for which he plays bass. Whew, I checked out their videos and was blown away, plus they have toured China. I stick my finger in the air, slash down once and smile when my day includes finding a tremendous band like Sierra León that I previously knew nothing about. Check them out, they will make you smile like they did to me.

June 26 - You know, the years I spent at United Artists Records in the 70s had me clocking virtually half my time on the road with the many English musicians we had on the label. And when you live with the British 24/7, you absorb the slang and it just becomes a part of you. I still say “cheers” and heard one of my favorite UK slang expressions today "sussing" meaning “figuring out” following BBC news on Brexit. We will be sussing the impacts of this one for a while.

June 30 - I want to thank the guys from Lujuria for joining me for a wonderful dinner at Malbec Argentinian restaurant in Pasadena on this very tough day for me. Their camaraderie over dinner made it much easier to deal with June 30 being one year since I lost my Dad. Thanks guys for making it a little easier for me. And, they want to play one more LA show before they head back to Argentina, July 5. Any suggestions for July 4 (even a backyard bbq)????

July 7 - A big THANK YOU to all who reached out with birthday greetings whether here on Facebook, attending the Banda de Turistas show at Los Globos last night, or shout-outs from my friends currently in Chicago attending Ruido Fest, while others are already celebrating in New York for Latin Alternative Music Conference. Your thoughts and good wishes mean a lot.

July 11 - Always fun to make a trip to Amoeba to see what jems I can find to add to my music collection. How stoked was I to find a rare Erasure single CD with their very cool live cover of "Heart of Glass" on the "B" side (and for just 50 cents). As my friends in Texas say: Dayamn!

July 13 - KUCR reunion Oct. 6—as an original DJ I will be there

Yes, anyone can go in the Alumni Center on campus. All the first-generation DJs like me are planning our own reunion the night before Oct. 5, then going to the general one

I was on campus about a year ago and went to the station and talked to people on the current staff.

Actually Jorge, this is the 50th anniversary of KUCR being on the air, and they still play the station ID I recorded with Janis Joplin.

July 14 - RIP Tuli Kupferberg whom we lost tonight at 86. The Fugs were such an important part of my college years and of all of us involved in early KUCR. It should be noted that the Fugs recently performed a show supporting Bernie. Oh Tuli, I loved your sense of humor.

July 15 - Un grande FELIZ CUMPLE to Ms. Linda Ronstadt who is celebrating her 70th today. Linda never forgot that KUCR was instrumental in breaking "Different Drum" when she was in the Stone Poneys at the very beginning of her career. She introduced me to so many key musicians and music industry figures upstairs at the Troubadour. One of the most beautiful people I have ever met.

Chuy Mitchel: I love Linda! Some of the Eagles members were part of her backing band

Ric: I met them all through Linda

Chuy: wow

July 15 - Pershing Square is gonna be bumpin' tomorrow night, what with the double bill of War and Los Amigos Invisibles GRATIS. Zeth & Karley will be heading over for a little pre-bash for music & more at 5 PM before the concert starts at 8 PM. Just message me and let me know if you will be joining us in Lincoln Heights pre-concert.

July 31 - Woooo, getttn' ready for the EAST COAST TRIP. Watch out Masachesetts, Maine, New York and Pennsylvania, I am about to swoop in Tuesday.

Aug 6 - New Jersey. Well it was great to drive by the Stone Pony and see it was still there, but surprised they bought all the property around to do Stone Pony Summer Festivals. OK. As Bruce said "Greetings from Asbury Park."

Aug 9 - It's great to be back in NY. Gyro Uno pizzeria for lunch today in Astoria and later off to the Mets game (my first at Citi Field) with my friend Rob. Driving and parking has gotten far worse than when I lived here, but it's still fun.

Aug 13 - My Northeast trip continues as I was able to visit and hang out with my friend from my first Philly years Ron, our first get together in 24 years. So many people on this "visiting vacation"are either many-year friends or music business peeps I don't get to see often enough. Regardless, it's been fantastic. Back in LA Aug. 16

Aug 18 - Back in the mid-2000s when I was a consultant to Al Borde, I had the privilege of organizing a seminar of many important people in the entertainment industry to talk to high school Latino seniors about careers they could pursue after college. Tonight, before Lalo Alcaraz spoke to our Democratic group Avance, I had the opportunity to tell him about what happened to me a month ago. I was in the Highland Park Food4Less where I frequently shop, and this young woman came up to me and said "Aren't you the person who put together that seminar at Al Borde with Lalo and all those other entertainment people?" I assured her that, yes, I did and was proud of the outstanding panel to advise these kids. She told me she was so impressed she applied to Cal Arts, was accepted, and went on after graduation to become Art Director for the website of an online cookie merchant. When I told Lalo, we smiled that this might have contributed to her success.

Aug 21 - Finally getting to see La Cuca this Friday after so many years. Sweet.

Aug 28 - RIP Juan Gabriel. Playing my vinyl copy of Juan Gabriel con el Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlan in your memory.

Sure I am into alternativo, but Juan was the biggest musical star EVER in Mexico, perhaps worldwide in our universe en espanol, with amazing songwriting and singing talent. His music touched my heart like so many others. I have always tried to pay respect where it is due.

Aug 29 - Gene Wilder passed away today. I am not a huge movie person, but enjoyed his starring roles. However, I was a much bigger fan of his wife Gilda Radner as one of the original Saturday Night Live stars. Gilda and Gene's relationship made sense as they shared each other's bizarre, wonderful sense of comedy. Yet he lost her to cancer at a very early age, but went on to create memorable comic roles after her passing. It makes me wonder, is it better to meet the love of your life, have a few wonderful years, and then lose that, but keep working. Or, spend your life searching for that special person, yet never quite connecting although still seeking? Still asking that question.

Aug 31 - Had much fun today at the Draco Rosa press conference (a writer and performer I have admired in his solo efforts for almost 20 years now) telling us about his inspirations, work ethic and goals. It was held in the Gibson Showroom, which brings back the memories of the great BMI showcases there.

Sept 5 - So enjoying reading The Wrecking Crew about the top studio musicians in LA recording behind so many great musical artists when I was a high school kid, college DJ and young adult. Fascinating stories about these talented players and the records they played behind.

Sept 8 - Twisted a muscle in my neck or I would have been at Draco's show tonight, but should be back to normal for the Love Star CD release at La Cita this Saturday. Hope to see you there.

Sep 23 - Have political things to do tomorrow, so won't be going to Tocada. BUT WILL be at Union Wed. for La Gusana Ciega, Porter, Siddhartha y mas. Hope to see many friends there.

Sept 24 - How cool to hear Metallica (For Whom the Bell Tolls), Ruben Blades, Cat Stevens, and Yandell all on the same Global Citizens concert. Now it's off to a SAGE benefit.

Sep 28 - RIP John D. Loudermilk, writer of this classic “Tobacco Road” for the Nashville Teens, and so many more.

Sep 29 - Check out the video for "Vertigo" from Sierra León, one of my favorite upcoming bands from Mexico. We are working on putting together a US tour for them in 2017. Who wants to do a road trip with me to see them en Mexicali on Oct. 12 ???

Sep 30 - I am spending a quiet night at home preparing for my 50th high school reunion tomorrow night, just listening to music. People often ask me "What is your favorite album or CD" and kind of snarkingly reply "Depends on what day it is!" But I have to say, in going back and listening to every track on Rockmania in Spanish this might be my favorite en español because each track is perfect. It is one of the first CDs I bought when I moved to San Francisco from New York in '97 to get more involved in the Rock en Español movimiento, and it was put out by a major label, BMG. See if you agree: 1. La Negra Tomasa - Caifanes 2. Paseando Por Roma - Soda Stereo 3. La Ingrata - Café Tacvba, 4. Bolero Falaz - Aterciopelados, 5. Hay Que Pegarle a la Mujer - La Lupita, 6. Pachuco - Maldita Vecindad y los Hijos del 5 Patio 7. Pobre de Ti - Tijuana No 8. Obsesion - Miguel Mateos 9. La Guitarra - Los Autenticos Decadentes 10 Cara de Pizza - Cuca 11. El Microbito - Fobia. This 11 song CD is perfect in every way and introduced me to so many seminal artists I fell musically in love with. Whoever put it together is not credited on the CD and should have been, but this is a classic for all time.

But one thing I should say about this post: this was my introduction to so many wonderful artists who made an impact. However, some out there have just remained in this wonderful era rather than moving on to our great bands of today. Get caught up!

Oct 1 - So wonderful to see many familiar faces and smiles at my high school reunion tonight, and win a bronze medal in the twist contest (congrats Gabe on your gold). Could Dancing With The Stars be on the horizon? And many of us SGHS '66 will be reprising tomorrow at Northwood's Inn at 1 PM for luncheon. A rockin' Matador weekend

Oct 4 - Only one more week until I FINALLY get to see Sierra León live en Mexicali. Anyone wishing to join Giorgio and I to make the trip is welcome to join us—two more seats in the car. “No Somos Los Mismos” This was recorded on their tour of China, and if all goes well they will be touring the US 2017.

Oct 6 - After months of waiting, tonight is finally the KUCR 50 year reunion. Eager to see friends I have not met up with in many years and the various people who have kept the KUCR tradition that we started in 1966 alive through the years. Proud to be an original DJ from the first year the station went on the air.

Bill (Weber) Spencer: Remember me? I was a dorm mate, your freshman year running mate for president/vice-president & a long-time DJ as "Engineer Bill." I am busy in Santa Cruz. Sorry I am missing the reunion. Waiting for you to come visit Chris and I here in the land of UCSC. When?

Ric: Yeah, I kinda figured that out. And do enjoy my split career between music and politics. You talked me into running for class president with you as VP and we won. So pick up my book from Amazon—you are mentioned in it.

Oct 9 - Happy birthday John Lennon. So honored I got to meet you when working for United Artists Records in 1975, glad you took a liking to me, and that we got to go out for hamburgers together. But thanks even more for your incredible contribution to music.

Oct 11 - Sierra León mini tour starts tonight in Mexicali, then Thurs. 13th at Skinny's in North Hollywood (I'll be there) and Sat. Oct. 15 at Moustache in Tijuana (I'll be there). Catch this great band if you can and party with us.

Oct 14 - What a treat to see the first US concert of Sierra León tonight at Skinny's. This is such a robust band with a bright future and I am happy to be doing their radio promo for them. As Joe Walsh penned years ago "Life's been good to me so far." Join us at Moustache in Tijuana, Saturday night as they end their mini-tour.

Oct 14 - Had a wonderful music listening session with Sierra León, and so happy to be heading to Tijuana with them for their show at Moustache Saturday night. Hope you will join us to see the best new band from Mexico in years.

Oct 19 - Today is the world premiere of the new video from Sierra León "Laberinto de Espejos." What a treat to music-party with them at my house and see them live twice in one week—North Hollywood y Tijuana. Hopefully, they will be back in the US again soon for a much larger tour. ENJOY!!!

Oct 19 - Fond memories of Tommy O'Toole, a great band doing their first US tour who have become friends of mine. I continue to give them props for their outstanding contribution "Freedom" on Tributo a Rage Against the Machine that I had the honor of putting together.

Oct 24 - Losing both Bobby Vee and Pete Burns today? Man, 2016 has been a tough year for us losing many of the great ones.

Oct 30 - Finally reading Don Snowden's Make Music Go Bang! The Early LA Punk Scene which I finally found at Amoeba in their book section recently. He mentioned Wall of Voodoo and I thought to myself, ‘wow you have that cassette, but the video is also very cool,’ so thought I would share in case you have never seen it from the early MTV days.

Nov 1 - And with all else that's going on, I have to wish happy birthday to Anthony from the Chili Peppers. As a fan from the beginning, glad you guys are still out there bein' wild

Nov 16 - So glad our remarkable President Obama decided to nominate Vin Scully for a Presidential Medal of Honor. Probably no other play-by-play voice of a team has made more impact as the voice of a sport than Vin. Many of you have complimented me on my "radio voice." But learning how to talk in an expressive way does not come totally naturally. It takes practice and listening. For me, it was listening and learning from my two radio idols growing up: B. Mitchel Reed and Vin Scully. Go get your award with honor, Mr. best baseball announcer ever!

Nov 13 - One of the first great musical discoveries I made when I became a DJ at KUCR in 1966 as an 18 year old freshman was the Mose Allison LPs we had in our small but growing radio station library. We lost him today. But many of you might not know all the cool English musicians who covered him including The Who, John Mayall and so many others. So glad I got to see him live at the much missed Manhattan Beach jazz club the Lighthouse, mid 70s. What a true pioneer.

Nov 13 - Wow, how wonderful is it when a friend you made in 1974 from Montreal seeks you out because you picked him up hitchhiking on your way home from work and offered to cook him dinner and listen to music back then? My brother and I went up to visit Gaetan in 1988 in Canada, but that's the last time I have seen this great friend. Excited that he wants to move his antique sales business to LA and will be glad to help him in any way I can. After a wonderful 2 hour conversation, it is hard to believe that it has been 28 years since we have spoken and hung out. Filled with good vibes.

Chris Stimso: Excellent! Anybody wonder why I decided to start a biz with Ric? 🙂

Nov 17 - Hey, I am going to see one of the very first alternativo bands I became a fan of way back in 1996, Todos Tus Muertos at the Echoplex next Tues. Who among you can I count on seeing you there?

Nov 20 - Looking forward to this coming week: Todos Tus Muertos at the Echoplex Tuesday, then road trip for La Sucursal de la Cumbia's CD release parties in Yuma on Friday, then Mexicali on Saturday. Virtual high five.

Nov 21 - Big day tomorrow: doing my annual baking of thanksgiving Pumpkin Bread, conference chat with Sierra León, then off to the Echoplex to groove to Todos Tus Muertos.

Nov 22 - It seems like a lot of people are not aware that Legendary (capital L on purpose) roc en español band Todos Tus Muertos reunited with original members will be playing at the Echoplex tomorrow along with an excellent cast of supporting bands including Fayucas from Arizona and LA's Quinto Sol plus La Infinita. Do what you can to spread the word about this great band playing with a very strong cast of supporting bands at the Echoplex

Nov 23 - So sad to receive the news that the great music critic and musical author Don Waller has passed on. When I was first hired to do college radio promo at United Artists Records in 1972 by Marty Cerf, our in-house magazine was Phonograph Record Magazine, with backing from cool alternative rock radio stations in various markets like KSHE in St. Louis and KMET here in LA among many others. We had the cream of the crop critics writing for us including Dave Marsh, Lester Bangs, Greg Shaw, and just so many others that slip my mind because this news has me overcome with grief. Don was just a kid starting out back then, but by the mid-seventies we were hanging out at many shows together particularly the much-missed Starwood, enjoying a drink and digging the band playing that night. In the early days, he combined being both a critic and a musician like few others could. What an incredible talent that has left us.

Nov 24 - My wishes for all to have Thanksgiving be a wonderful day with family or good friends. I got to spend it with my two brothers and two nephews with great food, fun family bonding, and intelligent political discussions that did not deteriorate into chaos. Tomorrow, off for La Sucursal de la Cumbia's CD release party in Yuma. Remember, don't get old, get busy!

Nov 26 - A blessing of good Karma is always welcome. Returning from my weekend in Palm Springs, Banning, and Yuma, it started pouring rain when I hit Pomona, then cleared when I reached three miles from my house, so I was able to get the car unloaded in two trips, rain free. And also a big shout out to the many great people I met in Yuma, and many others who I hadn't seen in a number of years. Kudos to La Sucursal de la Cumbia, Fayuca, Mellowbean for great performances.

Nov 27 - Wow, reading Will Romano's Prog Rock FAQ and he is just getting to Vander Graaf Generator who along with Peter Hamil's solo stuff aside from the band were a big musical part of my 70s. So happy to be working with Sierra León who remind me of the great prog-rock legacy of the 70s.

Nov 28 - Look, at my age I get to choose my promotion projects, and it is primarily about the music, but it is also about the commitment to make it happen on the band side. As such, I’m excited after a conference call with Sierra León: I know all five of them are committed to necessary promotion, just like the three guys from Lujuria. You will be hearing A LOT from both Sierra León y Lujuria in 2017.

Dec 5 - Happy bday Richard Penniman (Little Richard). Although I was a bit late coming around as a big fan until my college years (thanks Joel Selvin), so glad I got to see you shred a stage and get an audience to go crazy. You are a treasure—enjoy your 84th.

Dec 7 - So wonderful to be digging into Carole King's autobiography A Natural Woman. And proud that with all the great songs Carole had written with Gerry for others, when she decided to begin her solo career, and the legendary Jan Basham provided both KUCR (and me) a copy of her debut solo LP, we at the station were behind it, promoting "Sweet Seasons" and the whole remarkable album. The rest is history, but glad that all of us at KUCR were part of letting the world know about Carole King, the solo artist right from the first Ode Records LP.

Dec 27 - In April of 1983 I moved to Philadelphia from LA to accept a promotion as political analyst of the company I was working for. No more KROQ! No more MTV! But one of the local stations WAS playing the first single released in the US by Wham! and I immediately became a fan forever. Most of you (like me) have probably never seen this first video they did. Enjoy, and RIP George.


Jan 12 - Happy birthday Mr. Zac de la Rocha. It is a little over 10 years ago that we put out Tributo a Rage Against the Machine en Español. Feliz cumple, and please give us some new music soon.

Jan 14 - I love vinyl shopping. Today. I picked up a vinyl LP version of Miguel Mateos Obsesion LP, which I have loved since I first heard it in clubs in San Francisco and Oakland (interestingly, never heard in New York since it came out in 1990). I love the treasures you can find if you look.

Jan 17 - Always nice to have a conference call with the guys from Sierra León calling me from D.F. with good news that they have been selected to be an OFFICIAL showcase band for SXSW. Road trip! Haven't been there since I went with Delux. Let me know if you will be in Austin and we will p-a-r-t-y.

Jan 19 - Nice to see a cool new single and video “La Piel del Camino” from one of my favorite bands from Argentina, Catupecu Machu.

Jan 20 - Because I am not a musician myself, it is not necessary to make a four-day fling of NAMM. However, when two musical performances harken to me, it is necessary to be there to support. Tomorrow at NAMM, Los Hollywood at 2 PM and Vitera at 4 PM. Looking forward to both sets. And thanks to Cachi of Elis Paprika and Shure for the convention pass

Jan 22 - Attaque77 are FINALLY coming back for a US tour and the only announced dates are Salt Lake City and Wichita??? WTF????

Jan 29 - Right before I was transferred to NY in 1987, I had the opportunity to hear Jane's Addiction a a now legendary concert at the Palomino that also featured them, The Clash, and Dwight Yocum. A wonderful weird bill that proved that LA was still where odd and wonderful musicians could come together. In Trump-o-landia, maybe we should adopt "Idiot's Rule" as our fight back song.

Feb 7 - From the new San Pascualito Rey CD Todo Nos Trajo Hasta Hoy available any minute now. Gracias carnal Pascual for continuing to provide us with great music, dating back to your debut CD which Verdad Y Justicia was proud to distribute in the US.

Feb 11 - I have to admit, I am an avid manilla folder filer. And yes, I have three filing cabinets in my home/office. And every once in a while it is fun to go back through them just to uncover great memories (invaluable when I was writing my book). But this is a fun memory I thought I would share that I hadn't looked at in years: the people I asked for demo tapes when I was looking for a host for El Cohete in 2000 while still living en San Pancho. Some on the list I hear from regularly, some rarely and others not in years:

Monica Posada WRTE Chicago, IL

Carolina Deutenmann, KAOS Olympia, WA

Nancy Castro, WUNA Orlando, FL

Antonio Andrade KPHX Phoenix, AZ

Kolo Barrera y Dalia Zaldivar KHDC Salinas, CA

Ruben "El Chavo" Valdez KHJV, Fresno, CA

Liliana Rodriquez WVUM Miami, FL

Melody Breen y Cata Gonzalez, WBRG, Miami, FL

Andres Mendiolea MORE-FM, Tijuana BC

Miguel Castillo y Silvia Lomeli, Sacramento, CA

Kique Gonzalez, WRIB, Providence, RI

Haz Montana, KSSE 97.1 Super Estrella, Los Angeles, CA

Jose Miguel Molineros, WKPS, State College, PA

Rodrigo Alvarado, Rock en Accion, New York,NY

Axel Barcelo, WIUS, Bloomington, IN

Eduadro Calvillo, WLUW, Chicago, IL.

Pedro Arroyo y Rogelio Hernandez, KCPR, San Luis Obispo,CA

Angel Lopez, KCSB Santa Barbara, CA

Mario "Creature" Ovalles, KSJS, San Jose, CA

Jose Carlos Ortiz WBRQ, Sonocolor, San Juan, PR

Guaca Maya, Bocaddin y La Chilena, KZSC, Santa Cruz, CA

Aburto Gonzalo, WBAi, New York, NY

Quite the list. For those I haven't heard from in years, please re-establish contact. Un abrazo, Ric.

I wish we STILL had THIS MANY cool people on the radio, regardless of the broadcast outlet. It is hard to believe THEY WERE ALL ON BROADCAST RADIO AT THE SAME TIME

Feb 12 - Wow, we lost Al Jarreau today. This is one of my favorite songs from his early years, covering Leon Russell's "Rainbow In Your Eyes." Got to see him at the Baked Potato. Oh Al, you will be missed.

Feb 17 - Let's rock tomorrow night for a great show at Hecho En Mexico in El Sereno: Vim Furor, Marujah, Stars at Night, Carlos SE, Hocus Sister.

Feb 20 - Attention radio people: tomorrow the import CDs of San Pascualito Rey's new CD Todo Nos Trajo Hasta Hoy will mail out to you. Be watching for it.

Feb 28 - So excited to be driving to Austin for SXSW and stopping in Phoenix & Albuquerque on the way to visit friends. Want to support the shows that Sierra León and Aurum will be doing during the festival? Who else among you will be there that I can meet up with and invite to the shows???

March 3 - Just groovin' out to Cuca's Con Pelotas LP which I have never seen for sale in the US. So I got a Mexican pressing through Amazon. Puro rock!

March 7 - Looking forward to heading to SXSW Friday with stops in Phoenix, Albuquerque and Amarillo before I arrive there for Sierra León as an official showcase band. Road Trip!

March 9 - All packed, car 3/4 loaded, messages sent. Now to relax a bit before the long drive to Austin starting tomorrow morning. Looking forward to the third SXSW I am attending, particularly since Sierra León is doing an official showcase Tue. Mar 14 Trinity Hall 10 PM

March 11 - Great set by Keith Sanchez here in Albuquerque to provide a cool beacon of music on the road to SXSW. Tomorrow Amarillo and then off to Austin. Life on the musical road can be so body-and-mind rewarding.

March 16 - Had the pleasure to attend at SXSW the warm up show for Ruido Fest 3 in Chicago this coming July that will also coincide with my 69th birthday opening day of the festival. Let’s celebrate in the Windy City this summer.

March 18 - How nice, when traveling from Austin to El Paso, heard wonderful Tejano radio and then when closer to El Paso listening to Planeta Rock out of Ciudad Juarez: Maldita, AC/DC, Bunbury, Billy Idol, Resorte y mas. Great postscript to a productive week at SXSW con Sierra León

March 20 - Made it home from SXSW (after driving a total of 3235 miles). Ohh, my upper back is sore—need a serious back massage. But had a GREAT time, and glad I drove so I could see friends on the way there and back.

March 24 - Haven't seen King Crimson live since the 70s (when I saw them 3 times) but they will be at the Greek June 21. Who is down for getting a whole group of us to get tickets together and go? Have enjoyed playing King Crimson for so many of you that come to my house for music listening parties.

March 29 - Always have to let the world know when my good friend Jermaine has a gig: what better could you be doing than watching and listening to La Theoria a Los Globos this Friday. Padrino says attendance is mandatory. See you there!

April 1 - Had the opportunity to check out the new location of GnarBurger, the 2nd Burger Records outlet today in Highland Park on Figueroa, and found some classics: Brecker Brothers Heavy Metal Be-Bop, a Wet Wet Wet (English import) and Luis Cardenas, all for a buck. Nice

April 3 - Excited about the Music Industry Reunion scheduled May 17 at the Canyon Club in Agoura Hills. Had a blast at the one in the fall, and hope once again to run into many friends from my early days in the business.

April 10 - Tonight, tonight! Live on Todo a Pulmon on Listen to Jose Moran interview Pascual Reyes of San Pascualito Rey. Tune in for the whole show at 7 PM Pacific and the interview plus a feature of new SPR music will be spotlighted in the second hour.

April 15 - Watch for the new Making Movies CD out soon and then catch them on tour. LA date is Fri. June 9 at Teregram Ballroom, and I hope to see you there.

April 21 - Feliz cumple Mr. Osterberg (Iggy Pop) at 70! I have great memories of us partying in the East Village when I lived in New York City.

April 26 - A twist on today's amusing list activity: Of the 10 bands listed, which did not play The Westchester during the period I had the honor of booking this legendary club????:

1. Volumen Cero

2. Dildo

3. Curanderos

4. Disidente

5. East LA Sabor Factory

6. Enjambre

7. Quetzal

8. Pastilla

9. Maria Fatal

10. La Barranca

Edgar Bautista Zúñiga: Volumen Cero?

Ric Fazekas: Nope

Mario Avila Ovalles: La Barranca?

Ric Fazekas: No, that was probably the most popular show I booked there.

Jorge Nicolás Leal: Quetzal?

Ric Fazekas: No, Quetzal were heroes of mine from my 90s San Francisco days, so I did book them.

Ray Ricky Rivera: Trick question?

Ric Fazekas: Not a trick question.

Victor Sandoval: ELASF

Ric Fazekas: You got it right—they had become Inner City Soul by then.

Ric Fazekas: Ray Rivera, it was East LA Sabor Factory, you guys had morphed to Inner City Soul when I was booking, but you played there before that. But I specifically chose ELASF since I love your early stuff so much (and often play it for musicians who come to listening parties at my house) to give your history a little deserved boost.

May 2 - A taste from the new Aurum CD Cimas, which will be available at the end of the month. It was great to see them and party with them at SXSW in March.

May 7 - So sorry to hear of the passing of Mario Maglieri, long time doorman at the Whisky. When I was a college DJ at KUCR, we arranged with Elmer Valentine to promote shows at the Whisky as a "public service" to our audience since we were a non-commercial college radio station. The free advertising we gave them through this unique loophole got me in and backstage (with a smile and hug from Mario) any time I went there in the 60s and 70s. Got to see early performances of Zep, Cream, Ramones, Velvet Underground, Taj Mahal, Blondie, Talking Heads, New York Dolls, Richard Hell and so many more thanks to Mario providing me both free entry and upstairs access to meet the bands. I owe so much of my musical heritage to you, Mr. Mario. RIP

Teresa Wyatt - Doorman? You mean owner of the Rainbow Room and Whiskey 🥃 bar.

Ric Fazekas - Eventually, but not when I was a kid DJ. He also got me a DJ job at the Rainbow in 1980.

Mychael Smith - Mike "Willy" Dixon and I went with you to the Whiskey and saw the Doobie Brothers, but I think you were working at United Artist then because you got a bar tab and you took full advantage of it and couldn't drive home. Mike and I tried to navigate our way back to Venice in your Falcon with you passed out in the back seat. We got so lost and it took about two hours to find our way back. LOL

May 8 - How fun to attend La Santa Cecilia's new release showcase tonight at Hollywood Forever. They are always amazing to party to—I was at their debut CD release 10 years ago and they are still awesome live.

May 12 - Woohoo, today got the green light to book a flight to Chicago for Ruido Fest 3, July 7-9. Hey, opening night will be my 69th birthday on the 7th, so hope to see a lot of you there to help me celebrate that night and enjoy the other days of this great alternativo festival that is now in its third year and I finally get to attend.

May 14 - Seis Pistos planning US tour for July. Here is "Psycho" from the new CD which is now out. Enjoy the Energy!

May 17 - How fun to attend the music business reunion party tonight for the second time. Got to see so many from my 60s-80s years in the Anglo side of the biz as well as meet a lot of new people who are doing creative things today, and are up for music listening sessions soon. Wow, a truly incredible night!!!

May 18 - Wow, we lost Chris Cornell. I was a Soundgarden fan from their first LP before they became a fixture on MTV. You and your incredible voice will be missed.

May 20 - Well, after 38 (!) hard working years providing the audio for my stereo system, it was time to retire the Technics and replace it with a Samsung set that sounds just fine. Now it's off to the Link Wray tribute at Cody Bryant's Cantina in Burbank.

May 24 - Had a great phone conversation with the Lujuria guys calling Buenos Aires about their plans to play again in the US this summer and the new CD they have recorded. Their compilation Rockeando el Paviemento is available through Cleopatra.

May 28 - A nice long day of partying. First, the memorial for Mario Maglieri at the Rainbow who I had the pleasure of knowing since1966 when I was a DJ on KUCR at 18 and he was the doorman at the Whisky. Ran into many industry people, but missed some that I expected to see there. Was fun to do an interview with the LA Times about knowing and dealing with Mr. Mario, including him hiring me to DJ there two nights a week in 1980. Then off to the punk rock bbq at Union. Damn, don't get old, just get tired from having unqualified fun. LIVE, go out and do it!

May 29, 2017 - After a wild day out yesterday, it's good to sit home and read about our rock and roll history. I’m enjoying Love Goes to Buildings On Fire,which so awesomely details NY rock and punk in the 70s. Loved when I would often get back to NY as part of United Artists Record promo in the 70s, but did not live there until the late 80s. I love my life in Cali, but it was always special to spend time in NYC, living there and partying/promoting there.

June 3 - Every once in a while you look back on things you made happen, like a music album, and listen to the CD all the way through. And one that I am most proud of is putting together Tributo a Rage Against the Machine En Español featuring Timmy O'Tool, Dragon Zaga, Spigga, Stoic Frame, La Banda Skalavera, Nefalim, Inner City Soul, Coatl, Pro-fe-cia, Afixion, y Cabezo de Gallo. Here is a bit of Timmy performing "Freedom" live.

June 4 - Music listening party at my house after the Kinky show at Levitt Pavilion.

June 5 - On June 5, 1964, the Rolling Stones played their first concert in the USA—at Swing Auditorium in San Bernardino. I didn't move to the Inland Empire until two years later in 1966 to attend UC Riverside. But through KUCR, sure saw many great shows at Swing. Which is your favorite?

Jun 6 - Since I will be in Chicago for Ruido Fest July 5-11 and will be celebrating my 69th birthday at Ruido July 7, this show at The Airliner July 1 will be my LA 69th birthday party. Hope all my LA peeps can come for the great music and to help me cheer on reaching another year.

June 6 - New Seis Pistos CDs on their way from Mexico so I can mail them to alternativo US radio programs. Get ready to rock!

June 8 - Listening to the new Cafe Tacvba CD, which just arrived in the mail today. So sweet to the ears, they are the best.

June 9 - Going to see my friends Making Movies tonight at Teragram Ballroom who are on tour to promote their incredible new CD.

June 12 - Hey radio people, the Seis Pistos new CD Nunca Digas Nunca arrived from Mexico today, so they will be in the mail to you tomorrow.

June 20 - Hey, who's going to Kinky free at Levitt/Mac Arthur this Sat. night at 8 PM? We can have a little "liquid /music pregame" at my place if you want.

Edgar Bautista Zúñiga: I'll be going Ric!!! By the way, thanks for the Seis Pistos CD. It was perfect timing because I had interview Ivan just a few days ago

Ric Fazekas: awesome

June 20 - The pressure we put on Levitt two years ago to once again increase Latino artists at Levitt/Mac seems to have worked for their lineup this year. Thanks to all who responded to my pleas to complain to them about the decline two years ago.

June 25 - Hey, check out this very cool interview with my friends Los Seis Pistos, and their new CD Nunca Digas Nunca. How time does fly, I became musical friends with these guys almost 20 years ago in 1998. They are still puro rock.

June 26 - Only a few days away from my LA 69th birthday party Sat. July 1 at The Airliner en mi barrio Lincoln Heights, featuring my friends Vim Furor, Marujah, La Chamba, y Las Cruxes. Damn, the lineup couldn't be better if I was still booking the Westchester and put it together myself! But remember, this is my LA bday party, the official one, on my actual birthday July 7, will be at Ruido Fest in Chicago, opening night. Hope to see my rocker friends at one or the other or both!

July 1 - Tonight's the night—help me celebrate my birthday at The Airliner in Lincoln Heights with the great musical talent of Vim Furor, Marujah, La Chamba, and Las Cruxes.

July 4 - Counting down the time before I hop on a plane for Chicago, Wednesday to attend Ruido Fest and party with all my Windy City rockero friends.

July 5 - Sierra León added to Ruido Fest lineup Sunday the 9th. This is like having your kids admitted to Harvard on a full scholarship. We will party in Chicago!!

July 6 - Arrived in Chicago for Ruido Fest and staying on the Southside with my friend Frosty. So many memories, as I was born on the Southside of Chicago and spent the first five years of my life here before my family moved to California. Up for a fun stay!!

July 8 - Had a great time yesterday celebrating my birthday at Ruido Fest (thanks to all the well-wishers). Outstanding sets by Titan, Desorden Publico, and Adan Jodorowsky. It’s always fun to arrange media interviews for Sierra León who play Sunday. More musical fun today.

July 9 - Remember, Sierra León opens the show at Ruido Fest today, so get there early to the Green Stage.

July 10 - Of course it was thrilling to have Sierra León open the third day of Ruido Fest with a well-received set. But seeing my old time friends Victimas del Dr. Cerebro do probably the most amazing performance of great songs and audience involvement that I have seen in at least 10 years, truly made my day. Was fortunate to become friends with them in the JC Fandango hey day, and they just keep getting better and better.

July 11 - Back in Lalaland after a wonderful week in Chicago, including three days of great music and friends at Ruido Fest. Didn't get to see all of my Chi-town buds, but got to hang with many of them. You can bet I will not let another 18 years pass before I go back again like I did this time.

July 13 - Laying low tonight, but looking forward to Yayo's birthday celebration tomorrow and rock en español party at The Airliner Saturday. 4-10.

July 25 - Looking forward to Vim Furor and Jheison Lopez Band at La Cita tomorrow night Wednesday. Hope to see many of you there.

July 27 - Fun night yesterday at La Cita with Jheison Lopez Band and Vim Furor, two incredibly talented bands.

Jheison Lopez B: Thank you for your support Rick , I'm really glad you liked my band . See you Saturday.

Aug 3 - New video “All My Friends are Dead” from my friends Elis Paprika, and now that they have their performance visas, will be touring the US soon!

Aug 9 - Two very important people in my life have left us in the last 24 hours. Being an Angels' fan since they became a team, Don Baylor was an early hero. Also, I feel fortunate to have seen Glen Campbell at the Palomino as a KUCR DJ just when his career was starting to take off. Both these talented men will be missed.

Aug 11 - BULLETIN: Lujuria will have their US performance visas in 15 days and will be arriving here in LA the first week of Sept. to start doing shows.

Aug 12 - Soon it will be time to see the B-52's free at Pershing Square. The emotional uplift they will provide will help me deal with sorrow over the senseless carrying on in Charlottesville by neo-nazis.

Aug 18 - When an incredibly hot band like Cherry'z come to LA from Mexico, what do you do with them between interviews and playing and music listening? You take them to Amoeba! We are meeting up to head there around 3pm, then a media interview at 7pm, and music listening at my house after. Sounds like Friday Aug. 18 will be a fun day.

Cherry'z: Amigos!!! Queremos agradecer a Ric Fazekas por el recibimiento que nos dió en su casa estámos planeando nuevas cosas con él, ya pronto les contaremos de que se tratarán, yeah! De igual manera a nuestro gran amigo Emmanuel Garcia por toda su ayuda, eres el mejor! Esto todavía no se termina.

Aug 19: Had fun listening to music all day Tues. with Cherry'z from Mexico (who are touring the US). Glad they had so much fun—they want to come back Friday for more music. You are welcome to join us. Message me.

Aug 22 - Wow, only three more weeks til Elis and band (Ellis Paprika) return to LA!!! I'll be there for the show and you can bet we will all have a music listening party. Stay tuned!

August 24, 2017 - Wanted to wish David Freiberg the original bassist from Quicksilver Messenger Service a happy birthday. Can't believe we have known each other 50 years. Proud to have been part in bringing them to play UCR waAAY back. Party on

Mychael Smith: Hey Ric, I need your help. Was the horn band from England (70s) called "Moms Apple Pie" or was that the name of the album. It had a very controversial album cover that I think was banned in the US. You gave me a copy way back when. Thanks

Ric Fazekas: No, they weren't from England, they were from Brooklyn. The original cover from the first album had a grandmother serving a pie and the pie slice was a vagina. When many chains would not stock the album, the pie slice was changed.

Mychael Smith: So, What was the name of the band?

Ric Fazekas: Mom's Apple Pie

Aug 25 - How much fun to see Quetzal live (and for free) at Fig & 7th tonight, plus a great opening DJ set by Mark Torres. Hard to believe it was 20 years ago in San Francisco (when I first moved there from NY) that I first saw Quetzal and became a fan for life. You should have been there!

Aug 26 - Lovin' listening to Viva Malpache on Travel Tips to promote their reunion show at Mal's Bar Sat. Sep. 9. I will be there and you should too.

Sept 1 - Charo has a new CD coming out later this month. Which got me thinking about dancing to Borriquito when I was still in my 20s. How time flies when you are having fun.

Sept 2 - While there are many great shows in LA this Sept., these are the four "must be there" ones for me: Sept. 4 Poncho Sanchez, Ozomatli y Buyepongo at Grand Park on Labor Day. Viva Malpache reunion at Mal's Sat. Sep. 9. Elis Paprika y Los Hollywood @ The Hotel Cafe Wed. Sep. 13. & Viernes Verde Sat. Sep. 23 @ Union

Sept 2 - How cool to hear Very Be Careful perform live on KPFK's Travel Tips for Aztlan. What could be a better treat if you are home on a Sat. fighting the heat?

Sept 3 - It's Labor Day weekend, so what am I doing?—shopping for LPs at Record Jungle in Montebello. Some good finds—mid 80s Everly Brothers produced by Dave Edmunds containing songs by Paul McCartney, Jeff Lynne and Frankie Miller, a great LP from El Fabuloso Conjunto Capri, a rare Bananarama remix, and "To Sir With Love" by Lulu. I still love to shop for music going through the stacks to discover a few treasures.

Sept 11 - How cool to music party with Elis Paprika and their posse (including Heidi from Los Hollywood) while they are doing a West Coast tour. Catch both bands at Hotel Cafe this Wed. Sept. 13. I will be there, you should too. And a shout-out to all who packed Mal's for the Viva Malpache reunion this past Saturday. Great performance and I saw SO many people I had not seen in years. Come out this Wed. and we will do it again.

Sept 12 - Remember, tomorrow night Elis y Los hollywood at the Hotel Cafe. Hope to see LOTS of you there!

Sept 15 - Looking forward to the week coming up as Lujuria arrive from Argentina for an extended LA stay and a series of shows, and the great Guatemalan band Viernes Verde finally return to LA (at Union Sat 23) for their first show here in many years. Oh yeah!

Sept 18 - On the eve of their extended stay in the US based out of LA, here is the awesome new video from Lujuria for "Electricity" from their most recent CD. Get ready for the explosion!

Sept 24 - Guatemalan greats Viernes Verde treated us to a fantastic non-stop two hour set. Plus they gave me a shout-out from the stage and a vinyl copy of their new recordings. As Rod Stewart sang, "Some guys have all the luck."

Sept 28 - With all the tributes to Hugh Heffner posted I have yet to see or hear one that also includes the fact that Hef also started a record label, Playboy Records that not only included Paul Bass' group (he is the guy who trained me to be a recording engineer before signing with Playboy) but also LA Chicano rock band Yaqui, among quite a few others.

Sept 19 - Tomorrow night, El Leon y Alma de Jade at Casa del Cuervo in Downey. I'll be there rockin' out, will you?

Sept 30 - Tonight, I will be at La Casa Del Cuervo in Downey to party with my L-O-N-G time friends, El Leon with good guys Alma de Jade opening! Dayum! rock n roll

Oct 13 - So happy my first night on the town post-op was to celebrate my buds Lujuria arriving in LA for an extended stay and playing the Whisky. Ah, the Whisky, last night I was thinking: 'Fifty-one years ago this month I first entered this venue, and that was to see the Doors. Rock keeps you young and healthy.

Oct 18 - Very cool meeting today with the Lujuria guys and Benny from Cleopatra Records about upcoming plans the label has for the band. I'm pretty jazzed.

Oct 25 - I am back to normal, helping to coordinate Lujuria's US residency and negotiations with Cleopatra Rec. for what's coming up and the possible release of their new CD through them, also distributing my favorite Viernes Verde track to my radio amigos from their new vinyl LP.

Oct 28 - Pretty tasty lineup at Los Globos tomorrow night: Kardo, Nosis, Puerto Aero, Miercole de Ceniza, Alma de Jade, Radio Viejo. Think I might just have to be there for this local talent showcase. Will I see you there????

Nov 7 - March 17 & 18—Vive Latino!!!! with so many bands scheduled that are friends of mine. In all my years working in alternativo, it has been my ultimate dream to attend this festival. But something always came up to keep me from going. BUT NOT THIS YEAR!!!!! Marzo en DF, party time.

Nov 7 - How cool to be joined by eight other panelists from the entertainment industry who also are UCR alumni to advise current UC Riverside students who want to get into the entertainment industry when they graduate. Fun dinner and networking thanks to the UCR alumni association.

Nov 9 - Rockin' at the Gibson Latino Showcase with Lujuria. Thanks Marujah for a great show and inviting us.

Nov 13 - Looking forward to my Argentina buds Lujuria playing La Cita this Wednesday night (15th). Hope to see many of my friends there. Or you can catch them this Saturday the 18th at Universal bar & Grill.

Dec 1 - Lujuria KICKED ASS at their LATV taping today. Watch for it to air sometime in January.

Dec 13 - I'm reading this great book Unknown Legends of Rock 'n' Roll by Richie Unterberger and he has this great chapter on the Dils who evolved into a band I fell in love with in the early 80s called Rank & File. They combined punk and country, and in addition to the Kinman Brothers, featured a very young Alejandro Escovedo, before he went solo. Ah the memories.

Dec 21 - So proud of Sierra León!!! Their most recent single "Lacerado" is #16 on Reactor's Top 105 songs of 2017. Way to go guys—it just keeps building!!

Dec 29 - Listening to the two volumes of the Roots of Chicha (psychedelic cumbia from Peru and Colombia dating back to the 60s). I had one CD already, and these two add to the collection. Sweet.

Dec 31 - Will be ringing in the New year with the dynamic sounds of Lujuria at the Redwood DTLA. If you haven't made plans, join us.


Jan 5 - So sorry to hear of the passing of Rick Hall, of Fame Music. During my years at United Artists Records, I was fortunate to meet Rick, discuss music with him and promote the quality music he provided us.

Jan 8 - Cherry'z from CDMX at the Whisky Jan 17 and Hecho En Mexico Jan 19. Come party with us both days.

Jan 15 - Woohoo! Lujuria at Redwood tomorrow night, Cherry'z at the Whisky Wednesday. LA will be rockin'!

Jan 20 - How cool to hear Franco and Burton from Lujuria jam with Cherry'z on the final date of their US tour. When you are dealing with great musicians, there are always special moments to put a smile on your face.

Jan 23 - A big welcome to Elis Paprika & the Black Pilgrims who begin their US tour Jan. 30. Glad you finally made it back here!!!!!!!

Feb 16 - Jeff Austin Addison: Wait, are you the same Ric who managed my band, Hammerhead in 1975?

Ric Fazekas: Y-E-S, I do rock en español these days.

Jeff Austin Addison: Hey, Kim Fowley gave me "Monster of Love" by way of a 78-RPM record demo from Mars Bonfire with hand-written sheet music back in 1975. It is the only copy. Remember, Mars wrote "Born to be Wild." It was kind of a hit since it is still being played 50 years later. Terry Brent (the drummer) sabotaged Hammerhead before we could learn and record it. What do you think we should do with Mars Bonfire's song "Monster of Love"? that no one but me knows about?

Jeff Austin Addison: I'll never forget playing at a packed Lighthouse in Hermosa Beach. I had brought my drummer from Hot Lucy who played Gazzarri's and huge dance concerts. After four songs, I put a long slow blues build on the end of "Breakdown." I never looked at my guitar, I just closed my eyes and slowly made my way up the neck of my '72 Gibson SG Deluxe to a crescendo and huge ending. The standing ovation I received became embarrassing after I had got down off the stage, put my guitar away, came back out and they kept clapping for at least a full 11 minutes. Terry Brent's band had to just stand there and wait to start playing covers again. That was my last great Blues solo. I blew out my lower disc later and cannot play guitar anymore (unless it heals, but it has been years). Cedars said it is inoperable. But I am still in therapy so I may play again someday. Everyday I do not play I feel like I am drowning.

Ric Fazekas: Well, remember three of the four of you guys got together for a reunion, and I was there too, maybe three or six years ago.

Feb 26 - Eating baked brie, listening to Cumbia remixes from 2003, talking promo strategies with Mario from Sierra León, reorganizing my album collection to fix tight shelves. What a great day, big smile on my face

Feb 28 - Two weeks from tonight I'll be on a plane with Edgar Bautista-Zuñiga heading to CDMX for Vive Latino. Come-on days, go more quickly!!!!

March 3 - With the fact that I live in the whole Spanish alternativo music scene, I don't often get out to see an Anglo band who sing totally in English. But when I do, it has to be for an awesome listening experience, and that's why I went to see F-71 tonight. Rocked my world, again! Check 'em out.

March 10 - Looking forward to Vive Latino and seeing so many of my friends in CDMX. But just found out tonight that studio time has been booked for me to produce the new single from Cherry'z while I am there. Ah, it is so much fun to keep busy with music.

March 12 - YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! The final countdown, 50 more hours and it's off to CDMX Vive Latino

March 15 - Made it to CDMX for Vive Latino. The fun begins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 16 - In Figuraco Recording Studio producing the new Cherry'z single. Exciting pre-game for Vive Latino

March 25 - So happy to be working with Cherry'z on recording their 2nd CD

March 30 - So much fun to do a music listening party with great local band F-71 and to hear killer tracks from their upcoming release. Smile on my face.

April 5 - Hey, I hope many of you are planning to hit the 2 Minutos / Chencha B show at Bricks tomorrow night. It's my friend Manny's birthday, so it is also a bday celebration. Let's party! I haven't seen 2 Minutos for many years!

April 13 - Great new video from San Pascualito Rey – “No Hay Explicación”

April 27 - Had lots of fun at the F-71 show tonight at Timewarp Records.

May 12 - Spencer Davis Group - Happy 70th birthday Steve! You are only two months older than me (watch for my 70th celebration at Mal's July 7th with a great lineup of bands). This track is important to me as Steve recorded it when he and I were both 17, I was in high school and it was my introduction to the Spencer Davis Group and became a fan for life, and that led into Traffic.

May 20 - In the process of putting together the lineup of bands for my 70th birthday party Saturday July 7th at Mal's Bar. Save the date and we will announce the lineup soon.

May 20 - So excited that Orgullo Cafe has officially decided to do a reunion show for my 70th birthday party celebration Saturday July 7th. More artists on the bill to be announced soon, but save the date!

May 20 - So glad so many of you are excited about Orgullo Cafe headlining my 70th birthday party at Mal's July 7th. But I have to let you know that Vim Furor have also agreed to be on the bill.

May 22 - Wow, got to listen to some advance tracks of the new Parliament recording tonight and it is classic Clinton! 28 years since their last recording. And stay tuned for more artists to be announced for my birthday party at Mal's July.

June 8 - The extremely talented graphic designer (and outstanding bass player) Saul Escobar has agreed to design the flyer for my 70th birthday party at Mal's Bar Saturday July 7 featuring an Orgullo Café reunion, Vim Furor, Marujah, Alarma, y Rango Especiál, and DJ sets by Edgar Bautista Zuñiga and Añe Uno djing between sets. Hope you will join us, and watch for the flyer to be posted in the next couple days.

June 9 - New song (Sonic Ranch) teaser from mis amigos Los Seis Pistos, who have gotten their performance visas renewed and will soon be touring the US. Woohoo, can't wait!

June 10 - I knew that today was the Salvadorian Fest at Levitt, but the Levitt peeps did not announce who was playing. Was jazzed when both Max and Chato of Friguey reached out to me and asked me to attend. What a treat to see them again (it's been five years since their last US appearance). Danced my ass off. Friguey Fiesta!!!!

June 15 - Brand new video by Vim Furor released TODAY (for the song Chicles). See them live at Mal's Bar July 7th for my 70th birthday party. But a reminder, get there early as this show is going to reach capacity and I would hate for you to be turned away. Doors at 8:30 PM

June 18 - Today is the 70th birthday of Columbia Records introducing the 33 1/3 rpm vinyl album (20 days before I was born). It also happens to be the birthday of Mr. Paul McCartney.

June 19 - Listening to the new Zoe CD that I just received in the mail today. It's well done, but they certainly didn't break any new ground with it.

June 20 - Yesterday I posted how I was disappointed in the new Zoe because it was a repeat of what has already been done by them, and not as groundbreaking as their earlier material. Now, they are one of the last major label bands in our whole rock en español world to break big. Do you think EMI is telling them "Don't change, you have a good groove that sells, don't rock (sic) the boat?"

Edgar Bautista Zúñiga: Their lyrics are great and I see a Brit-Pop influence on this new material (something the others don’t have). Personally, I loved it. All the lyrics are mesmerizing and the tunes full of melody and groove.

Ric Fazekas: But there weren't "hooks” there. Good lyrics but tame instrumental support

Edgar Bautista Zúñiga: Ric Fazekas they are exploring more mellow songs and they did amazing, not to mention the meaning behind the name of the album and everything it encompasses. Very politically driven as well.

July 1 - Wow, so many of my cancer-crab astrological mates are having birthdays today: Dan Aykroyd, Debbie Harry, Fred Schneider, Roddy Bottum & Willie Dixon. ¡Feliz cumpleanos! And remember, my birthday party at Mal's is only six days away, Sat. July 7, featuring Orgullo Cafe, Vim Furor, Marujah, Alarma, y Rango Especial, and djing Ané Uno and Edgar Bautista Zuniga.

July 5 - Catch my buds Seis Pistos new video on MTV en México debuting tomorrow.

July 6 - The countdown is ON!!! Hope to see lots of you for my birthday show at Mal's tomorrow night.

July 7 - Thanks to SO MANY who reached out to me with birthday wishes. I hope to party with lots of you tonight at Mal's with Orgullo Cafe, Vim Furor, Marujah, Alarma, and Rango Especial, with dj Ané Uno.

July 8 - A giant Mil Gracias to Orgullo Cafe, Vim Furor, Marujah, Alarma, and Rango Especial for providing a night of true musical magic, supplemented by the masterful Ane Uno spinning memorable tunes in between sets. I also must thank the many music lovers who were there and helped to make my birthday very special. And also thanks those whose schedule did not allow them to be present, but still reached out with birthday wishes. I feel so remarkably lucky to have so many wonderful people a part of my life.

July 13 - Kind of interesting that AARP is advertising in Rolling Stone's Daily online newsletter. Just saying'....

July 21 - Feliz Cumple Ruben Blades, you celebrate your 70th two weeks after mine.

July 22 - My friends Almalafa (desde TJ) will be playing a free show at Levitt/Mac Arthur Park this Thursday night (and Hijos del Sol also on the bill), so I hope you will join me for a great night of music. I enjoyed booking both of these bands at the Westchester.

July 29 - Off to see the Weirdos at the Echo tonight with my rockero NYC friend Edgar Ayala.

Aug 2 - Having fun with mi loco Peruvian rockero friend Edgar Ayala who is visiting me from NYC. Rock on!

Aug 13 - To all my many musical friends in Mexico: As are all of you, I was appalled by Victor Monroy's bi-polar rants. He is a person with serious mental problems, and this rant was definitely his worst. It is a shame he will not get the mental help he needs, but be aware, many of us love the music you make and feel sorry about those posts you made through such pain.

Aug 13 - Hey, we Just lost Laurie Collins, who along with her brother Larry shaped great rockabilly and early rock for me on various TV shows, but since she was 12 and Larry 10, Columbia marketed them as a kiddie act (oh so wrong). I could never find any recorded music by them until many years later when The Collins Kids was released in 1983. This brother and sister team helped shape rock and roll, but few know about them. We will miss you Ms. Voice. Check them out.

So many English guitarists I have met and worked with cited Larry Collins as someone who could MOVE and play guitar—he was their inspiration to play and roam the stage rather than just stand there. The Collins Kids have a huge following in England, whereas few still know them here.

Aug 16 - How wonderful to hear Lawrence O'Donnell interview Smokey Robinson about Aretha's passing. I had no idea they lived in the same neighborhood in Detroit and he knew the Queen of Soul since he was eight years old. I feel so proud and honored that as a KUCR DJ in the 60s, I helped break Aretha when she first signed with Atlantic. We have lost a giant.

Aug 17 - Really looking forward to seeing Very Be Careful at Levitt tonight. Let me know if you plan to be there and we will hook up.

Aug 23 - When opening the mail today I thought I might be receiving another campaign solicitation for fundraising. Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be a pair of tickets for Erasure at The Wiltern for tomorrow night that I won in a raffle! Hey, they are one of my favorite bands from the 80s. How cool!

Aug 29th - Tomorrow night, Alice Bag at Levitt, plus Generacion Suicida opening for her. I will be there for sure—will you?

Sept 2 - Happiness might be defined by finding a very early vinyl copy of Azúcar Moreno doing a killer version of "Oye Como Va" followed by "Ven Devorame Orta Vez" Can you say musical heaven?

Sept 7 - Paul McCartney's YouTube special was pretty intense for me. What an amazing back up band he had, and it was interesting that he was playing guitar rather than bass for the 1 3/4 hour show. Hey, his voice doesn't have the range it once did, but at 76, he still knows how to emphasize key words and phrases to make them sail. I had a smile on my face through almost all of the special, but since the Beatles were such a major part of my high school and college years, I was only brought to tears twice: during "Let It Be" and "Golden Slumber." Thanks Sir Paul for a truly royal performance.

Sept 10 - Just wanted to let all of you know that in addition to my large music library, I also continue to maintain a collection of books both on the music industry and performers, as well as important political stuff. Any of you are welcome to borrow what you would like to read.

Sept 14 - When you have close to 5000 vinyl albums, you are frequently re-organizing them to make them all fit. Today, I tackled the compilation LPs, and got them all re-organized. All the more easy for you to find what you want to hear at the next listening party.

Sept 18 - How wonderful to hear Gustavo Galindo play his new CD live at the brand new location of the Gibson Showroom. As an added plus, he had Josh Sontag playing tasty guitar to his great tunes.

Oct 4 - Two great shows this weekend: Tomorrow night in San Diego at the Merrow is the Tesuque Revolt CD release party with Sister also on the bill, and then Saturday the 19th Annual Eagle Rock Music Festival (4-10 PM) featuring more great Latino acts than I can EVER remember before. Headlined by Cut Chemist, also playing are Almalafa, The Paranoias, ECNO, Subsuelo, Viento Callejero, Nancy Sanchez and many other great bands.

Oct 12 - How cool to once again find treasures when shopping at Amoeba: an English-import pre "Sweet Dreams" EP from the Eurythmics never released in the US, and a wonderful Viento Callejero CD. Life is good when you continue to go through the stacks to find musical wonders.

Oct 18 - I am totally shocked and saddened by the death of Kat Arthur, lead singer of Legal Weapon. I worked with the band during their indie days and even after they signed with MCA. We will miss you Kat, you were an amazing front lady.

Dec 20 - So glad that one of my favorite of all time rock en español bands, Gandhi from Costa Rica will be playing Vive latino this year. I will be there to see them and other great bands.

Dec 22 - Finally got to see the Bohemian Rhapsody film and I loved it–with one minor fault. As someone who has produced bands in the studio myself, I was such an enormous fan of Roy Thomas Baker, Queen's producer from the beginning who certainly helped develop their sound. And someone who's production techniques definitely influenced me, I was disappointed that his major part in creating their unique sound was not more fully acknowledged. Other than being shown at the mixing board once, he was not given enough credit for his vital role in helping Queen develop their signature sound as a band. Other than that WONDERFUL!


Jan 4 - It is always so much fun to go out in search of recorded gems, and I found one today ay Amoeba. Picked up Canciones by Duncan Dhu. Oooh, life can be so good to you when you look for what will appeal to your heart.

Jan 13 - Wow, dancing at Das Bunker Friday, then Enrique and Sandra's last night, and Tempo tonight. Glad the body is holding up so I can still party like it's 1999.

Jan 28 - Woohoo, reading Seymour Stein's autobiography, a music man I truly respect. Here is one of his finest early signings to Sire in 1969 when I was a KUCR dj. We helped make it a SoCal hit.

Feb 2 - Listening to: Eruption, “I Can’t Stand the Rain”. Hard to believe that it was 41 years ago I was promoting this song at Ariola Records. Still sounds great.

Feb 4 - Wow, missing Richie Valens on this day the plane went down and how we at McKinley grammar school wore black armbands the next day. Thanks Luis Zapata, I had never seen this video before even though I am a huge Richie fan. 

Feb 10 - Dolly Parton medley, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ricky Martin in the opening sequence—damn this is the first time I have watched the ENGLISH Grammy's in years. Fun time in the house.

Feb 14 - Booked my flights for CDMX to attend Vive Latino. Who else is definitely going so we can meet up and enjoy the festival?

Feb 19 - How cool to spend a night listening to music with my good friends Elis Paprika & the Black Pilgrims. Let's see them live at The Redwood Thursday night the 21st while they are on their US tour.

Feb 20 - Incredible new video from mis compadres Seis Pistos, “Una Tras Otra” Ft. Tito Fuentes

and hey, watch for their US 2019 tour dates to be announced soon.

Feb 27 - So excited about FINALLY seeing Costa Rica's Gandhi live at Vive Latino March 16. I have loved this band since their debut release El Jardin del Corazón in 1997, and was proud to promote them to US alternativo radio in 2009 for their CD Arigato NO! Here is one of their most arresting song/videos about spousal abuse in front of children from "Ciclos' in 2004. Watch, enjoy, learn, act.

March 11 - Getting ready for Vive Latino 2019. So many great bands I want to see, but the highlight for me will be after 15 years of following Gandhi, I will finally see them live. Let me know if you will be there Saturday!!!

March 16 - For those of you attending Vive Latino today, here (in order) are the bands I will be listening to: Nana Pancha, Mas Chingon, Kill Aniston, Jumbo, Ximena, Division Minuscula, Liquits, Fobia, Caifanes, Gandhi. Hope to see you at one of these stages.

March 19 - I just did one day of Vive Latino because I wanted to catch up with friends on Sunday. But to say I was blown away by all the great performances would be an understatement. Wow, the incredible cast for Santa Sabina XXX—all the original people still with us, the tributes to Rita, choir, Ruben from Cafe Tacvba, what a special set! And of course to finally hear Gandhi live after 15 years of being a fan, and to have lead guitarist Federico give me a "shout out" from the stage—ah yes!

March 30 - LOVE the new Viento Callejero single premiering right now on Travel Tips For Aztlan. You go Gloria!

April 24 - I am SO looking forward to the Music Industry Reunion to be held Monday May 13. At the last two, I got to see so many people that I had not had contact with in years since I moved from the English to the Spanish side of the music world. Should be a fun party again.

May 4 - So much fun to attend the Punk Con get together at my alma mater, UC Riverside. Great panels, good people and a Lifetime Achievement Award to Alice Bag.

May 5 - How totally awesome to attend Remezcla's "Mexico Is The Shit" party featuring great music, beer from Dos Equis and great food. An added bonus was seeing many Latino music business friends. OH YEAH!

May 13 - Looking forward to the Music Industry Reunion at the Canyon Club in Agoura Hills tonight. But I am going to do what I did last year because it worked so well: head to Ventura now to go record shopping so I don't have to fight the 101 commuter traffic going north, then just breeze south a few miles after hitting the record shops. Might as well make it a full day of music.

Joe Brambila: Head down to Malibu and spend the night.

Ric Fazekas: No, I had to head home to talk to John Tovar in Miami about a deal I worked out with Neil Norman of GNP Crescendo Records to put out a Spanish Rock compilation CD. I hadn't seen Neil in 44 years since we worked on Hammerhead's "Summer Nights'' single in 1975 with Kim Fowley.

May 27 - That time of year is rolling around again. I hope you will help me celebrate my 71st birthday at Mal's Bar with Neblina and Coatl playing July 13 as I will be in Miami for my actual birthday on July 7. Let's do it!

May 28 - Ric Shared: Friends in LOS ANGELES! Rad Slam Dancing Party, this SATURDAY at The Redwood Bar with the Boss ELIS PAPRIKA sharing with The Claws, Noble Prix, and Firebug ... it all starts at 9pm, presented by In Fuzz We Trust

Ric: I will be there partying with my friends Elis Paprika on tour from Mexico this Saturday. Hope you will join us.

May 31 - Psychedelic rock legend Roky Erickson died today in Austin at age 71. 

13th Floor Elevators—wow what a band! We will miss you Roky

June 2 - Great musical double header tonight. First Tijuana No (with Ceci), Dub8, and Blanco y Negro at the opening of Levitt, then off to Redwood for a great set by Elis Paprika & the Black Pilgrims.

June 10 - Getting excited about heading to Chicago for Ruido Fest, and re-connecting with so many music friends I haven't seen in many years that live there. Good music and good friend bonding. Right around the corner!!!

June 19 - How great to have a music listening party with Antoneo y Javier after I had finished preparations for my Chicago trip for Ruido Fest. Relaxed and ready to party in the Windy City where I was born. Nice.

June 24 - Chicago, IL, at Ruido Fest. Even without Fobia it was a great time! Had lots of fun partying with my rock en español buddy Eduardo.

July 7 - Since Ringo and I share the same birthday, and I am trying to personally answer all the literally hundreds of birthday wishes I have received, I felt it was appropriate to say I get by (very nicely) with a little help from my friends. Thanks to all of you.

July 13 - I found a rare Kinks Live album from their early years at Freakbeat Records annual birthday sale. I wonder if I play it loud enough if it will turn the power back on in Manhattan?

July 27 - Who is going to the free show tonight at Pershing Square featuring Aterciopelados, y Elefante? I'll be there 7:30pm.

Aug 10 - You know it's gonna be a great day when you are shopping at Food4Less and "Rock & Roll High School" comes on the PA system.

Anonymous: Were you aware Louis Stetzel from our USIS/Bullet/Detente days was the FOH sound man for years with Los Lobos prior to his passing close to 20 years ago now. Louie prior to Los Lobos had been house mixer for the Whisky for quite some time.

Ric Fazekas: No, I wasn't aware until now. . . Wow, now it hit me. I lived with Louis & Gina in Fullerton right before Teichner/USIS transferred me to their Philadelphia headquarters in 1983.

Aug 24 - Had a great time at the JLB show this afternoon at Plaza Mexico in Lynwood. We need more of these showcases. 

Jheison Lopez: Thank you for coming, we were happy to see you!

Jheison Lopez is with Ric Fazekas: Special thanks to Quetzalcoatl Band for inviting us, my band JLB for rocking the stage, and Lalo Tellez and Perez Amador, FM Radio Picardía in Santa Ana, and el Padrino Ric Fazekas for the support.

August 25 - Road trip! Got my airline tickets booked today to join Sierra León for their live shows in Colorado and New Mexico next month. Still lovin' it after all these years.

Aug 15 - Sierra León US tour dates!!!!!!

Aug 30 - Excited about being videotaped at my home for a new documentary on KUCR, the college station at UC Riverside that I helped shape into a powerhouse in the late 60s, early 70s. Mark Lewis a former KUCR DJ from the 80s is doing the doc. We just finished recording my segment. Should be fun.

Sept 8 - Sierra León were awesome tonight in Fort Collins. Eager to hit the road with them for the three shows in New Mexico. Humming Willie Nelson's "On The Road Again" while I write this.

July 7th 2019: Since Ringo Starr and I share the same birthday, and I am trying to personally answer all the literally hundreds of birthday wishes I have received, I felt it was appropriate to say I get by (very nicely) with a little help from my friends. Thanks to all of you.

Oct 30 - Looking forward to seeing my buds Making Movies on their latest tour—LA show Thurs. Nov. 7 at Moroccan Lounge.

Sept 10 - Record shopping in Denver at Wax Trax I found a Temple of the Dog cassette. Woohoo—fun listening when I get back to LA. Off to New Mexico tomorrow with Sierra León.

October 2, 2019 - Oh wow! Just purchased my ticket to hear Patti Smith talk about her new book at the Alex Theater in Glendale Oct. 9. And I get a copy of the book too!

Oct 4 - Today is a very solemn day for me. It is 49 years ago that we lost Janis Joplin. After finishing a recording engineering class at Sound Sync, I heard the news on KPFK when I got home from class. I burst into tears—Janis and I had become friends at Big Brother’s first SoCal show at the Golden Bear in 1966 when I was an 18 year old kid. RIP Miss Voice

Oct 12 - Whew!!!! Just got turned on to Queens Land, an all girl extremely hot band from Colombia, and am excited we may be doing some work with them in the future!!! Every day provides a new horizon.

Oct 27 - How much fun to attend the Pro-fe-cia 20th anniversary show at the Whisky tonight, with Alma from Coatl guesting on a few vocal harmonies. And seeing Israel, Alex and Irene and many more—cool party. Thanks Freddy & Noe

Nov 13 - On this day nine years ago I finally got to see Ska-P at Pico Rivera Stadium after being a fan for many years. Good memories. I think I actually introduced Inspector at this show who played earlier.

Nov 14 - Watching the Latin Grammys for the first time in a few years as my friends Making Movies will be showcasing the single they recorded with Ruben Blades.

Nov 15 - Looking forward to Ozomatli, the reunion of Manantial de Fuego, and Tommy Mora at the Canyon Club in Santa Clarita tomorrow night. Great bill—who else is going?

Dec 6 - Enjoyed the KUCR history celebration and photo gallery show at the gallery in Riverside. Hard to believe that period of my life was 50 years ago. Not too many my age there though.

Dec 23 - Thoroughly enjoying reading Keith Morris’ bio "My Damage." Keith and I use to listen to King Crimson and Genesis at my house in Venice before we both got into punk rock. Good memories of all those bands from that era in the 70s.

Dec 28 - How incredible to hear David Lawrence pay tribute to his Mom Edie Gorme on Travel Tips For Aztlan. Wow, Steve Lawrence & Edie Gorme were one of my parents favorite duos when I was growing up. Was not familiar with her great catalog en español until tonight. Gracias David y Mark y KPFK.


Jan 4 - All set for my trip to Bogota Jan. 19 with flights set, Airbnb house booked and lot's of live music to make me smile.

Jan 17 2020 - All set for my trip to Colombia Sunday except for packing the suitcase. Shuttle set, CC made aware of travel and where, bank notified. Was going to attend a post NAMM showcase tonight, but worn out taking care of all the last minute travel details. So I will just kick back at home tonight and dream about how much fun the Next Step Music Festival en Bogotá will be. Glad I am still young enough at heart to do stuff like this.

Jan 21 - All set to be a part of the Next Step Festival Rock Panel later today. We prepped for it yesterday. Having fun in Bogota.

Jan 22 2020 - Went to a record store here en Bogota but they knew the real value of what they were selling so no bargains. I wont overpay for what I want. But it was fun looking thru the stacks.

Marco Antonio - So, Ric, the real value of something, is overpriced to you? Lol

Ric Fazekas - When you have limited resources, yes. At 5000 vinyls in my collection, I look for bargains to fill in the slight holes. Going to another record shop later today.

January 25 202 - Had a wonderful time in Colombia hearing great music and staying with the US band Helius (managed by John Tovar) in the house we all shared. Headed home last night, and got home OK today. But once again, in the 50 years of flying on airplanes, I cannot sleep on a flight! Does anyone else have this condition? So I am 24 hours without sleep, but still functioning before a relatively early crawl into bed for some needed zzzzzzzzzzzs later tonight.

UMZAC is my favorite band from the festival en Bogota—great performers, unique and wonderful people. I'm having a blast.

Andres Felipe Moreno - Thanks for all Mr Ric!!!

Diego Ardila: Grateful for the opportunity to show you our music.

Ric Fazekas: Hey Diego, I have been playing your music for people here in the US and they like it

Deigo Ardia: Ohhh thank you... UMZAC is grateful to you for being such an important fan and friend for us... This message puts our hearts to vibrate and keep working on this life project (Carolina Samir Karen Andres Carlos Daniel Cristhian Yizux)... Today we've been rehearsing in acoustic format, I I'll show you how it sounds very soon.

Jan 28 - Wow, Bacilos are doing a US tour in March & April. This is a must to see. April 10 at The Wiltern here in LA.

Feb 1 - Who 's heading over to Bricks tonight featuring Los Hijos Desobedientes, JLB, Miercoles Ceniza, y La Cachimba? I'll be there—let's party to some great music!

Feb 5 - Great news!!! Amoeba Records will move to its new location 6200 Hollywood Blvd. sometime this fall.

Feb 15 - Have finally finished re-spacing both my vinyl collection and my CDs so they are not too crammed in. Who is up for a music listening party before I head off to SXSW next month????

March 6 - We lost McCoy Tyner today, probably one of the greatest jazz keyboardists of all time. I was fortunate enough to see him live at the Lighthouse.

March 7 - Today could have been a sad day for me, as it is the 11 year anniversary of my Mother passing away in 2009. However, there is a great special (currently airing on KVCR) about the 50s that my Mom, my grandmother and my great grandmother taught me to sing along to that we played on our basement jukebox in Chicago when I was 3-4 years old. On this day of her passing, this wonderful music has provided great relief.

March 21 - Nice way to start a Saturday morning checking the piles of emails to come across a mailing of the new Bunbury video "Cualquiera en su Sano Juicio." Put a smile on my face to watch and listen.

March 23 - Slim’s closed for good after more than three decades at the heart of SF’s music scene. When I first moved to SF from NY in 1997, I saw La Barranca at Slims two weeks after my arrival. Became a fan of the band for life, and put out two of their CDs thru Verdad Y Justicia and their manager Sari Rios.

April 5 - A lot of people are playing this game, so I will throw in my two cents. "Name eight famous people you have met, 7 will be true and one a lie." 1. John Lennon 2. Janis Joplin 3. Alex Lora 4. Bob Dylan 5. Brian Jones 6. Robert Plant 7. Elton John 8. Zach de la Rocha. Guess which one?

Alessandro Morosin: I bet you never actually met John Lennon

Ric Fazekas: Wrong. I met him while working for United Artists records in the 70s.

Linda Acosta: Janis?

Ric Fazekas: No, I met Janis when Big Brother played the Golden Bear in Huntington Beach in October 1966, I was 18.

Elpinche Sekta: Brian Jones?

Ric Fazekas: nope, met him at Monterey Pop Festival

Camilo Arenivar: Elton John?

Ric Fazekas: No, I actually put on one of Elton's first US concerts at Riverside City College in 1970. Two years later when I was working for United Artists Records, Elton chose our label group Family (from England) to open for him and I spent many days on that tour.

Harry Dustin Wrote: Dylan?

Ric Fazekas: You got it.

April 9, 2020: With this whole "stay in" thing and the rain we have had here in SoCal, I pulled out the very first dance tape I made en español in preparation for my drive from NY to California when I was moving back in 1997. This was all stuff I would play on jukeboxes when I went out, or danced to with my friends. (Yes, I was starting to get into roc en español, but still more into bailando!, after all I lived in Queens) 

Maria - Ricky Martin, Llego La Triba - Latin Tribe, Vive La Nuestro - India y Marc Anthony, I Like It - Black All Stars, La Quena del Swing - Los Hermanos Rosarios, Haste Maña - ABBA, Obsession - Marta Sanchez y Slash, I Will Survive - MerenbootyGirls, El Burro - Dr. Nazz, Side 2: Where Do You Go (en español) - No Mercy, I Like To Move It - Reel2Reel, Nadi Entiende - 8 Tribe, Bachata House - Latin Tribe, If Madonna Calls - Junior Vasquez, Mi Tierra - Gloria Estefan, A Que Ta Pongo - Ilegales, Ochie Coochie - Latin Tribe, Pumpin' - Proyecto Uno.

Brings back great memories.

April 21 - I just found out we just lost Ian Whitcomb. "You Turn Me on" was a hit when I was in high school in the 60s even if it was a bit ‘suggestive' for the times. I had the pleasure of booking a college tour for Ian when I was head of College Radio Promo for United Artists Records. Such a great writer, performer and musicologist. You will be sorely missed.

Tim Devine replied: Wait! Ric Fazekas!?!? Are you the same as RICH FAZEKAS, former college promo guy at UA Records on Sunset across from Hollywood High? I have been asking about you FOR YEARS!!! (No one knew). I remember I used to get my Hawkwind and Man promos from you at UA when I was either a high school music writer or began in college radio (at KCSN, then UCLA then Berkeley.) Not sure where we left off but where are you now? (I have literally asked 100 people if they know you and only one did, Kevin Patrick.) OMG! Christmas at the Patti! Wow!

Ric: Yes, it is me. So good to hear from you Tim. In the late 90s I made the transition from English rock to Spanish rock. I attempted to get the rock en español radio program El Cohete into national syndication. We didn't succeed in getting the syndication, but I did end up getting a label deal from Navarre in the 2000s with Verdad Y Justicia and released over 70 rock en español CDs. The change from Rich to Ric worked better in the Latino world since it is a shortened version of Ricardo. I just got back from Colombia where I spoke on a music panel and heard some great rock bands. Would love to get together with you for a music listening session. 

May 11 - I just got my copy of Kathy Valentine's bio All I Ever Wanted as I was a huge GoGo's fan from the beginning.

May 23 - Loved the UNICEF music special. Great performances by Rod Stewart and Sheryl Crow. But the highlight for me was Cher singing "Chiquitita" en español. Gave me goosebumps.

May 24 - Well, we've lost another great one as I just learned of the passing of Moon Martin who I first got to know when he was guitarist with the essential 60s band Southwind. He went on to play on so many great hit records for various people through the next couple decades while writing hit singles for both Bad Company and Willie de Ville. The Moon still shines. 

June 1 - Listening to: Mi Coronel – El Silencio. Wow, what a powerful statement by my good friend Oscar Coronel. His musical talent is exceptional, and he is also the very best sound engineer I have ever worked with in my career in music.

June 6 - Wow, how cool to hear the Kingsmen doing "Louie, Louie" and Frankie Avalon "Venus" on PBS TV.

June 18 - Today is the 72nd birthday of the 12" vinyl album, with the very first one released on Columbia June 18, 1948. (I was born 19 days later) All 4979 vinyls in my collection are singing quite a rousing version of “Happy Birthday.”

Bob Clevenger” Are you sure about that "vinyl" part?I have a 12" LP from about 1957 that is on acetate, not vinyl.

Ric Fazekas: Acetates were used for advance pressings because they could be done quicker than setting up a vinyl pressing. We use to get acetate advance pressings when we were both at KUCR.

June 22nd 2020 Ric wrote: It was 50 years ago today that I got tear gassed at a Jimi Hendrix concert-the only time I have been tear gassed in my whole life. For many years I was under the impression that because Jimi played a slightly shortened set, the people inside wanted their money back and that is what caused this. Respected musical historian from the Inland Empire Armando Castro informed me of what REALLY happened and that I had the wrong impression. The promoters had over sold the show. Those who could not get in wanted their money back and wouldn't leave until they received a refund. When word got to Jimi's management, they wanted to get him out of there. So when the show ended (which also featured great performances by Grin and Ballin' Jack as opening acts) the police were tear gassing the people who wanted a refund and also tear gassed us who saw the show as we were leaving the auditorium. Another example of police overreaction going back to 1970.

July 19 - We lost Emitt Rhodes today. Was so fortunate that his music was a major part of the end of my senior year at San Gabriel High School in 66 and I was able to support the Merry Go Round with airplay at KUCR when I started my freshman year a few months later. Years later, he was signed to ABC/Dunhill when I worked there and we liked sharing memories. You were an incredible songwriter and performer—we will miss you.

July 21 - Just finished reading Kathy Valentine (of the GoGo's) book All I Ever Wanted. Great read

Jef, I know you are friends with Carla Olsen. Were you aware that she and Kathy formed the band Textones together in Austin, then Kathy left shortly after they moved to LA? I can mail it to you if you would like to read it.

Jef Fazekas: Yep, Kathy actually guested on a song on the new Textones album last year!

And I would definitely like to read it!

Aug 16 - Many of us have been patiently waiting for a new song to groove to from Journey Phamous—and the time has finally arrived. "Fantasy Girl'' fulfills all our expectations. It is a song we can hum, a video to wow our eyes, and certainly put a smile on our faces. Thanks for delivering once again Journey Phamous.

Sept 12 - Rarely in this world do you get two musical wonders that touch your ears, your heart and your brain within 24 hours. That has happened to me. Sam Gerardi sent me tracks I recorded with his band at Sound Sync in Riverside 48 years ago with his band Justin Tusk. And tonight NBC presented the wonderful documentary on Harry Belafonte, his wonderful music, his political activism, the fact he became the first substitute host for Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show in 1968 and the wonderful musical artists he presented. Even in this tough time for all of us, great music can soothe the troubled soul.

Oct 21 - I never thought I would see the day when there was a heavy metal TV commercial for Del Taco.

Nov 10 - FINALLY got to read the Rolling Stone article on Jac Holzman, the founder of Elektra Records who signed such wonderful artists as Tim Buckley, Judy Collins, The Doors, Love, artists whose vinyl records I still listen to today. And Jac is still with us, though retired in Hawaii.

Nov 13 - Filled a hole in my music collection today by receiving the Spanish pressing of Heroes del Silencio's El Mar No Cesa.

Dec 18 - I am very fortunate to have an extensive music collection. This allows me to put on a great song to elevate my mood and put a smile on my face. But it also has the other possibility. It can force me to remember how much fun I had listening with someone else, and so sad that I have to do it all by myself these days. Is anyone else going through this bi-polar weirdness listening to music in this corona shutdown of missing listening with others?

Dec 20 - Netflix Rock in Español doc: Rompan Todo

Alex Villanueva: After you watch it, I’d be Interested to know your thoughts on why you think there’s no mention of the L.A. Rock en Español scene at all.

Ric wrote: Other than when Pastilla actually moved to Mexico, and started to build a following (until bi-polar Victor blew that up), and Enjambre moved back to where they were born, no other bands from the US rock en español scene have made a dent in the Latino market (with the possible exception of Tijuana shows), with one exception. US metal en español bands do have a following all over Latin America, such as Pro-fe-cia. I can't explain why it is only metal. (Will write you more after watching Rampon Todo.) I think there is one more reason. When commercial Spanish radio in the US had their choice of playing rock en español or reggaeton, they chose reggaeton.

Alex Villanueva: Dang. That’s so true. Radio here never supported. It would have changed so much if they did. Only band that had real major distribution was Pastilla through BMG, but I guess all the others only remained local. Thanks for the reply.

Ric: Other than the college and PBS stations I worked with when I promoted you guys.

Alex: Yeah man. That was dope. You did so much for the scene. Thanks Ric.

Javier Casares: The documentary is based on an Argentina point of view. Lots of bands left out! They push Lora, Mana etc. just to get the Mexican viewers on board, but still a good doc!! My two cents

J. A. Morales: Carla Morrison who used to play with her band Babaluca in Los Angeles (even tho not a local) moved to CDMX and made it out there.


Jan 2 - Having seen the Linda Ronstadt TV special, it was time for an LP listening tonight of her great songs in both English and Spanish. It once again proved that she is my favorite female singer of all time. No one else has a voice like that. Plus that she befriended me in her Stone Pony days when I was at KUCR makes it extra special. So sad that her current medical conditions make her unable to sing anymore, but glad I got to see her live many times. Linda, you are the best

I first met Linda at the Troubadour when we helped make “Different Drum” a minor hit (at least in Southern California) for the Stone Poneys before she went solo and got huge. She introduced me to many industry performers at her shows there.

Jan 18 - Phil Spector died today and I have mixed feelings about his passing. I grew up with the wonderful music he produced. I remember in college, Phil was interviewed by Joel Selvin when we were both at KUCR, a joyous moment. I relished the free producing class I was able to take from Phil about how to produce a record. But he was an imbalanced human being and went to jail for killing a lady he was involved with. As flawed a human being as he was, I have to say thank you Phil for teaching me tips to produce even better recordings than I had so far.

Feb 11 - RIP Ed Pearl of the Ash Grove that great folk/blues club on Melrose Ave. I saw so many great shows there in the 60s and early 70s.

May 30 - Ken Fazekas: To all the friends of my brother Rich, I want to send a heartfelt thanks for your prayers, visits, and kindness. Rich went home to be with the Lord on Saturday evening May 29th at 9:10pm. His countenance was peaceful as he passed. He cared for you all. 


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